(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Liver (Continued)

variations in form of, BP62, BP64

vascular systems of, 285

Lobules, 8, 372

Locus coeruleus, 125

Longissimus capitis muscle, 181, 184

Longissimus cervicis muscle, 181

Longissimus muscle, 181

Longissimus thoracis muscle, 181

Longitudinal esophageal muscle, 239

Longitudinal fasciculi

dorsal, 158

medial, BP43, 125–126

Longitudinal fold, 287

Longitudinal ligament

anterior, BP35, BP19, 29, 77–78, 167–168,

185, 193, 337, 344, 348

posterior, BP35, BP19, BP33, 30, 167–168

Longitudinal muscle, BP54, 375

conjoined, 374–376

lateral mass of, 238

Longitudinal pharyngeal muscle, 75, 78, 80

Longitudinal vessels, BP12

Longus capitis muscle, T2.6, 36–37, 49, 68

Longus colli muscle, T2.6, 33, 37, 236

innervation of, 420

Loop of Heiss, 351

Lower limb, 471–535

arteries of, T8.2

cutaneous anatomy of, 473–475

lymphatics of, 7

surface anatomy of, 471

veins of, BP107

Lumbar arteries, 266

Lumbar artery, 176

Lumbar ganglion, 1st, 172

Lumbar lordosis, 162

Lumbar lymph nodes, 7, 268

lateral, 388

Lumbar lymph trunks, 319

Lumbar plexus, 169, 486, 488, 529–530

anterior rami of, 488

Lumbar region

anterior, 2

posterior, 3

Lumbar spinal nerves, 185

enlargement, 170

L1, 164–165, 169

anterior ramus of, 392

anterior view of, 162

dermatome of, 171

left lateral view of, 162

posterior view of, 162

vertebrae relation to, 170

L2, 164

anterior ramus of, 167, 399

dermatome of, 171

ganglion, 394

superior view of, 164

vertebrae relation to, 170

L3, 164

anterior ramus of, 397

dermatome of, 171

posterior view of, 164

superior view of, 164

vertebrae relation to, 170

L4, 164, 167

dermatome of, 171

posterior view of, 164

vertebrae relation to, 170

L5, 164, 169, 394

anterior ramus of, 392

anterior view of, 162

dermatome of, 171

left lateral view of, 162

posterior view of, 162

vertebra, body of, 167

vertebrae relation to, 170

Lumbar spine

MRIs, BP38

radiographs of, MRI, BP38

T2-weighted sagittal MRI of, 165

Lumbar splanchnic nerves, BP39

Lumbar triangle (of Petit), 161, 180, 257

Lumbar trunk

left, 268

right, 268

Lumbar trunk ganglion

lower, 232

upper, 232

Lumbar veins

ascending, 267

right, 267

Lumbar vertebrae, BP37, 162, 164, 176

articulated, lateral view of, 164

body of, 164


body of, 167

spinal nerve relation to, 170

transverse process of, 201

L2, spinal nerve relation to, 170


body of, 344, 348

spinal nerve relation to, 170

L4, 379

body of, 338

intervertebral disc, 379

radiograph of, 335

spinal nerve relation to, 170

L5, BP37, T3.1

body of, 338, 379

intervertebral disc, 379

radiograph of, 335

spinal nerve relation to, 170

radiographs of, BP37

section through, 177

transverse process of, 250, 334

Lumbar vertebral body, 168

Lumbocostal ligament, 312

Lumbocostal triangle, 201

Lumbosacral plexus, 269, 487

Lumbosacral region, vertebral ligaments, 167

Lumbosacral trunk, 269, 320, 392, 486–489,


Lumbrical muscles, T8.5, T7.4, 105–106,

450–455, 466–467, 524–525, 527

tendon of, 526

Lumbrical tendons, 451, 519

distal, 451

Lumen, 308

Lunate (articular) surface, 338

Lunate bone, BP102, 442–443, 445–447

articulation with, 429

Lunate sulcus, 116

Lunate surface, 476

Lungs, BP41, 173, 177, 188

apex of, T4.1, 202, 217

innervation to, 172

left, 205, 215, 219–221, 244–247

anterior border of, 205

apex of, 203, 205

bronchopulmonary segments of, 206–207

cardiac impression of, 205

cardiac notch of, 202, 204

diaphragmatic surface of, 205

esophagus area of, 205

hilum of, 216

inferior border of, 202–203

inferior lobe of, 204–205

lower lobe of, BP57

lymph vessels and nodes of, 212

oblique fissure of, 202–203, 205, 246

root of, 199

superior lobe of, BP56, 204–205

trachea area of, 205

upper lobe of, BP57

Lungs (Continued)

lymph nodes of, 212

lymph vessels of, 212

lymphatic drainage routes of, 212

medial views of, 205

right, 205, 215, 220–221, 245–247

anterior border of, 205

apex of, 205

bronchopulmonary segments of,


cardiac impression of, 205

diaphragmatic surface of, 205

esophagus area of, 205

hilum of, BP44, 216

horizontal fissure of, BP56, 202–205

inferior border of, 202

inferior lobe of, 204–205

lymph vessels and nodes of, 212

middle lobe of, BP56, 204–205

oblique fissure of, BP56, 202, 205

root of, 199

superior lobe of, 204–205

trachea area of, 205

in situ, anterior view of, 204

topography of

anterior view of, 202

posterior view of, 203

Lunotriquetral ligament, 444

Lunula, 227

Lunule, 460–461

Luteal cells, BP95

Luteinizing hormone, BP92

Lymph follicles, 71

Lymph nodes, 401

axillary, 7

cervical, 7

of esophagus, 242

in femoral canal, 264

of genitalia

female, 388

male, 390

of head, 85

iliac, 7

inguinal, 7

lumbar, 7

of lungs, 212

of mammary gland, 7, 190

mediastinal, 7

of neck, 85

paraaortic, T6.2

of pelvis, T6.2

female, 388–389

male, 390

of pharynx, 86

popliteal, 475

preaortic, T6.2, 388

submandibular, 68

tongue, 86

tracheobronchial, T6.2

Lymph vessels, T8.2, 286

along arcuate arteries, 319

along arteries, 319

along interlobar arteries, 319

of esophagus, 242

of genitalia

female, 388

male, 390

of head, 85

of lungs, 212

of mammary gland, 190

medullary, 319

of neck, 85

of pelvis

female, 388–389

male, 390

of pharynx, 86

superficial, 475

tongue, 86

I-20 Atlas of Human Anatomy


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