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by helen lloyd

Pat and I have enjoyed a lot of travel together and all in

all, we’re pretty good travel buddies. The world is awash

with happy travel tales though so I’m going to share our

most challenging and entertaining story; entertaining

for those who weren’t there, that is!

Even before we left NZ shores for India in 2007, the

signs were there, that we were in for an interesting time.

Travelling with Pat is never ever boring and this trip sure

confirmed it. Things started to unravel when Pat rang

and said, “We’re not leaving Wednesday, we go tomorrow,

two days earlier than I thought”. Bit of a wild scramble

but we got to Auckland Airport OK. We were in the

departure lounge and I said to Pat, “Can you mind these

books please, while I go to the bathroom?” When I returned,

the books had gone and Pat was up at the counter

doing something or other.

We arrive in Bombay only to discover our hotel booking

wasn’t until the next day. Things just kept going from

bad to worse. My handbag was stolen and Pat’s wallet

and clothes were lost in a laundry and on the 4th of

December we turned up at the Indira Ghandi Airport in

Delhi to be told we’d missed our flight by 24 hours. Our

fault I suppose, by the way it was written on the itinerary,

4th December 0005. Apparently lots of people make

this mistake and you’d think they would make it clearer.

Anyway, that was no comfort to us as we now had to find

a hotel near the airport and of course the first four or five

were full. Around 3am we found a place where we could

put our heads down for a few hours.

Next morning we were up early and off to the YMCA

where we knew there was a travel agency. After many

problems trying to get the $1,200 needed from the vending

machines and with the help of a very kind rickshaw

driver, we finally managed to get another booking to

Bangkok. We were to fly out at 12.45am that night, well,

early morning. Thank goodness, we could connect with

our flight home to NZ. Pat was looking decidedly jaded

and we were really elated to be leaving. The YMCA arranged

for a car to take us to the airport. Great — we

were on our way.

We fronted up to the counter with our tickets and put

our luggage on the weighing machine. Pat was absolutely

buggered, lifting luggage up and down stairs in

the middle of the night, in and out of taxis. He had had

enough. Then the lady at the counter said. “I’m sorry

Madam, these tickets are for the 5th January”. Well, I

thought, ain’t that dandy? Now what do we do? I tried

to rescue our luggage while Pat tried to put our case to

whoever would listen.

What happened next might not be entirely honest but

it worked a treat. Pat did a major Deli-wood. He buckled

at the knees as I rushed to hold him up against the

counter while yelling, “Can someone get a wheelchair!?”

People ran in all directions, the wheelchair arrived and

water was given. When things quietened down a bit I put

my hand on Pat’s brow. He looked very flushed for one

who had supposedly fainted. I asked him, genuinely concerned,

“Are you OK?” He looked up, winked and said,

“How am I doing, Mate?” I had just witnessed a convincing

performance and was I relieved to realise that. The

staff wanted to get a doctor but I said, “No, he needs to

see his own doctor in New Zealand”. Well, would you

believe it, we booked us on a flight that night. They sat

us behind the counter at the boarding gate for a couple

of hours so they could keep an eye on us. We tried not to

look too happy, but I can assure you we were.


Awards, travel, parties – fun, fun, fun!

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