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by philip jensen

barrister, ahuriri

I met Pat in ’91 or ’92, more likely ’91 because Pat is not

one to let a good prospect go. I had come to Napier as an

older new lawyer, and I was saying things in Court. I was

most likely recommended by Russell Fairbrother. I was

invited, on a sunny Sunday for a drive into the hinterland

to Puketitiri, to a bach Pat had in the wilderness, a walk

around the property, a chat and a cuppa afterwards. We

probably pulled some weeds as well because that’s what

we were there for. From this walk and a chat and a cuppa

I forged a long comfortable and rewarding friendship

with Pat. I think he is just amazing. I haven’t met anyone

quite like him and long may he remain with us.

In hindsight it is easy to see how Pat works his magic.

He has a keen eye and good ear for identifying and recruiting

acolytes to his kaupapa. I am merely one of a

long, long line preceding and following. One at a time he

collects us up, over a walk and a chat and a cuppa. Long

may we continue that walk and talk with others.

In the decades I have been a working lawyer, I have

been astounded by the amount and variety of ways in

which hurt and harm is visited, one human to another,

and returned in kind. How easy it is to be angry and

judgemental and correctional towards all this. Detaching

from the awfulness of it all, searching for the good

and the redemption and the sunshine in such a murk of

horribleness is hard work. Very hard work. Pat has been

doing it all his life. I only know of the latter 30 years but

the talk I have heard at Napier Pilot City Trust AGMs is

from people who have walked with Pat since the 1970’s.

I would like to sup on some of that elixir Pat partakes

of. What it is I am not quite sure. I think perhaps it is

just a bedrock belief in the rightness that if you dig often

enough you will find little nuggets of gold goodness in

every person, and if we continually look for the good in

everyone then everyone’s life is improved. Such a simple

“In the decades I have been a working

lawyer, I have been astounded by

the amount and variety of ways in

which hurt and harm is visited, one

human to another, and returned in

kind. How easy it is to be angry and

judgemental and correctional towards

all this. Detaching from the awfulness

of it all, searching for the good and the

redemption and the sunshine in such

a murk of horribleness is hard work.

Very hard work. Pat has been doing it

all his life.”

proposition. And Pat imparts and propagates this simple

proposition by simply walking his talk. By the simple

expedient of turning up to someone with a muffin, or a

dinner box, for a cuppa and a chat. One person at a time.

What a life’s times work. Pat you are a wonder.

The great beauty is that he is so middle New Zealand.

Pat, as far as I know, is no tree-hugging, god-botherer

sect believing, hippy oriented lefty. He is as middle Kiwi

as they come. He was a business man, big business. He

follows rugby, was president of the Hawke’s Bay Rugby

Union at a grand time, and he likes a beer!! Pat is able

to walk in and talk with the ruling classes because he

comes from them, and they are comfortable with him because

he is from them. Yet the message he brings is so

different. In days of old the Soviets called them sleepers,

persons who infiltrate the power structures, and corrupted

them from the inside. Good on you Pat. Long may you

continue to corrupt the halls of power with goodness.

Above: Pat’s bedrock of belief in rightness, revealed to Philip Jensen as he walks around Pat’s bush at Puketitiri. Painting by Pat’s

friend John Ruth.


Restorative Justice – for an unjust justice system

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