(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Spinous process (Continued)

of L1, 165, 185

of L2, radiology of, 165

of L3, BP37, 164

of L4, BP37

lumbar, 163

of T12, 161, 180–181, 183

thoracic, 163

Spinous processes, T3.1

Spiral ganglion. See Cochlear (spiral) ganglion

Spiral ganglion of Corti, 109

Spiral lamina

hamulus of, 108

osseous, 108–109

Spiral ligament, 109

Splanchnic nerves, 305, 396

greater, 172, 391, 396

thoracic, 300–301, 303–304, 309–310, 320,


least, 172, 391, 396

lesser, 172, 391, 396

thoracic, 300–301, 303–304, 320–322

lumbar, 172, 306, 320, 322, 391–392, 394,

396–397, 399

fifth, 392

first, 321–322

upper, 398

pelvic, 173, 305–306, 321, 392, 394, 396–399,


sacral, 172, 306, 320, 392, 394, 399, 489

sympathetic, T5.2

thoracic, 392

greater, 397–398

least, 398

lesser, 397–398

Spleen, BP38, BP87, BP56, T5.2, BP84, BP57,

202–203, 217, 273–274, 285, 289, 323,

326–327, 330

anterior extremity of, 289

area for, 311

inferior border of, 289

posterior extremity of, 289

as site of referred visceral pain, BP13

in situ, 289

superior borders of, 289

Splenic artery, 217, 289–291, 293–294,

300–301, 303, 309–310, 329

splenic branches of, 290

Splenic flexure, of colon, 282

Splenic notch, 290

Splenic plexus, 301

Splenic red pulp, 289

Splenic trabeculae, 289

Splenic vein, 217, 241, 274, 294, 296–299,

323–324, 326

Splenic white pulp, 289

Splenius capitis muscle, T3.3, 36, 180, 184

Splenius cervicis muscle, T3.3, 180–181, 184

Splenorenal ligament, 273, 289

Spongy urethra, BP89

bulbous portion of, 352, 367

pendulous portion of, 367

Squamous suture, BP17, 21

Stapedius muscle, T2.8, 107

nerve to, 134

tendon of, BP27

and tendon of, 106

Stapes, 106–107

footplate of, 106

limbs of, 27–28, 105

Stellate ganglion, 213, 230–231, 243. See also

Cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion

Sternal angle (of Louis), T4.1

Sternal head, of sternocleidomastoid muscle,


Sternalis muscle, 194

Sternoclavicular joint, 202, 245, 408

Sternoclavicular ligament, anterior, 408

Sternocleidomastoid muscle, T2.1, BP47, T2.8,

32–33, 36, 38–39, 41, 53, 68, 86, 138, 140,

180, 184, 187, 194, 204, 408, 413–414, 419

clavicular head of, 8, 32, 36, 187

medial margin of, 87

sternal head of, 8, 32, 36, 187

Sternocleidomastoid nodes, 85

Sternocleidomastoid region, 3

anterior, 2

Sternocostal articulations

anterior view of, 193

left anterolateral view of, 193

right posterolateral view of, 193

Sternocostal head. See Pectoralis major muscle

Sternocostal joint, 408

Sternocostal triangle, 196

Sternohyoid muscle, T2.8, 32–33, 35–36, 38,

69, 139, 194, 196, 204, 408

Sternothyroid muscle, T2.8, 32–33, 35–36, 38,

92, 139–140, 194, 196, 204

Sternum, BP44, BP4, 186, 197, 200, 217, 220,

244, 413

angle, 192

body of, 187, 192, 194, 196, 198, 248–250

jugular notch of, 192

manubrium of, 31–34, 34–35, 36, 77, 196, 204

xiphoid process of, 187, 192, 194

Stomach, BP87, BP56, T5.1, BP9, 173, 202,

221, 236, 240, 270, 274, 282, 284, 287,

289, 324, 326

air within, 217

arteries of, 290

autonomic innervation of, 301–303

body of, 276

cardiac part of, 237, 239, 276

fundus of, BP57, 237, 239, 276, 328

greater curvature of, 276

innervation to, 172

longitudinal muscle layer of, 278

