(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Vas deferens, 348–349, 352, 366, 368, 371,

373, 385, 391–392, 398. See also Ductus

(vas) deferens

ampulla of, 366

arteries to, 380, 383, 385

Vasa vasorum, BP16

Vascular smooth muscle, innervation to,


Vastoadductor intermuscular septum, 482,


cover femoral vessels to popliteal fossa, 490

Vastus intermedius muscle, 85–86, 480–483,

498, 529. See also Quadriceps femoris


Vastus intermedius tendon, 491

Vastus lateralis muscle, 85–86, 401, 471,

480–484, 490–491, 496–498, 510–511, 529.

See also Quadriceps femoris muscle

deep to iliotibial tract, 492

Vastus medialis muscle, 85–86, 471, 480–483,

490–491, 496–498, 511, 529. See also

Quadriceps femoris muscle

nerve to, 490

Veins. See also specific veins

of abdominal wall

anterior, 259

posterior, 267

of anal canal, 381

of duodenum, 296

of esophagus, 241

of eyelids, 99

of face, 10

of forearm, 406

of hypothalamus and hypophysis, BP30

of iris, 104

of large intestine, 298

of leg, T8.2

of lower limb, BP107

of oral and pharyngeal regions, 84

of pancreas, 296

of pelvis

female, 382

male, BP98, 385

of perineum, male, 387

of posterior cranial fossa, 155

of rectum, 381

of scalp, 10

of small intestine, 297

of spinal cord, 178

of spleen, 296

of stomach, 296

of testis, 383

of thoracic wall, 198

of uterus, 386

of vertebral column, 178

Vena cava

groove for, 284

inferior, BP87, BP84, 185, 200, 210, 213,

217–219, 221, 225, 229, 233–234, 236,

241, 267, 273–276, 278, 284, 288, 293,

296, 311–313, 323, 326–332

lung groove for, 205

opening of, 227

valve of, 224

superior, BP51, 87–88, 210, 215–221, 224,

228–229, 233–234, 241, 244, 246–248,


lung groove for, 205

superior, 198–199

Venae comitantes, 450

Venae rectae, 297

Venous arch

dorsal, 5, 473

posterior, superficial, 513

superficial palmar, 450

Venous communications, body of C3,


Venous plexus, BP98, 64, 350, 357, 369. See

also Pampiniform (venous) plexus

around vertebral artery, 179

basilar, 114–115

cavernous, of urethra, BP90

external, 374, 381

in foramen magnum, 19

internal, 374

pampiniform, T6.2, 383

pharyngeal, 76

prostatic, BP98, 349, 385


external, 375–376

internal, 375–376

perimuscular, 381

vaginal, 401

vertebral artery with, BP42

vertebral (of Batson), 114

internal, 177

vesical (retropubic), BP98, 349, 352, 385

Ventral plane, 1

Ventral root, BP38

Ventricles (cardiac), 228

left, BP51, BP57, 216, 218–221, 223–225,

228, 244, 248

branches to back to, 223

posterior vein of, 222

right, BP51, 216–221, 228, 244, 248

Ventricles (of brain), 119, 125

fourth, 117, 125, 157

choroid plexus of, 120, 125

choroidal branch to, 154

imaging of, 160

lateral and median apertures of, 157

outline of, 154

rhomboid fossa of, 124

taenia of, 125

vein of lateral recess of, 155

lateral, 117, 121, 123, 150, 157

central part of, 117

choroid plexus of, 117, 120–121, 150, 154,


frontal (anterior) horn of, 117, 160

imaging of, BP32

lateral vein of, 157

medial vein of, 157

occipital (posterior) horn of, 117, 121–123,

154, 157, 160

temporal (inferior) horn of, 117, 119, 122,


third, 117, 121–122, 125, 157

choroid plexus of, 117, 119–120

imaging of, BP32, 160

infundibular recess of, 50

tela choroidea of, 119, 122, 156

Ventricular folds, 91

Ventricular veins

hippocampal, 157

inferior, 157

Vermian artery, inferior, 154

Vermian vein

inferior, 155

superior, 155, 157

Vermiform appendix, BP86, 272, 280–281,


orifice of, 281

Vermillion border, 8

Vermis, 50, 126

imaging of, BP32


nodule of, 126

pyramid of, 126

tuber of, 126

uvula of, 126


central lobule of, 126

culmen of, 126

Vermis (Continued)

declive of, 126

folium of, 126

Vertebrae, BP4

lamina of, 244

pedicle of, 244

radiology of, 165

Vertebral artery, BP23, 19–20, 29, 39–40, 76,

82, 88–89, 141, 149–152, 176, 179, 184,

230, 240, 418

anterior and posterior meningeal branches of,


cervical part of, 147

in foramen magnum, 19

imaging of, 31–32

left, 147, 154, 179

meningeal branches of, 20

anterior, 147, 154

posterior, 147, 154

right, BP42, 147, 179

venous plexus and, BP42, 179

Vertebral body, BP38, 177

articular facet for, 193

inferior, 193

superior, 193

transverse, 193

branch to, 177

of C2, 34–35

cervical, BP18, 27–28

of L2, 185

of L3, BP37

lumbar, 164

posterior intercostal artery branch to, 177

posterior surface of, BP33

of S1, 165

of T12, 165

thoracic, 176

fourth, 234

Vertebral canal, 163–164

Vertebral cavity, BP3

Vertebral column, BP4, 162

veins of, 178–179

Vertebral foramen, T3.1

cervical, 26–27

lumbar, 164

thoracic, 163

Vertebral ganglion, 141, 230–231, 243

Vertebral ligaments, BP33

lumbar region, 168

lumbosacral region, 167

Vertebral notch

inferior, BP36, 163–164

superior, 164

Vertebral plexus, 20, 141

Vertebral region, 3

Vertebral veins, BP42, 241

accessory, 179

anterior, 179

left, 179

right, 179

Vertebral venous plexus, T3.1

anterior, BP42

external, 178

anterior, 179

internal, 178

anterior, 179

Vesical arteries

inferior, BP98, 266, 316, 350, 380,


posterior branches of, 385

internal, 347

superior, BP98, 256, 317, 347, 380, 382,


Vesical fascia, BP88, 346–347, 349, 352, 359,

373, 378

Vesical fold, transverse, 344, 348,


Atlas of Human Anatomy I-41


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