(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Ampulla, 355

of ductus deferens, BP93, 366

of ear, 109

anterior, 108

lateral, 108

posterior, 108

of rectum, 350

of uterine tube, 357

Amygdaloid body, 121, 123, 130, 146

Anal canal, 375

arteries of, 380

muscularis mucosae of, 375–376

veins of, 381

Anal cleft. See Intergluteal cleft

Anal columns, Morgagni’s, 375

Anal crypt, 375

Anal glands, 375

Anal nerves, inferior, 306, 361, 392–393,

395–396, 487, 493

Anal pit, 370

Anal region, 3

Anal sinus, 375

Anal sphincter muscle

external, T6.3, 283, 306, 339, 345, 349–350,

359–360, 363–364, 373–374, 376–377,

380, 386

attachment of, 341

deep, 324, 349, 373, 376–378

subcutaneous, 324, 349, 373, 376–378

superficial, 324, 349, 373, 376–378

internal, 374, 376

Anal triangle, 362

Anal tubercle, 370

Anal valve, 375

Anal verge, 375


between medial and lateral circumflex femoral

arteries, 495

paravertebral, 177

patellar, 503

prevertebral, 177

Anastomotic loops

to anterior spinal artery, 176

of ileum, 279

of jejunum, 279

to posterior spinal artery, 176

Anastomotic vein

inferior (of Labbé), 113, 156

superior (of Trolard), 113

Anatomical snuffbox, 402, 434

Anconeus muscle, T7.3, 410, 422, 434–435,

440–441, 468–469

Angle of mandible, 8, 12, 22, 24, 76, 79

Angular artery, 10, 42, 57, 83, 99, 149

Angular gyrus, 116

artery to, 152–153

Angular vein, 10, 84, 99

Ankle, T8.1

cross-sectional anatomy of, 115–116

ligaments of, 518

radiographs of, 535

tendon of, 518

tendon sheaths of, 520

Annular hymen, BP96

Anococcygeal body, 341, 359–360, 377–378

Anococcygeal ligament, 364, 378

Anococcygeal nerves, 393, 395, 487, 489

Anoderm, 375

Anorectal flexure, 400

Anorectal hiatus, 342

Anorectal junction, 343

Anorectal line, 375

Anorectal musculature, 376

Ansa cervicalis, 38–41, 139–140

inferior root of, 39–41, 82, 87, 139–140

superior root of, 39–41, 82, 87, 139–140

Ansa of Galen, 92

Ansa pectoralis, 419

Ansa subclavia, 141, 213, 230–231, 243

Anserine bursa, 498

deep to semitendinosus, 497

Antebrachial cutaneous nerve

lateral, 404–406, 421, 425, 436, 438, 441, 459,


medial, 404–405, 419–420, 423, 425, 441,

459, 462–466

posterior, 404–406, 422, 425, 441, 458–459,

462, 464, 468–469

Antebrachial fascia, 441

Antebrachial region

anterior, 2

posterior, 2–3

Antebrachial vein, median, BP99, 402,

405–406, 441

Anterior chamber

of eye, 94, 100, 102–103

of eyeball, 101

Anterior femoral cutaneous vein, BP107

Anterior plane, 1

Anterior ramus, 177

Anterior root, 177

rootlets of, 174

Anterior root ganglion, 399

Anterior tibial artery, BP116, 512–513

Anterior tibial veins, BP107

Anterolateral system (ALS), BP43

Antidromic conduction, BP41

Antihelix, 8, 106

crura of, 106

Antitragus, 8, 106

Anular ligaments, 208

Anulus fibrosus, 164, 168

Anus, 341, 345, 358, 362, 364, 370, 377

Aorta, BP44, BP38, BP87, 33, 149, 177, 211,

217, 223–224, 233, 244, 309, 323, 325, 327,


abdominal, BP84, T5.2, 185, 266, 271, 274,

276, 278, 291, 295, 306, 311, 313, 317,

324, 330–332, 344, 346, 348, 380,

382–384, 394

ascending, BP57, 149, 219, 221, 224,

227–229, 244, 247

descending, 149

thoracic, 4, 177

ureteric branch from, 317

Aortic arch, BP23, BP57, 4, 87–88, 149, 217

Aortic arch lymph node of ligamentum

arteriosum, 212

Aortic heart valve, BP57, 41–42, 217, 221,


left semilunar cusp of, 225–229

posterior semilunar cusp of, 225–229

right semilunar cusp of, 225–229

Aortic hiatus, 201

Aortic nodes, lateral, 388

Aortic plexus, abdominal, 397

Aortic sinuses (of Valsalva ), 227

Aorticorenal ganglion, BP39, 172, 269,

303–304, 306, 320–322, 391, 396–397,


left, 299, 305, 392, 398

right, 300, 305

Apical ligament, of dens, BP19, 30, 77–78

Apical trabeculations, 224

Aponeurosis, of external abdominal oblique

muscle, 359, 363

Appendicular artery, 280, 294–295, 305

Appendicular vein, 298–299

Appendix, BP62, T5.1, 137, 282

of epididymis, 369, 371

of testis, 369, 371

Arachnoid, 111, 113

Arachnoid-dura interface, 113

Arachnoid granulations, 111–113, 120

Arachnoid mater, 120, 174, 177

Arch of aorta, BP56, BP51, 202, 210, 214–216,

218–219, 225, 229, 235–237, 240, 246

lung groove for, 205

Arcuate artery, BP110, BP115, 314, 503, 512,

521, 527

Arcuate eminence, 18, 105

Arcuate ligament

inferior, 343

lateral, 201, 265

medial, 201, 265

Arcuate line, 250, 254, 256, 258, 262, 334,

338–339, 342, 476

of ilium, 340

Arcuate nucleus, 158

Arcuate popliteal ligament, 499

Arcuate pubic ligament, 359, 365

Arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis, 354

Areola, 188

Areolar glands (of Montgomery), 188

Areolar tissue, 185, 349

loose, 113

Areolar venous plexus, 259


arteries of, BP100, 424

muscles of

anterior views of, 421

posterior views of, 422

radial nerve in, 468

serial cross sections of, 425

Arrector pili muscle, 1–2

innervation to, 172

Arteriae rectae, 294–295

Arterial arches, superficial palmar, 450

Arterial rete, marginal, 107

Arterial wall, BP16

avascular zone, BP16

matrix of, BP16

vascular zone, BP16

Arteries. See also specific arteries

of anal canal, 380

of brain

frontal section of, 152

frontal view of, 152

inferior view of, 150

lateral view of, 153

medial view of, 153

of deep face, 63

of ductus deferens, BP98, 380, 383

of duodenum, 291, 293

of esophagus, BP55, 240

of eyelids, 99

of hypothalamus and hypophysis, BP30

of large intestine, 295

of liver, 290–291

of malleolar stria, 107

of mammary gland, 189

of nasal cavity, 47

of oral and pharyngeal regions, 83

of orbit, 99

of pancreas, 291, 293

of pelvic organs, female, 382

of pelvis

female, 383

male, BP98, 385

of penis, T6.2

of perineum, 386

male, 387

of posterior cranial fossa, 154

of rectum, 380

of round ligament, 382

of scalp, T2.2

of small intestine, 294

of spinal cord

intrinsic distribution, 177

schema of, 176

of spleen, 290–291

I-2 Atlas of Human Anatomy


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