lymph vessels and nodes of, BP79

mucosa of, 277

oblique muscle layer of, innermost, 239

outer longitudinal muscle layer of, 239

posterior surface of, 273

pyloric part of, 276

as site of referred visceral pain, BP13

in situ, 276–283

variations in position and contour of, BP60

veins of, 296

Straight arteries, 279, 294–295

Straight gyrus, 118

Straight sinus, 110, 114–115, 117, 120,


imaging of, BP31, 159

Straight veins, 297

Stratum basale, BP1

Stratum corneum, BP1

Stratum granulosum, BP1

Stratum lucidum, BP1

Stratum spinosum, BP1

Stretch receptors (Hering-Breuer reflex),


Stria medullaris, 125

of thalamus, 117

Stria terminalis, 117, 122–123

Striate artery, long medial, 148, 150–153

Striated muscle, BP41

Stroma, BP97

Styloglossus muscle, T2.8, 49, 57, 68, 70, 78,

81, 139

Stylohyoid ligament, 22, 70, 72, 78, 81

Stylohyoid muscle, T2.8, 32, 35–36, 41, 49, 53,

57, 59, 68–70, 75, 81, 134

Styloid process, BP24, 13, 17, 21–23, 25,

36–37, 41, 49, 69–70, 75, 79, 81, 107

Stylomandibular ligament, 22, 25, 60

Stylomastoid artery, 76, 107

posterior tympanic branch of, 107

stapedial branch of, 107

Stylomastoid foramen, BP29, 17, 19, 134, 136

Stylopharyngeus muscle, T2.8, 68, 70, 72,

75–76, 78, 80–81, 136–137

Subacromial bursa, 412, 421

Subaponeurotic space, dorsal, 453

Subarachnoid space, 100, 111, 113, 120, 177

Subcallosal area, 117, 130

Subcallosal gyrus, 117

Subcapsular lymphatic plexus, 319

Subchondral bone, BP114, BP5

Subclavian artery, BP23, 4, 37, 39–40, 76,

82–84, 87, 89, 141, 147, 149, 176, 189,

195–196, 204, 215–216, 236, 240, 258, 266,


grooves for, BP46

left, 88, 179, 210, 217–218, 235, 245

lung groove for, 205

right, BP23, 88, 137, 179, 210, 234

Subclavian lymph nodes, 190–191

Subclavian lymphatic trunk, 212

Subclavian node, 85

Subclavian region, 2

Subclavian trunk, 85

right, 268

Subclavian vein, T2.2, 5, 37, 39–40, 84, 87,

195–196, 204, 212, 215–216, 236, 241, 259,

417, 419

grooves for, BP46

left, 88, 179, 210, 235

right, 88, 179, 210, 234

Subclavius fascia, 416

Subclavius muscle, T7.5, T2.8, BP46, 188, 195,

221, 234–235, 408, 414, 416, 419

fascia investing, 416

groove for, 408

Subcostal muscles, T4.3, 261

Subcostal nerve, T5.2, 169, 269, 311–312, 391,

396, 486–488

anterior branch of, 487

cutaneous branch of

anterior, 260

lateral, 257, 269, 473

lateral branch of, 487

Subcostal plane, 251

Subcostal vein, 267

Subcutaneous artery, BP1

Subcutaneous bursa, 520

lateral malleolus of, 520

Subcutaneous fat, radiology of, 165

Subcutaneous olecranon bursa, 428

Subcutaneous space, dorsal, 453

Subcutaneous vein, BP1

Subdeltoid bursa, 412

Subdiaphragmatic lymph nodes, pathway to,


Subhiatal fat ring, 239

Sublime tubercle, 426

Sublingual artery, 53, 70

Sublingual fossa, 24

Sublingual gland, BP22, BP40, 50, 53, 59, 65,

69, 134, 144, 172

innervation to, 173

Sublingual nerve, 59

Sublingual vein, 53, 70

Sublobular veins, 285–286

Submandibular duct (of Wharton), 53, 65,


Submandibular fossa, 24

Submandibular ganglion, BP40, 53, 59, 70, 82,

133–134, 142, 144, 173

schema of, 144

Submandibular glands, BP40, 8, 32, 34, 36,

38, 53, 59, 69, 79, 83–84, 134, 144, 172

innervation to, 173

I-34 Atlas of Human Anatomy


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