SECURITAS AB Annual Report 2011

SECURITAS AB Annual Report 2011

SECURITAS AB Annual Report 2011


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80 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

Notes and comments to the consolidated financial statements<br />

Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued<br />

operations (IFRS 5)<br />

The Group applies IfRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued<br />

operations, which sets out requirements for the classification, measurement<br />

and presentation of non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations.<br />

According to IFRS 5 a non-current asset classified as held for sale or disposal<br />

group shall be measured at the lower of its carrying amount and fair<br />

value less cost to sell, if the carrying amount will be recovered through a<br />

sales transaction rather than through its continuous use in the operations.<br />

Measurement is carried out in two steps. First, all assets and liabilities are<br />

measured in accordance with the relevant standard. For disposal groups a<br />

second step also involves a re-measurement to the lower of the carrying<br />

amount and the fair value less cost to sell. A re-measurement should be<br />

carried out at each balance sheet date subsequent to the initial recognition.<br />

No depreciation or amortization should be recognized for these assets from<br />

the date of reclassification up until the disposal has been completed.<br />

A discontinued operation is a component of a group that represents a<br />

major line of business or geographical area of operations. The net income<br />

(after tax) relating to discontinued operations is included on a separate line,<br />

net income for the year, discontinued operations.<br />

Statement of cash flow (IAS 7)<br />

The statement of cash flow has been prepared in accordance with the<br />

indirect method. Liquid funds include short-term investments with a maximum<br />

duration of 90 days that are readily convertible to a known amount of<br />

cash and subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. Liquid funds also<br />

include cash and bank deposits.<br />

Goodwill and other acquisition related intangible assets<br />

(IFRS 3, IAS 36 and IAS 38)<br />

Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of an acquisition over the fair<br />

value of the Group’s share of the identifiable net assets of the acquired<br />

subsidiary /operations at the date of acquisition. Goodwill is tested annually<br />

for impairment and carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses.<br />

Gains and losses on the disposal of an entity include the carrying amount<br />

of goodwill relating to the entity or operations sold.<br />

Other acquisition related intangible assets arising from acquisitions can<br />

include various types of intangible assets such as marketing-related, customer-related,<br />

contract-related, brand-related and technology-based.<br />

Other acquisition related intangible assets normally have a definite useful<br />

life. These assets are recognized at fair value on the date of acquisition and<br />

subsequently carried at cost less accumulated amortization and any accumulated<br />

impairment losses. Amortization is calculated using the linear<br />

method to allocate the cost of assets over their estimated useful lives.<br />

Securitas’ acquisition related intangible assets mainly relate to customer<br />

contract portfolios and the related customer relationships. The valuation of<br />

the customer contract portfolios and the related customer relationships is<br />

based on the Multiple Excess Earnings Method (MEEM) which is a valuation<br />

model based on discounted cash flows. The valuation is based on the churn<br />

rates and profitability of the acquired portfolio at the time of the acquisition.<br />

In the model a specific charge – a contributory asset charge – is applied as a<br />

cost or return requirement for the assets supporting the intangible asset.<br />

Cash flows are discounted using the Weighted Average Cost of Capital<br />

(WACC) adjusted for local interest rate levels in the countries of acquisition.<br />

The useful life of customer contract portfolios and the related customer<br />

relationships are based on the churn rate of the acquired portfolio and are<br />

normally between 3 and 20 years corresponding to a yearly amortization<br />

of between 5 percent and 33.3 percent.<br />

Securitas <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

A deferred tax liability is calculated at the local tax rate on the difference<br />

between the book value and tax value of the intangible asset. The deferred tax<br />

liability is reversed over the same period as the intangible asset is amortized,<br />

which means that it neutralizes the impact of the amortization of the intangible<br />

asset on the full tax rate percentage on the income after tax. The initial<br />

recognition of this deferred tax liability increases the amount of goodwill.<br />

Goodwill and other acquisition related intangible assets are allocated to<br />

cash-generating units (CGU) per country in a segment. This allocation is<br />

also the basis for the yearly impairment testing.<br />

The amortization of acquisition related intangible assets is shown on the<br />

line amortization of acquisition related intangible assets in the statement of<br />

income.<br />

Acquisition related restructuring and integration costs<br />

Acquisition related restructuring cost are costs relating to the restructuring<br />

and/or integration of acquired operations into the Group. Restructuring<br />

costs are costs that are recognized based on the specific criteria for restructuring<br />

provisions in IAS 37 (see further under the section Provisions below).<br />

Restructuring costs can cover several activities that are necessary to prepare<br />

acquired operations for integration into the Group such as redundancy<br />

payments, provisions for rented premises that will not be utilized or sublet<br />

below cost or other non-cancellable leasing contracts that will not be utilized.<br />

Integration costs normally cover activities that do not qualify to be recognized<br />

as provisions. Such activities could be re-branding (changing logotypes<br />

on buildings, vehicles, uniforms etc) but could also cover personnel<br />

costs for example training, recruitment, relocation and travel, certain customer<br />

related costs and other incremental costs to transform the acquired operation<br />

into the acquirers format. Classifying expenses as costs relating to integration<br />

of acquired operations must also fulfill the criteria below:<br />

· The cost would not have been incurred if the acquisition not had taken place<br />

· The cost relate to a project identified and controlled by management as<br />

part of a integration program set up at the time of acquisition or as a<br />

direct consequence of an immediate post-acquisition review.<br />

Items affecting comparability<br />

This item includes events and transactions with significant effects, which<br />

are relevant for understanding the financial performance when comparing<br />

income for the current period with previous periods. They include:<br />

· Capital gains and losses arising from the disposal of material cash<br />

generating units<br />

· Material impairment losses and bad debt losses<br />

· Material litigations and insurance claims<br />

· Other material income and expense items of a non-recurring nature<br />

Provisions, impairment losses, bad debt losses or other material non-recurring<br />

items that are classified as items affecting comparability in a period are<br />

accounted for consistently in future periods by treating any reversal of<br />

provisions, impairment losses, bad debt losses or other non-recurring items<br />

as items affecting comparability.<br />

The Group currently has no items affecting comparability in the income<br />

statement. Refer to note 11 for information regarding cash flow from items<br />

affecting comparability.

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