(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Axis (C2) (Continued)

spinous process of, BP19, 26, 180, 182

superior articular facet of, BP35

transverse process of, 26

posterior tubercle of, 37

vertebral body of, imaging of, 160

Axolemma, BP11

Axon hillock, BP11

Axon nerve, BP11

Axons, BP11

myelinated, cell membrane of, BP12

Azygos vein, BP84, BP57, 198, 200, 210–211,

213, 220, 234, 241, 247–248, 328

arch of, 236

lung groove for, 205


Back, 161–186

lumbar region of, 185

muscles of

deep layers, 182

intermediate layers, 181

superficial layers, 180

nerves of, 183

surface anatomy of, 161

Ball-and-socket joints, BP5

Bartholin’s gland, 360–361, 371, 386

opening of, 358

primordium, 371

Basal nuclei, 121

Basal vein (of Rosenthal), 155–157

Basement membrane, BP8, BP93, BP16

Basilar artery, 147, 149–152, 154, 176

imaging of, 31–32, 159–160

Basilar membrane, 109

Basilic hiatus, BP99

Basilic vein, BP99, 5, 402, 405–407, 419, 425,

441, 458

median, BP99

Basivertebral vein, BP42, 178

Batson, internal vertebral venous plexus of,


Biceps brachii muscle, T7.3, T7.1, 187, 402,

409, 413–414, 416, 419, 421, 423, 425,

439–440, 463, 465

long head of, 245

tendon of, 246–247

Biceps brachii tendon, T7.1, 412, 415, 417,

421, 423, 428, 436–438

Biceps femoris muscle, T8.3, T8.1, 471,

480–481, 484–485, 492–493, 496–497, 501,

506–507, 510

long head of, 395, 471, 510, 531

tendon of, 494

short head of, 395, 471, 510, 531

superior bursa of, 494

Biceps femoris tendon, 497–498, 501–502,

505, 508–512, 533

Bicipital aponeurosis, 406, 421, 423, 436,


Bicipital groove, 409

Bifid spinous process, 27

Bifurcate ligament, 518

Bifurcation. See Pulmonary trunk

Bile ducts, 137, 173, 286

common, BP62, BP87, 274, 278–279,

284–285, 287, 290–293, 329

sphincter, 287

innervation to, 172

Biliary disease, areas of referred pain in,


Bipolar cells, 131

Bladder, T6.1, BP88, BP109, BP89, 351, 359.

See also Urinary bladder

fundus of, 352

lateral ligament of, 347

Bladder (Continued)

neck of, 352

pubocervical fascia, 354

trigone of, 352, 356

uvula of, 352, 366–367

Bladder-prostate gland junction, 400

Blood, composition of, BP15

Blood vessels. See Vessels

Bloodless fold of Treves, 280. See also

Ileocecal fold (bloodless fold of Treves)

Body cavities, BP3

dorsal, BP3

ventral, BP3

Body planes, terms and relationship of, 1

Bohler’s angle, 517

Bone marrow, 7


architecture of, BP7

of foot, 515

of nasal cavity, 52

of paranasal sinuses, 52

of thorax, 192

Bony labyrinth, 108–109

Bony spicule, 27

Bouton, BP11

Brachial artery, T7.2, 4, 100–101, 189, 418–419,

421, 424–425, 436–438, 463

branches of, 435

lateral cord of, 423

medial cord of, 423

middle collateral branch of, 435

muscular branch of, 423

pulses at, 4

in situ, 423

Brachial cutaneous nerve

inferior lateral, 405, 422, 468–469

medial, 405, 419–420, 423, 425, 463–466

posterior, 405, 422, 464, 468–469

superior lateral, 183, 405, 414, 417, 422,


Brachial fascia, 416, 425

Brachial plexus, 8, 36, 38–40, 82, 169, 189,

195, 199, 204, 210, 215, 232, 234–236,

416–417, 419

anterior divisions of, 420

inferior trunks of, 414, 420

lateral cord of, 221, 416, 420, 464–466

medial cord of, 416, 420, 464–466

middle trunks of, 414, 420

posterior cord of, 416, 420, 464–466

posterior divisions of, 420

roots of, 420

schema of, 420

superior trunks of, 414, 420

terminal branches of, 420

trunks of, 37, 414

Brachial region

anterior, 2

posterior, 2–3

Brachial veins, BP99, 5, 419, 425

Brachialis muscle, T7.3, 409–410, 419, 421,

423, 425, 436, 438–439, 463, 465

Brachiocephalic artery, 217

Brachiocephalic trunk, BP23, 40, 87–89, 147,

149, 196, 199, 210, 215–216, 218, 221, 236,

240, 245

Brachiocephalic vein, 5, 87, 196, 212

left, BP51, BP57, 84, 88, 179, 198,

210, 215–216, 221, 234–236, 241,


lung groove for, 205

right, BP51, BP57, 88, 179, 198, 210,

215–217, 234, 237, 241, 245

Brachioradialis muscle, T7.3, 402, 409,

421–423, 425, 434–437, 439–441, 463,


Brachioradialis tendon, 438, 441

Brain, BP22, 6, 50

arteries of, 147

frontal section of, 152

frontal view of, 152

inferior view of, 150

lateral view of, 153

medial view of, 153

schema of, 149

axial and coronal MRIs of, BP32

inferior view of, 118

lateral view of, 116

medial view of, 117

veins of

deep, 156

subependymal, 157

ventricles of, 119

Brainstem, 124

cranial nerve nuclei in, 127–128

Breast, 217

lymphatic drainage of, 191

pathway to/from opposite, 190

suspensory retinacula of, 188

Bregma, 16

Bridging vein, T2.2, 111, 113–114, 120

imaging of, BP31, 159

Broad ligament, 344–346, 353, 371

anterior lamina of, 357

posterior lamina of, 357

Bronchi, BP41, 173, 208–209

extrapulmonary, 208

inferior lobar, 208

anterior basal, 209

anteromedial basal, 209

lateral basal, 209

medial basal, 209

posterior basal, 209

innervation to, 172

intermediate, 205

intrapulmonary, 208

lingular, 208–209

inferior, 209

superior, 209


left, BP44, BP57, 205, 208, 210–211, 220,

235–238, 247

right, BP44, BP57, 208, 211, 217, 220, 234,

236, 244, 247

major, 208

middle lobar, 208

lateral, 209

medial, 209

nomenclature of, schema of, 209

superior division, 208

anterior, 209

apicoposterior, 209

superior lobar, 208

anterior, 209

apical, 209

posterior, 209

right, 210

Bronchial artery, BP49, 211, 234–235

esophageal branch of, 211

left, 205

inferior, 211, 240

superior, 211, 240

right, 205, 211, 240

Bronchial veins, 211

left, 211

right, 211


respiratory, 48–49

terminal, BP48

elastic fibers of, BP48

smooth muscle of, BP48

Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk, 212

Bronchopulmonary (hilar) lymph nodes, 193,


I-4 Atlas of Human Anatomy


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