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glowing on the marble. Waiting.

‘You held fire in your hand, old man,’ said Altaïr. ‘It should have been


‘Destroy the only thing capable of ending the Crusades and creating

true peace?’ laughed Al Mualim. ‘Never.’

‘Then I will,’ said Altaïr.

‘We’ll see about that,’ chuckled Al Mualim.

Altaïr was staring at it, finding it difficult to drag his gaze away.

Gently he rested Al Mualim’s head on the stone, the old man fading fast

now, stood up and walked towards it.

He picked it up.

It was as if it came alive in his hand. As though a huge bolt of energy

flowed from it that lit the Apple and travelled up his arm, right into his

chest. He felt a great swelling that was uncomfortable at first, then felt

life-giving, washing away the pain of battle, filling him with power. The

Apple throbbed and seemed to pulse and Altaïr began to see images.

Incredible, incomprehensible images. He saw what looked like cities,

vast, glittering cities, with towers and fortresses, as though from

thousands of years ago. Next he saw machines and tools, strange

contraptions. He understood that they belonged in a future not yet

written, where some of the devices brought people great joy while others

meant only death and destruction. The rate and intensity of the images

left him gasping for breath. Then the Apple was enveloped by a corona

of light that spread outwards until Altaïr saw that he was looking at a

globe, a huge globe, that hung in the still air of the garden, slowly

spinning and radiating warm, golden light.

He was entranced by it. Enchanted. It was a map, he saw, with

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