(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Flexor digitorum longus tendon, 116–117,

507–509, 524–526

plantar, 519

tendinous sheath of, 520

Flexor digitorum profundus muscle, T7.4, 433,

438–441, 463, 466–467

Flexor digitorum profundus tendon,

105–106, 433, 441, 444, 448, 450–454,


Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle, T7.4,

409, 433, 436–439, 441, 463, 466

Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon,

105–106, 402, 433, 436, 441, 444, 448,

450–454, 460–461, 463

Flexor hallucis brevis muscle, T8.4, 524–525,


lateral head of, BP117, 525–527

medial head of, BP117, 525–527

origin of, medial, 527

Flexor hallucis brevis nerve, 532

Flexor hallucis brevis tendon, origin of,

lateral, 527

Flexor hallucis longus muscle, BP116, BP111,

T8.4, 506, 509, 513–514, 532

Flexor hallucis longus tendon, 116–117,

507–509, 524–527

groove for, 517

plantar, 519

tendinous sheath of, 520

Flexor muscles, superficial, 436, 514

Flexor pollicis brevis muscle, T7.4, 452,

455–456, 466–467

Flexor pollicis longus muscle, T7.4, 409, 433,

437–439, 441, 450, 453, 463, 466

Flexor pollicis longus tendon, 105–106, 438,

444, 452–453

Flexor retinaculum, BP116, 437, 444, 450,

452–453, 455–456, 463, 507–509, 513, 520,

525–526, 532

Flexor sheath, common, 450–453, 456

Flexor tendon, 453, 456

common, 409–410, 432–433, 436, 439

fibrous sheaths of, 524

sheaths, 450

at wrist, 452

Floating ribs, 192

Fluid-filled follicular cavity, BP95

Foliate papillae, 71, 146

Follicle-stimulating hormone, BP92


developing, BP95, BP92

stages of, BP95

Follicular cavity, fluid-filled, BP95


anterior, BP17, 21

posterior, 21


arteries of, 114–115, 527

bones of, 515

cross-sectional anatomy of, 115–116

digital nerves of, dorsal, 473

dorsal venous arch of, 513

dorsal venous network of, BP107

dorsum of, 3, 522

muscle of, 521

interosseous muscle of, 527–528

ligaments of, 519

muscle of sole of

second layer, 525–526

nerves of, 114–115

plantar region of, fibularis longus tendon

passing to, 510

plantar surface of, 471

tendon of, 519


interventricular (of Monro), 119–120, 125,


Foramen (Continued)

of Luschka, 119–120

of Magendie, 117, 120, 125, 128

transverse section through S2, 166

Foramen cecum, 18, 20, 71, 77

Foramen lacerum, BP29, 17, 19–20

recurrent artery of, 148

Foramen magnum, BP29, 15, 19–20, 23,


posterior margin of, BP19

Foramen ovale, BP29, 13, 17, 19–20, 23, 56,

59–60, 233

branch to, 148

valve of, 225

Foramen rotundum, 12, 20, 61

branch to, 148

Foramen spinosum, BP29, 17, 19–20, 23,


branch to, 148


arteries of, BP101

bones of, 429

cutaneous nerves of, 406

muscles of

anterior, T7.1

attachments of, 439–440

deep layer, 435, 438

extensors of wrist and digits,


flexors of digits, 433

flexors of wrist, 432

intermediate layer, 437

posterior, T7.1

rotators of radius, 430

superficial layer, 434, 436

proximal, arteries of, BP100, 424

radial nerve in, 469

serial cross sections of, 441

superficial veins of, 406

Fornix, 117, 123, 158

anterior, 354

body of, 117, 123, 125

columns of, 117, 121–123, 154, 156

commissure of, 123

crus of, 117, 121, 123

Fossa ovalis, 221, 224, 233

limbus of, 224


centralis, 103

inferior, 125

superior, 125

Free nerve endings, BP1

Free taenia, 272, 280–281, 283

Frenulum, 281

artery to, 70

of clitoris, 358

of labia minora, 358

of lower lip, 65

of penis, 364

of tongue, 53, 65

of upper lip, 65

Frontal artery, 10

Frontal bone, BP17, 8, 11, 13–18, 42, 44–45,


anterior meningeal vessels of, groove for, 18

foramen cecum of, 18

frontal crest of, 18

glabella of, 11, 13

nasal spine of, 44–45

of newborn, 21

orbital part of, superior surface of, 18

orbital surface of, 11

sinus of, 15, 44–45

squamous part of, 21, 44–45

superior sagittal sinus of, groove for, 18

supraorbital notch of, 11, 13, 21

Frontal crest, 16, 18, 45

Frontal gyrus


opercular part of, 116

orbital part of, 116

triangular part of, 116

medial, 117

middle, 116

superior, 116

Frontal (metopic) suture, BP17, 21

Frontal nerve, BP26, 61, 97–98, 132–133, 142

Frontal pole, of cerebrum, 116, 118

Frontal region, 2

Frontal sinus, BP22, BP44, 12, 14, 43–45,

50–51, 77

growth of, 52

Frontal sulcus

inferior, 116

superior, 116

Frontal vein, 10

Frontobasal artery

lateral, 150, 153

medial, 148, 150, 152–153

Frontonasal canal, opening of, 44

Frontonasal duct, opening of, 51

Frontopolar artery, 152–153

Fundic glands. See Gastric (fundic) glands

Fundic zone, 277

Fundiform ligament, 252

of penis, 262, 349


of stomach, BP57, 237, 239, 276, 328

of urinary bladder, 349–350, 352

of uterus, 345, 355, 379

Fungiform papillae, 71, 146

Furrow, 71


Gallaudet’s fascia, BP90, 349, 352–353,

359–360, 363–365, 373, 377–378

Gallbladder, BP62, BP87, T5.1, BP9, 137, 173,

202, 270, 273, 276, 282, 284, 287–288, 291,

327, 329

innervation to, 172

as site of referred visceral pain, BP13

Ganglion, 243

inferior, 136, 145

superior, 136

of trigeminal nerve, 142

Ganglion cells, 131

Gartner’s duct, 371. See also Mesonephric

(Gartner’s) duct

Gas exchange, BP50

Gastric artery

left, 240, 273, 290, 300–301, 303, 392

esophageal branch of, 240, 290

right, 279, 287, 290–291, 301–303

short, 290

Gastric folds (rugae), 239, 277, 328

Gastric (fundic) glands, BP60

Gastric impression, 284, 289

Gastric nodes, left, 242

Gastric plexus, 392

Gastric veins

left, 241, 296–298

esophageal tributary of, 241

right, 241, 296–297, 299

short, 241, 296, 299

Gastric zone, 277

Gastrocnemius muscle, BP111, T8.4, 471,

481, 484–485, 492, 497–498, 506–514,


lateral head of, 471, 501–502

lateral subtendinous bursa of, 501

medial head of, 471, 501–502

medial subtendinous bursa of, 501

Gastrocnemius tendon, BP116

Atlas of Human Anatomy I-13


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