(Netter Basic Science) Frank H. Netter - Atlas of Human Anatomy-Elsevier (2018)

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Fasciculus (Continued)


dorsal, 158

medial, BP43, 125–126

mammillothalamic, 117

septomarginal, BP43

Fat, BP10

Fat body, suprapatellar, 502

Fat cells, BP6

Fat pads, 235, 428

Fat tissue, 188, 401

Fatty (Camper’s) fascia, BP88

Fauces, 72

Female, anterior view of, 2

Femoral artery, BP110, BP108, 4, 258, 266,

362, 400–401, 475, 483, 490, 495–496, 503

ascending branch of, BP108

deep, 4, 401. See also Profunda femoris artery

in femoral triangle, T8.2

lateral circumflex, BP108, 490–491, 495, 503

medial circumflex, BP108, 491–492, 495, 503

muscular branches of, BP108, 503

perforating branches, 503

pulses at, 4

transverse branch of, BP108

Femoral canal, 475

lymph nodes (Cloquet’s), 264

Femoral cutaneous nerve

lateral, 260, 391

posterior, 169

perineal branch of, 395

posterior, 393

Femoral nerve, BP86, BP109, 169, 256, 262,

264, 269, 389, 391, 400–401, 475, 486–488,

490–491, 529–530

anterior cutaneous branches of, 473

anterior femoral cutaneous branches of, 391

branches of, 496

terminal branch of. See Saphenous nerve

Femoral region, BP58

anterior, 2

posterior, 3

Femoral ring, T5.1, 262, 264, 344, 347–348,


Femoral sheath, 254, 256, 264, 490

femoral vein in, 253, 264

Femoral vein, BP86, BP107, BP58, 259, 263,

267, 362, 400, 473, 475, 483, 490, 496


lateral, BP107

medial, BP107

deep, 5

in femoral sheath, 253, 264

greater, 401

opening of, 265

Femoral vessels, 383, 389

Femur, BP113, BP4, 479, 496, 498, 501–502,


adductor tubercle of, 479

articular surface of, BP114

body of, 479

calcar of, 479

condyle of

lateral, 479, 498–501

medial, 479, 499–501

epicondyles of

lateral, 479, 483, 498

medial, 479, 492, 497–498

gluteal tuberosity of, 479

head of, BP109, 400, 477–479, 534

arteries of, 495

fovea for ligament of, 479

ligament of, BP109, 477

radiograph of, 335

intercondylar fossa of, 479

intertrochanteric crest of, 479

intertrochanteric line of, 479

Femur (Continued)

lateral supracondylar line of, 479

linea aspera of, 479

medial condyle of, 479

medial epicondyle of, 479

medial supracondylar line of, 479

midshaft of, T8.1

neck of, T8.1, 400–401, 477–479, 534

arteries of, 495

nutrient artery of, 495

nutrient foramen of, 479

pectineal line of, 479

popliteal surface of, 479

quadrate tubercle of, 479

radiograph of, 335

retinacular foramina of, 479

trochanter of

greater, BP109, 161, 334, 401, 471,

477–479, 483, 485–486, 492–493, 534

lesser, 265, 334, 477–479, 534

radiograph of, 335

trochanteric fossa of, 479

Fibrin, BP95

Fibroblast, BP6

in arterial wall, BP16

nuclei, BP6

Fibrocartilaginous labrum. See Acetabular labrum

Fibroelastic membranes, of esophagus, 238

Fibrofatty tissue, 374

Fibromuscular extension, BP90

Fibromuscular stroma, 366

Fibrous appendix, of liver, 284

Fibrous capsule, BP114, BP5, 289

Fibrous pericardium, 204, 219, 235

Fibrous septum, 376

transverse, 375

of ischioanal fossa, 374, 376–377

Fibrous sheaths, 525–526

Fibrous trabecula, 158

Fibrous trigone

left, 226

right, 226

Fibula, T8.1, BP113, BP116, BP111, BP4, 501,

504–505, 510–511, 514, 517–518, 521–522,


anterior border of, 504–505

apex of, 504

calcaneal branches of, 507

common, 497

condyle of

lateral, 505

medial, 505

fibular notch of, 504

head of, 482–484, 498, 500, 502, 504–505,

508–512, 533

ligament of, 505

posterior ligament of, 502

inferior articular of, 504

interosseous border of, 504–505

lateral malleolus of, 504, 520–522

medial crest of, 504

medial surface of, 504

neck of, BP112, 504

nutrient foramen for, 504

oblique line of, 504

soleal line of, 504

surface of, lateral, 504–505

Fibular artery, BP108, 4, 110–111, 503,

507–509, 513–514

calcaneal branches of, 508

communicating branch of, 509

lateral calcaneal branch of, 509

lateral tarsal branch of, BP110

perforating branch of, BP110, 503, 509, 512,


posterior, BP110

posterior lateral malleolar branch of, 509

Fibular collateral ligament, 483–484

Fibular nerve

common, BP111, T8.2, 485, 487, 489, 492,

497–498, 501, 507–512, 531–533

sural communicating branch of, 474

deep, BP111, 115–116, 512, 514, 521–522,


dorsal digital branch of, 511–512, 521–522

lateral branch of, 521–522, 533

medial branch of, BP117, 511–512,

521–522, 533

recurrent branch of, 512

superficial, BP115, 473, 510–512, 521–522,

531, 533

dorsal digital branches of, 521–522

intermediate dorsal cutaneous branch,


medial dorsal cutaneous branch, 473

Fibular retinaculum, 518

inferior, 509–510, 518, 520

fibular tendon in, 517

superior, 507–510, 518, 520

Fibular vein, BP107, 513–514

Fibularis brevis muscle, BP111, T8.4, 506,

510–512, 514, 520, 522, 533

Fibularis brevis tendon, 507–510, 512, 522,


common tendinous sheath of, 520

Fibularis longus muscle, BP111, T8.4, 471,

484, 497–498, 506, 508, 510–512, 514, 520,


Fibularis longus tendon, 507–510, 512, 522,


common tendinous sheath of, 520

passing to plantar region of foot, 510

Fibularis tertius muscle, BP111, T8.4, 506,


Fibularis tertius tendon, 510–511, 520, 522,


Filiform papillae, 71

Filum terminale externum, 169–170

Filum terminale internum, 169–170, 177

Fimbriae, 355

of uterine tube, 357

Fimbriated fold, 65

Finger, 461

extensor tendons in, 454

fibrous tendon sheath of, 453, 460–461

flexor tendon of, 454, 460

flexor tendon sheath of, 450, 461

index, 447

little, 447

middle, 447

ring, 447

tendon sheath of, 450–451, 453

Fixed retrocecal appendix, 282

Flexion, of lower limbs movements, 472

Flexor carpi radialis muscle, T7.4, 421, 423,

432, 436, 438–439, 441, 463, 466

Flexor carpi radialis tendon, 402, 437–438,

441, 444, 450, 452–453, 463

Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, T7.4, 402, 422,

432, 434–437, 439–441, 463, 467

Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, BP102, 402, 438,

441, 444, 450, 452, 455

Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle, T7.4,

BP117, T8.4, 452, 467, 524–527, 532

Flexor digiti minimi brevis tendon, BP117

plantar, 519

Flexor digitorum brevis muscle, BP117, T8.4,

520, 524–525

Flexor digitorum brevis nerve, 532

Flexor digitorum brevis tendon, BP117,


plantar, 519

Flexor digitorum longus muscle, BP111, T8.4,

506, 509, 513–514, 532

I-12 Atlas of Human Anatomy


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