(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Dorsal arteries

of clitoris, 386

of penis, 363, 365, 383

deep, BP98

Dorsal interossei muscle, T8.3

Dorsal nerves

of clitoris, 395

of penis, 363, 365, 387, 391–393, 395, 398

Dorsal plane, 1

Dorsal rami, spinal, 174

Dorsal root, BP38

Dorsal veins


of clitoris, 339–341, 345, 347, 350, 361

of penis, BP98, 342–343, 349, 365, 383,

385, 387

superficial, of penis, BP98, 333, 363, 385

Dorsal venous arch, BP107

Dorsal venous network, 406

Dorsalis pedis artery, BP117, 4, 512, 527

foot, proximal, T8.2

pulses at, 4

Dorsiflexion, of lower limbs movements, 472

Dorsolateral fasciculus, BP43

Dorsum, 443

of foot, 3, 522

of hand, 3

Duct of gland, 71

Duct systems, of liver, 285

Ductuli efferentes testis, BP93

Ductus arteriosus, 233

Ductus (vas) deferens, BP93, T6.2, BP98,

BP59, BP109, 256, 262, 264, 266, 348–349,

352, 366, 368–369, 371–373, 385, 391–392,

398, 475

ampulla of, BP93, 366

arteries of, BP98, 266, 369, 380, 383, 385

covered by peritoneum, 263

Ductus reuniens, 109

Ductus venosus, 233

Duodenal bulb, 277, 279

Duodenal flexure

inferior, 279

superior, 279

Duodenal fossa

inferior, 271

superior, 271

Duodenal impression, 284

Duodenal papilla

major, 287

minor, 279, 287

Duodenal wall, layers of, BP61

Duodenojejunal flexure, 271, 278–279, 288,

318, 323

Duodenojejunal fold, 271

Duodenojejunal junction, 185

Duodenomesocolic fold, 271, 278

Duodenum, BP62, T5.1, 137, 271, 274–276,

284–285, 311, 316, 318, 323, 326–327

arteries of, 291, 293

ascending part of, 271, 278

autonomic innervation of, 301–303

descending part of, 185, 271, 273, 278–279

inferior part of, 271, 278

longitudinal muscle of, 278, 287

as site of referred visceral pain, BP13

in situ, 278

superior part of, 278, 287, 329

suspensory muscle of, 271

veins of, 296

Dura mater, BP35, BP42, 45, 106, 109,

111–112, 120, 130, 177, 179

endostial layer of, 113

meningeal layer of, 113

radiology of, 165

spinal, 169, 185

Dura-skull interface, 111, 113

Dural sac, termination of, 165

Dural venous sinuses, T2.3

sagittal section of, 114

superior view of, 115



ampulla of, 108–109

bony and membranous labyrinths of, 108–109

course of sound in cochlea and, 105

external, 106

pediatric, anatomy of, BP28

vestibule of, 108–109

Ear ossicles, T2.1

Edinger-Westphal nucleus. See Accessory

oculomotor nucleus

Efferent ductules, 371–372

Ejaculatory ducts, BP97, 366–367, 371

in prostatic urethra, 400

Elastic fibers, BP1, BP6

Elastic membrane, of arterial wall

external, BP16

internal, BP16


anterior region of, 2

bones of, 426–441

ligaments of, 428

posterior region of, 3

radiographs of, 427

Elliptical recess, 108

Emissary vein, 20, 111, 113

condylar, 179

mastoid, 10, 111, 179

in mastoid foramen, 19

occipital, 111

parietal, 10, 111

Enamel, of teeth, 74

Endocrine system, T4.1, T5.1, BP10

Endolymphatic duct, 20, 108

Endolymphatic sac, 109

Endometrium, of uterus, 379

Endomysium, BP8

Endoneurium, BP12

Endopelvic fascia, T6.1, 347

deep perineal pouch with, BP88

paravesical, 352

Endosteal surface, BP7

Endothelial cell, BP6

Endothelium, of arterial wall, BP16

Eosinophils, BP15, BP6

Epicolic nodes, BP82


of femur

lateral, 479, 483, 498

medial, 479, 492, 497–498

of knee, medial, BP112

Epicranial aponeurosis, BP20, 10, 31, 113,


Epicranius muscle

frontal belly (frontalis) of, 20–21

occipital belly (occipitalis) of, T2.6

Epidermis, 1–2

Epididymal duct, 372

Epididymis, BP93, 368–369, 371–372, 398

appendix of, 369, 371

body, 372

head, 372

sinus of, 369

tail, 372

Epidural fat, BP42

radiology of, 165

Epidural space, fat in, 177

Epidural venous plexus. See Internal vertebral

venous plexus, anterior

Epidural vertebral venous plexus. See Internal

vertebral venous plexus, anterior

Epigastric artery

inferior, BP59, BP108, 266–268, 317, 347,

380, 382, 503

cremasteric branches of, 256, 266

pubic branches of, 256, 266, 348

superficial, BP108, 254, 258, 266, 503

superior, 194–197, 215, 258–259

Epigastric node, inferior, 268

Epigastric region, 251

Epigastric veins

inferior, 259, 267, 382

superficial, BP107, 259, 267, 333, 473

superior, 196, 198

Epigastric vessels

inferior, BP98, 254, 256, 262, 264, 344, 348,

356, 383, 385

pubic branches of, 262

superficial, BP58, 252, 254

superficial circumflex, 490

Epiglottis, BP44, 22, 71–72, 75, 77, 79–80,

89–92, 146, 237

Epimysium, BP8


inner, BP12

outer, BP12

Epiphyseal plate, 495

Epiphysis, 460–461

nutrient branch to, 460–461

Epiploic appendices. See Omental (epiploic)


Episcleral artery, 103

Episcleral space, BP26, 100

Episcleral vein, 103–104

segment of, 104

Epithelial cord, BP95

Epithelial tag, 370


gingival, 74

superficial, germinal, BP95

Epitympanic recess, 27–28, 105–106

Eponychium, 460–461

Epoöphoron, 371

Erector spinae muscle, T3.2, BP85, 161, 180,

182, 186, 197, 245, 261, 312

Esophageal artery, 211

Esophageal hiatus, 201

Esophageal impression, 284

Esophageal mucosa, 80, 239

Esophageal muscle, 77, 208

circular, 75, 78, 80, 239

longitudinal, 75, 78, 80, 88, 239

cricoid attachment of, 75, 78

Esophageal plexus, 39–40, 137, 210, 213, 220,

234–236, 243, 303

sympathetic branch to, 213

Esophageal prominence, 219

Esophageal submucosa, 80

Esophageal veins, T5.2, 241, 299

Esophagogastric junction, 221, 239, 328–332

cross-sectional anatomy, 328–332

Esophagus, BP56, BP44, BP9, 33–34, 76–77,

79, 81, 89, 91, 137, 200, 210–211, 220–221,

234–235, 237, 241, 243–248, 265, 267–268,

271, 305, 311, 324

abdominal part of, 236–237, 240, 276

air within, BP36

arteries of, 240

variations in, BP55

autonomic innervation of, 303

cervical part of, 236, 240

longitudinal muscle of, 277

lung area for

left, 205

right, 205

lung groove for

left, 205

right, 205

I-10 Atlas of Human Anatomy


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