(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Otic capsule, 109

Otic ganglion, 25, 56, 59–60, 107, 133–134,

136, 142, 144–146, 173

schema of, 145

Ova, BP95

Ovarian artery, 382, 394, 397. See also

Testicular artery

uterine, 386

Ovarian cycle, BP92

Ovarian hormone, BP92

Ovarian plexus, 394, 397

Ovarian vein, 267, 382. See also Testicular vein

Ovarian vessels, 316, 344, 347, 386

tubal branches of, 386

Ovaries, BP95, T6.2, BP10, 316, 344–346, 353,

355, 371, 382, 394, 397

blood vessels, BP95

corpus albicans of, 355

corpus luteum of, 355

follicle (graafian), 355

infant, BP95

left, 356

ligaments of, 344, 356, 371

proper, 345–346, 353–355

suspensory, 344–347, 355–357, 371, 382

right, 356–357

Ovum, BP95, 91–92

stages of, BP95


Pacinian corpuscle, BP1

Pain, referred visceral, sites of, BP13


growth of, 52

innervation of, 173

postsynaptic fibers to, 62

uvula of, 65, 72, 75, 79

Palatine aponeurosis, 67, 78

Palatine artery

ascending, 57, 72, 83

tonsillar branch of, 72

descending, 63–64, 83

greater, 47, 57, 63–64, 67

lesser, 47, 57, 63–64, 67, 72

tonsillar branch of, 72

Palatine bone, 15, 17, 44

horizontal plate of, BP29, 11, 17, 23, 43–45,

67, 73

nasal crest of, 45

nasal spine of, posterior, 17, 44–45

of newborn, 21, 52

orbital process of, 11, 44

palatine foramen of

greater, 17, 45

lesser, 17, 45

perpendicular plate of, 11, 44–45

pyramidal process of, 17, 21, 23

sphenoidal process of, 44

Palatine fold, transverse, 67

Palatine foramen

greater, 19, 44, 47, 67, 73

lesser, 19, 44, 47, 67, 73

Palatine gland, 67, 72, 77

Palatine nerve, 46, 144

descending, 144

greater, 46, 48, 62–64, 67, 82, 133, 142, 144

in greater palatine foramen, 19

posterior inferior lateral nasal branch of, 46,

48, 142

lesser, 46, 48, 62–64, 67, 82, 133, 142, 144

in lesser palatine foramen, 19

Palatine process, 15, 23

Palatine raphe, 67

Palatine tonsil, 65, 67–68, 71–72, 77, 79

Palatine vein, 84

external, 84

Palatine vessels

greater, 19

lesser, 19

Palatoglossal arch, 65, 71–72

Palatoglossus muscle, T2.7, 67, 70–72, 137

Palatomaxillary suture, 17

Palatopharyngeal arch, 65, 71–72, 79

Palatopharyngeal ridge, 78

Palatopharyngeus muscle, T2.7, 67, 70–72, 75,

78, 80, 137

Palm, 443

Palmar aponeurosis, 406, 432, 436, 444,

449–450, 453

Palmar arch, 4

carpal, 455

deep, BP101, BP99, 424, 455

superficial, BP101, BP99, 424, 452, 456, 463

Palmar digital veins, 5

Palmar ligament, 448, 451, 454, 460–461

Palmar longus muscle, 438

Palmar plate, BP106

Palmar region, 2

Palmar venous arches, 5

Palmaris brevis muscle, T7.5, 449, 467

Palmaris longus muscle, T7.5, 432, 436, 439,

441, 466

Palmaris longus tendon, 402, 436–437, 441,

444, 449–450, 452

Palpebral arterial arches

inferior, 99

superior, 99

Palpebral artery

lateral, 99

inferior, 99

superior, 99

medial, 99

inferior, 99

superior, 99

Palpebral conjunctiva, BP26, 94

inferior, 94

superior, 94

Palpebral ligament

lateral, BP26

medial, BP26, 94

Pampiniform (venous) plexus, T6.2, BP98,

259, 369

Pancreas, BP38, BP56, T5.1, BP9, 137, 173,

185, 274, 276, 323–324, 329

autonomic innervation of, 310

body of, 273, 276, 288

head of, 273, 276, 278–279, 287, 327

arteries of, 293

as site of referred visceral pain, BP13

innervation to, 172

lymph vessels and nodes of, BP80

in situ, 288

Pancreatic arteries, 291

dorsal, 290–291, 294

great, 291

inferior, 291, 293–294

Pancreatic duct, BP62, BP87, BP67, 287–288

accessory (of Santorini), 279, 288

sphincter of, 287

variations in, 67–68

of Wirsung, 279

Pancreatic islets, BP10

Pancreatic pain, areas of referred pain in,


Pancreatic tail, BP87, 273, 289, 291

Pancreatic veins, 296, 298

great, 296

Pancreaticoduodenal arteries


inferior, 291, 293, 303

superior, 273, 290–291, 293–294, 303

inferior, 291, 293–295, 304


Pancreaticoduodenal arteries (Continued)

inferior, 291, 293, 303

superior, 290–291, 293, 303

Pancreaticoduodenal vein


inferior, 296, 298

superior, 296, 299


inferior, 296, 298

superior, 296, 299

Papilla, 74

keratinized tip of, 71

Papillary muscle, 220, 248

inferior, 224–225, 227

anterior, 229

left, 228

right, 228

septal, 227–228

superoposterior, 224–225, 227

anterior, 229

left, 228

right, 228

Parabrachial nucleus, 146

Paracentral artery, 152–153

Paracentral lobule, 117

Paracentral sulcus, 117

Paracolic gutter

left, 272, 344, 348

right, 272, 280, 344, 348

Paracolic nodes, BP82

Paradidymis, 371

Paraduodenal fossa, 271

Parahippocampal gyrus, 117–119, 130

Parallel fibers, 497

Paramesonephric (Müllerian) duct, 371

Paranasal sinuses, 21–22

bones of, 52

changes with age, 52

coronal section of, 50

innervation of, 173

sagittal view of, 51

transverse section of, 50

Pararectal fossa, 344, 346, 348, 374

Pararenal fat, 185

Paraspinal muscle, BP38

Parasternal lymph nodes, 190–191

Parasympathetic fibers, 309

of autonomic reflex pathways, 307

of kidneys and upper ureters, 321

of lower ureter, 399

postsynaptic, BP41

presynaptic, BP41

in reproductive organs, 397

male, 398

of tracheobronchial tree, 214

of urinary bladder, 399

Parasympathetic nervous system, BP40

general topography, BP40

schema of, 173

Parathyroid gland, BP10, 76, 89

inferior, 88–89

superior, 88–89

Paratracheal lymph nodes

left, 212

right, 212

Paratracheal nodes, 242

Paraumbilical veins, T5.2, 299

in round ligament of liver, 259

tributaries of, 259

Paraurethral glands, primordium of, 371

Paraurethral (Skene’s) ducts, BP90

openings of, 358

Paraurethral (Skene’s) gland, 371

Paravertebral anastomoses, 177

Paravesical endopelvic fascia, 352

Paravesical fossa, 346

Parental generation, BP91

Atlas of Human Anatomy I-25


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