(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Hamstring muscle, T8.1


arteries of, 456, 459

bones of, 446

bursae of, 453

cross section of, 105–106

cutaneous innervation of, 462

cutaneous nerves of, 406

dorsal fascia of, 453

dorsum of, 3

extensor zones of, BP103

flexor zones of, BP103

intrinsic muscles of, 455

nerves of, 456, 459

radial nerve in, 469

radiographs of, 447

spaces of, 453

superficial palmar dissections of, 449

superficial radial dissection of, 457

superficial veins of, 406

tendon sheaths of, 453

Hard palate, BP22, 72, 77

imaging of, 160

posterior nasal spine of, BP19

Haustra, 280, 283

Haversian canals, capillaries in, BP7

Head, 8–160

autonomic nerves in, 142

bony framework of, 22

cutaneous nerves of, 9

lymph vessels and nodes of, 85

nerves of, 82

radiate ligament of, BP33

superior articular facet on, BP33

surface anatomy of, 8

Heart, BP41, BP10, 137, 173

anterior aspect of, BP51

anterior exposure of, 216

apex of, BP51, 216, 218, 248

auscultation of, 217

base and diaphragmatic surface of, 218

conducting system of, 229

CT angiograms, 217

inferior border of, 216

innervation of, 172, 231

left border of, 202, 216

radiographs of, 217

right border of, 202

in situ, 215–233

valves and fibrous skeleton of, 226–227

Heart valves

aortic, T4.2, BP57, T4.1, 217, 221, 225–229

mitral, 217, 220–221, 225–229, 248

pulmonic, 217

tricuspid, 217, 220–221, 224, 226–228

Heel, 2

Helicotrema, of cochlea, BP28, 105,


Helix, 8, 106

crux of, 106

Hematopoietic cells, BP7

Hemiazygos vein, 198, 200, 220

accessory, 198, 211, 235, 241, 247

Hemidiaphragm, right, 217

Henle layer, BP2

Hepatic arteries, 287

branch of, 286

common, 273, 275, 279, 287, 290–291,

293–294, 300, 303, 309

intermediate, 291

left, 290–291

nerve branches of, BP63

proper, 274, 278–279, 284–285, 288,

290–293, 303, 324, 329

right, 290

variations in, BP70

Hepatic duct, 287

common, BP62, 284, 287, 291

left, 288

right, 288

variations in, BP68

Hepatic plexus, 137, 301–302, 304

Hepatic portal vein, T5.2, 221, 233, 241, 274,

276, 278–279, 284, 287–288, 296–299, 324,


tributaries of, 299

variations and anomalies of, BP71

Hepatic veins, 236, 241, 267, 284–285, 296

Hepatoduodenal ligament, 273, 276, 279, 329

Hepatogastric ligament, 276, 285

Hepatopancreatic ampulla, sphincter of, 309

Hepatorenal recess (Morison’s pouch), BP84

Hepatorenal space (of Morrison), 278

Hering-Breuer reflex, 214. See also Stretch

receptors (Hering-Breuer reflex)

Hernial sac, BP59

neck of, BP59

Hesselbach’s triangle. See Inguinal

(Hesselbach’s) triangle

Hilar lymph nodes, 205. See also

Bronchopulmonary (hilar) lymph nodes

Hilum, 205, 289

Hinge joints, BP5


arthrogram of, 534

cross-sectional anatomy of, BP109

MRI of, 534

muscle of, 484–485

bony attachments of, 480–481

nerves of, 493

radiograph of, 534

Hip bursa, 494

Hip joint, T8.1, 477

anteroposterior radiograph of, 478

iliofemoral ligament of, 486

ligaments of, 483

Hippocampal sulcus, 123

Hippocampus, 119, 122–123

alveus of, 123

fimbria of, 117, 119, 121–123, 130

pes of, 122–123

Homologous chromosomes, BP91

Hook of hamate, BP102, 432, 438, 442, 444,


Horizontal cells, 131

Horizontal fissure, of lungs, right, 205

Horizontal plate, of palatine bone, BP29, 11,

17, 23, 43–45, 67, 73


anterior, BP43

posterior, BP43, 174

Humeral artery

anterior circumflex, BP100, 417–419, 421,


posterior circumflex, BP100, 417–419,


Humeral ligament, transverse, 412

Humeral lymph nodes, 190–191

Humeral vein, posterior circumflex, 405

Humerus, T7.1, 4–5, 217, 409, 411, 423,


anatomical neck of, 409–410

anterior view of, 409

body of, 247

capitulum of, 409

coronoid fossa of, 409

epicondyles of

lateral, 409–410, 421–422, 426–428,

430–433, 435, 438, 469

medial, 409–410, 421–423, 426–428,

430–438, 467–468

greater tubercle of, 409–412, 417, 421

crest of, 409

Humerus (Continued)

head of, 409–411, 470

intertubercular sulcus, 409

lateral supracondylar ridge, 409–410


head of, 217

shaft of, 245

medial supracondylar ridge, 409–410

posterior view of, 410

radial fossa of, 409

right, surgical neck of, 245

shaft of, 246

surgical neck of, 409–410, 470

trochlea of, 409

Huxley layer, BP2

Hyaloid canal, 100

Hydatid of Morgagni, 355

Hydrocele, 369

Hymen, variations of, BP96

Hymenal caruncle, 353, 358

Hyoepiglottic ligament, 77, 90

Hyoglossus muscle, T2.5, 34–36, 41, 68–70,

72, 78, 81, 139

Hyoid bone, BP34, BP4, 22, 32, 35–36, 38, 41,

53, 68, 70, 75, 77–78, 81, 87, 89–90, 92

body of, 22, 69

greater horn of, 22, 69, 81

tip of, 88

lesser horn of, 22, 69

Hyperplastic lateral lobe, BP98

Hyperplastic middle lobe, BP98

Hypertonic stomach, BP60

Hypochondriac region

anterior, 2

left, 251

posterior, 3

right, 251

Hypogastric nerve, BP39, 305, 320–321,

391–392, 396–399

left, 394

right, 394

Hypogastric (neurovascular) sheath, 347

Hypogastric plexus, 392

inferior, 306, 320–321, 391–392, 394, 396–399

superior, 172, 299, 305–306, 320, 344, 348,

392, 394, 396–399

uterovaginal, 397

Hypogastric region, 2, 251

Hypoglossal canal, BP19, 15, 17, 19–20

Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), 39–41, 49, 59, 64,

68, 76, 82–84, 86, 115, 124, 128, 139–140

distribution of, 129

in hypoglossal canal, 19–20

meningeal branch of, 139

nucleus of, 127–128, 139

schema of, 139

vena comitans of, 70, 84

Hypoglossal trigone, 125

Hypophyseal artery

inferior, 148, 151

superior, 148, 151

Hypophyseal fossa, of newborn, 52

Hypophyseal portal system, primary plexus

of, BP30

Hypophyseal portal veins

long, BP30

short, BP30

Hypophyseal veins, efferent, 151

Hypophysis, 115, 117–118, 158

arteries and veins of, BP30

in sella turcica, 43

Hypothalamic area, lateral, 146

Hypothalamic artery, 151

Hypothalamic nucleus

paraventricular, 158

supraoptic, 158

Hypothalamic sulcus, 117, 125, 158

Atlas of Human Anatomy I-15


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