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Still confident, de Sable pressed forward. ‘Soon this will be over and

Masyaf will fall,’ he muttered, so close with the mighty blade that Altaïr

heard it whistle past his ear.

‘My brothers are stronger than you think,’ he replied.

Their steel clashed once more.

‘We’ll know the truth of that soon enough,’ grinned de Sable.

But Altaïr danced. He defended and parried and deflected, cutting

nicks in de Sable, opening gashes in the mail, landing two or three

stunning blows on the knight’s helmet. Then de Sable was backing away

to gather his strength, perhaps realizing now that Altaïr wouldn’t be the

easy kill he had assumed.

‘Oh,’ he said. ‘So the child has learned to use a blade.’

‘I’ve had a lot of practice. Your men saw to that.’

‘They were sacrificed in service to a higher cause.’

‘As will you be.’

De Sable leaped forward, wielding the great sword and almost

knocking Altaïr’s blade from his hand. But the Assassin bent and twisted

in one easy movement ramming back with the hilt of his weapon so that

de Sable was sent stumbling back, falling over his own feet. The wind

came out of him and he was only just prevented from falling to the dust

by the knights forming the ring, who righted him so that he stood there,

bristling with fury and breathing heavily.

‘The time for games is ended!’ he bellowed, as though saying it loudly

might somehow make it come true, and he sprang forward, but with no

deadly grace now. With nothing more deadly than blind hope.

‘It ended long ago,’ said Altaïr. He felt a great calmness, knowing now

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