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Justice Action is a not-for-profit

community organisation in Sydney,

Australia, focusing on abuses of

authority in the criminal justice and

mental health systems, with Brett

supported by a team of student






by brett collins


justice action

Pat and I have spent lovely and very productive times

together. I love his statement that he would crawl over

broken glass to get to the London ICOPA. He always is

a stalwart comrade, bringing energy and spirit that engenders

others to do more than they thought themselves


At times he has arrived in Sydney when I was exhausted

from my work, and his presence brought more

grounding to my effort that allowed me to fire up once


We have drunk beers from Bondi to Toronto to Auckland

to Trinidad to Tasmania and always celebrated with

Pat’s generosity of spirit.




by hal pepinski,

atlanta, usa

”As yet,

forgiveness is

not in our


“Great times in ICOPA togetherlove

and peace, Pat.”

Hal is Professsor Emeritus, Department of Criminal

Justice at the Indiana University Bloomington. Trained

in law, sociology and Chinese, Hal has spent most of

his academic career describing crime and violence,

their roots, their antitheses, and the ways in which

people can, and do, make peace.

HAL’S MESSSAGE TO PAT: “Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does

not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily

angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight

in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,

always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” Corinthians,

chapter 13, verse.

Top left: Justice Action meeting with Mental Health Commission, NSW, discussing disrespect for consumers in forced medication.

Brett is on the right; Right: Famous quote by Nils Christie; Peace dove. Photo Nowshad Arefin.


Restorative Justice – for an unjust justice system

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