(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Cervical vertebrae (Continued)

groove for spinal nerve, 27

inferior articular facet of, 27

inferior articular process of, 27

lamina of, 27

left uncinate process of, 27

spinous process of, 27

superior articular facet of, 27

superior articular process of, 27

superior aspect of, 27

transverse foramen of, 27

transverse process of, 27

uncinate process of, 27

vertebral body of, 27


anterior tubercle of, 29

transverse process of, 147

C7, BP18, 22, 27, 169

anterior view of, 27, 162

articular surface of, 27

body of, 27

costal lamella of, 27

inferior articular process of, 27

lamina of, 27

lateral view of, 162

pedicle of, 27

posterior view of, 162

septated transverse foramen of, 27

spinal nerve of, groove for, 27

spinous process of, 27, 29, 161, 180, 413

superior articular process and facet of, 27

superior view of, 27

transverse process of, 27

posterior tubercle of, 37

uncinate process of, 27

articular surface of, 27

vertebral body of, 27

vertebral foramen of, 27

degenerative changes in, BP18

intervertebral disc of, 28

nucleus pulposus of, 28

transverse foramen of, 28

transverse process of, 28

uncinate processes of, 28

uncovertebral joints of, 28

upper, 26

Cervicofacial division, 54

Cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion, BP39, 141,

213, 230–231, 243

Cervix, T6.1, 354, 397

of uterus, 345–347, 353, 355–356

Chest scans, axial CT images, 244

Chiasma, BP91

Chiasmatic cistern, 120

Choanae, BP29, 17, 23, 43, 45, 56, 67, 75, 79

Cholinergic synapses, BP41

schema of, BP41

Chorda tympani, BP27, 59–60, 82, 106–107,

133, 135, 142, 144–145

Chordae tendineae, 224–225, 227

Choroid, 100, 103

Choroid plexus, 122–123, 125

of third ventricle, 117

Choroid vein, superior, 156–157

Choroidal artery

anterior, 148, 150–152, 154

posterior lateral, 150, 154

posterior medial, 150

Ciliary arteries

anterior, 103–104

recurrent branch of, 104

posterior, 99

long, 103–104

short, 103–104

Ciliary body, 100–103

blood vessels of, 103

orbiculus ciliaris of, 102

Ciliary ganglion, BP40, 61, 64, 97–98, 132–133,

142–143, 173

branch to, 132–133, 143

oculomotor root of, 143

parasympathetic root of, 97, 132, 142

schema of, 143

sensory root of, 97, 142

sympathetic root of, 97, 132, 142–143

Ciliary muscle, T2.4, 100, 132, 143

circular fibers of, 101

meridional fibers of, 101

Ciliary nerves

long, 61, 97–98, 132–133, 142–143

short, 61, 97–98, 132–133, 142–143

Ciliary process, 100–102

Ciliary vein, anterior, 101, 103–104

Cingulate gyrus, 117

isthmus of, 117–118

Cingulate sulcus, 117

Circular esophageal muscle, 239

Circular folds (valves of Kerckring), 279, 287

Circular intramuscular plexus, 308

Circular muscle, BP54, 375–376

Circulation, prenatal and postnatal, 233

Circumflex fibular branch, BP108, BP110, 503

Cisterna chyli, 7, 268, 300, 325

Claustrum, 121

Clavicle, BP34, BP57, T7.1, 4–5, 8, 31–32,

34–36, 38, 187–188, 191, 193–196,

202–204, 217, 221, 234–235, 245, 402,

408–416, 418–419, 470

acromial end of, 408

acromial facet of, 408

conoid tubercle, 408

sternal articular surface of, 408

sternal end of, 408

Clavicular head. See also Pectoralis major


of sternocleidomastoid muscle, 8

Clavipectoral fasciae, 194, 416

Clinoid process

anterior, 14–15, 18, 98

posterior, 18

Clitoral artery, 361

internal, 386

Clitoris, 360–361, 377

body of, 345, 370

crus of, 345, 352–353, 356, 360–361

deep artery of, 361, 386

deep nerve of, 361

dorsal artery of, 386

dorsal nerve of, 395–396, 487

dorsal vein of, deep, 339–341, 345, 347, 350,


frenulum of, 358

glans of, 358, 370

prepuce of, 356, 358

suspensory ligament of, 359–361

Clivus, BP35, 18, 30

imaging of, 160

Clunial nerves

inferior, 183, 393, 395, 474, 492–493, 531

medial, 474, 492

middle, 183

superior, 183, 474, 492

CN I. See Olfactory nerve (CN I)

CN II. See Optic nerve (CN II)

CN III. See Oculomotor nerve

CN IV. See Trochlear nerve (CN IV)

CN V. See Trigeminal nerve

CN VI. See Abducens nerve (CN VI)

CN VII. See Facial nerve

CN VIII. See Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)

CN IX. See Glossopharyngeal nerve

CN X. See Vagus nerve

CN XI. See Accessory nerve (CN XI)

CN XII. See Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)

Coccygeal cornu, 166

Coccygeal nerve, 169–170, 489

Coccygeal plexuses, 487, 489

Coccygeus muscle, T6.1, T6.3, 265, 339–343,

384–385, 392–394

nerve to, 487, 489

Coccyx, BP4, BP109, 166–167, 169–170, 250,

334, 337–340, 360, 373

anterior view of, 162

lateral view of, 162

measurements of, 336

posterior view of, 162

tip of, 341, 343, 362, 364, 377, 400

transverse process of, 166

Cochlea, BP28, 64, 108, 110

course of sound in, 105

duct of, BP28

helicotrema of, BP28, 105, 108–109

modiolus of, 109

scala tympani of, BP28, 105

scala vestibuli of, BP28, 105

section through turn of, 109

Cochlear aqueduct, 109

Cochlear cupula, 108

Cochlear duct, 108–110

Cochlear nerve, BP28, 105, 108–110, 135

Cochlear nucleus, 135

anterior, 127–128, 135

posterior, 127–128, 135

Cochlear recess, 108

Cochlear (round) window, BP28, 21, 105, 108

fossa of, BP27, 106

Cochlear (spiral) ganglion, 135

Cockett’s veins. See Perforating veins

Colic artery

ascending branch, 380

descending branch, 380

left, 266, 294–295, 300, 305, 316, 380

middle, 288, 291, 294–295, 304, 324

right, 294–295, 316

variations in, 73–74

Colic flexure

left, splenic, 270, 272–273, 276, 278, 283, 323

right, hepatic, 270, 272–273, 276, 278, 283,

285, 318

Colic impression, 284

Colic nodes, right, BP82

Colic vein, 297

left, 298–299

middle, 298–299

right, 298–299


in arterial wall, BP16

fibers, in connective tissues and cartilage,


lamellae of anulus fibrosus, 168

Collar of Helvetius, 239

Collateral artery

middle, BP100, 422, 424–425

radial, BP100, 422, 424–425

Collateral eminence, 122

Collateral ligament, BP106, 448, 454

accessory, 448

of ankle, medial, 505

fibular, 497–502, 505, 508–510, 512

of foot, 519

medial, T8.1

radial, BP102, 428

tibial, 497–500, 502, 505, 508–509, 511

ulnar, BP102, 428

Collateral sulcus, 117–118

Collateral trigone, 122

Collecting vessels

apical, 86

basal, 86

central, 86

marginal, 86

Atlas of Human Anatomy I-7


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