(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Obturator foramen, 250, 334, 476, 478, 534

radiograph of, 335

Obturator groove, 476

Obturator internus fascia, 347, 374

Obturator internus muscle, T8.5, BP109, T6.3,

256, 265, 339–343, 350, 352–353, 365, 374,

380, 384, 393, 395, 400–401, 480–481, 485,

489, 492–494, 534

nerve to, 487, 489, 492–493

sciatic bursa of, 494

Obturator internus tendon, BP109, 341, 343

Obturator membrane, 338, 353, 477

Obturator nerve, T8.2, 256, 264, 269, 382, 392,

400, 486–488, 496, 529–530

accessory, 269, 487–488

adductor hiatus, 530

anterior branch of, 491, 530

articular branch of, 530

cutaneous branch of, 473–474, 491, 530

posterior branch of, 491, 530

Obturator node, 388

Obturator vein, 267, 298, 381, 400

Obturator vessels, 256

accessory, 262, 264

right, BP98

Occipital artery, 10, 41, 76, 83–84, 112, 147,

149, 184

descending branch of, 41, 184

groove for, 17

mastoid branch of, 112, 147

medial, 153

meningeal branch of, 10

sternocleidomastoid branch of, 41

Occipital bone, BP17, 13–18, 29, 169–170

basilar part of, 15, 17–18, 29, 37, 43–45, 67,

72, 75, 78–79

clivus of, 18

condylar canal and fossa of, 17

condyle of, 18

foramen magnum of, 15, 17


for inferior petrosal sinus, 15, 18

for occipital sinus, 18

hypoglossal canal of, 15, 17

jugular foramen of, 15

jugular process of, 37

of newborn, 21

nuchal line of

inferior, 17

superior, 17

occipital crest of

external, 17

internal, 18

occipital protuberance of

external, 15, 17

internal, 18

pharyngeal tubercle of, 17, 77

posterior meningeal vessels of, groove for, 18

superior sagittal sinus of, groove for, 18

transverse sinus of, groove for, 15, 18

Occipital condyle, BP29, 15, 17, 23, 37, 139

lateral mass for, superior articular surface of,


superior articular surface for, 26

Occipital crest

external, 17, 23

internal, 18

Occipital nerve

greater, 9, 140, 183–184

lesser, 9, 39–40, 140, 183–184

third, 9, 183–184

Occipital nodes, 85

Occipital pole, of cerebrum, 116, 118

Occipital (posterior) horn, 120

Occipital protuberance

external, 13–15, 17, 23, 161

internal, 18

Occipital region, 3

Occipital sinus, 114

groove for, 18

Occipital sulcus, transverse, 116

Occipital vein, 10, 84

internal, 157

Occipitofrontalis muscle

frontal belly of, T2.4, 31, 42, 98, 134

occipital belly of, 31, 134, 184

Occipitomastoid suture, 23

Occipitotemporal gyrus

lateral, 117–118

medial, 117–118

Occipitotemporal sulcus, 117–118

Oculomotor nerve (CN III), T2.2, BP40, 60,

96–98, 115, 124, 127–128, 142, 155

distribution of, 129

inferior branch of, BP26, 97, 132

innervation of, 173

schema of, 132

superior branch of, BP26, 97, 132

in superior orbital fissure, 20

Oculomotor nucleus, 127–128, 132

Odontoid process, of C2, BP35

Olecranon fossa, 410, 426–427

Olfactory bulb, BP22, 46, 50, 118, 130

contralateral, 130

Olfactory bulb cells, 130

Olfactory cells, 130

Olfactory mucosa, 130

distribution of, 46

Olfactory nerve (CN I), T2.2, 20, 46, 48

distribution of, 129

schema of, 130

Olfactory nerve fibers, 130

Olfactory nucleus, anterior, 130

Olfactory stria

lateral, 130

medial, 130

Olfactory sulcus, 118

Olfactory tract, 46, 117–118, 124, 130

Olfactory tract nucleus, lateral, 130

Olfactory trigone, 130

Olfactory tubercle, 130

Oligodendrocyte, cell body of, BP12

Olivary complex, inferior, 128

Olive, 124

Omental bursa, 274, 324

cross section of, 274

stomach reflected, 273

superior recess of, 284, 324

Omental (epiploic) appendices, 272, 283

Omental foramen, 273–274, 276, 285, 324

Omental taenia, 280, 283

Omental veins, 241


greater, 270, 272, 283, 285, 331

lesser, 285, 324

anterior layer of, 287–288, 301

posterior layer of, 301

right free margin of, 278

window cut in, 285

Omohyoid muscle, T2.7, 33, 35, 38, 69, 194,

204, 409, 413, 416, 419

inferior belly of, 8, 35–36, 39, 139–140

phantom, 41

superior belly of, 32, 35–36, 38, 139–140

Oogenesis, BP91

Oogonium, BP91


frontal, 116

parietal, 116

temporal, 116

Ophthalmic artery, T2.2, 20, 57, 64, 99, 143,

147–149, 151, 154

continuation of, 99

in optic canal, BP26

Ophthalmic nerve, 9, 59–61, 64, 66, 97–98,

115, 132, 142–146

frontal branch of, 20

lacrimal branch of, 20

nasociliary branch of, 20

tentorial (recurrent meningeal) branch of, 97,


Ophthalmic vein

inferior, 99, 104

superior, BP26, 20, 84, 99, 104, 115

Opponens digiti minimi muscle, T7.5, 452,

455, 467

Opponens pollicis muscle, T7.5, 452, 455–456,


Optic canal, 11, 15, 20

Optic chiasm, BP22, BP30, 50, 115, 117–118,

124, 131, 148, 151–152, 156–158

imaging of, 160

Optic disc, BP26, 103

Optic nerve (CN II), BP22, 20, 50, 64, 96–98,

100, 103, 115, 117–118, 143, 154–155

distribution of, 129

internal sheath of, vessels of, 104

left, 148

meningeal sheath of, 97, 100, 104

in optic canal, BP26

right, 148

schema of, 131

Optic nerve tract, imaging of, BP32

Optic radiation, 131

Optic tract, 50, 118–119, 123–124, 131, 150,


Ora serrata, 100, 102–103

Oral cavity, BP22, BP44, BP9, 45, 50, 77

afferent innervation of, BP25, 66

floor of, 69

inspection of, 65

roof of, 67

Oral region, 2

arteries of, 83

veins of, 84

Orbicularis oculi muscle, T2.7, BP21, 31, 134

orbital part of, 20–21, 31

palpebral part of, 20–21, 31, 94

Orbicularis oris muscle, 20–21, 31, 42, 55, 68,


Orbit, T2.1, 51

anterior view of, 98

arteries of, 99

fasciae of, BP26

growth of, 52

medial wall of, BP22, 50

nerves of, 97

right, frontal and slightly lateral view of, 11

superior view of, 98

surface of, 11

veins of, 99

Orbital fat, BP22

Orbital fat body, BP26

Orbital fissure

inferior, BP26, BP17, 11, 13, 23

superior, BP26, BP17, 11–12, 20

Orbital gyri, 118

Orbital muscles, BP22

Orbital plate, of newborn, 21

Orbital process, of palatine bone, 11

Orbital region, 2

Orbital septum, 94

Orbital sulcus, 118

Oropharynx, BP44, 33, 72, 77, 79, 237

Orthotonic stomach, BP60

Osseous cochlea, 109

Osseous spiral lamina, 108–109

Osteoblasts, active, BP7

Osteocytes, BP7

Osteoid, BP7

Ostium, of auditory tube, BP44

I-24 Atlas of Human Anatomy


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