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by grandson travis magill

On Wednesday mornings Pat occasionally goes down

to the Napier District Courthouse to observe the trials,

looking for creative ways to provide some form of support

to those that have never had any proper help before,

and also to observe the judicial system in action.

When Pat was in hospital for a couple of weeks for an

issue that he has now overcome, he was unable to attend

the court trials. None the less he didn’t let that get in

the way. He asked my sister Jerri and I to go to the court

house in his place. At the time we probably didn’t realise

this but we weren’t just there to observe the trials and the

judicial system, we were also being guided by Pat to become

more empathetic and further instill the values to the

next generation that a community needs to stick together

and help one another, even in unordinary situations.

One of the most common phrases I have heard in my

life is a quote from Pat that goes; “If you can’t fix your

own backyard then you can’t fix the world.” In this analogy

the backyard is Napier and Pat has always had an unconditional

love towards Napier and all of her residents.

Above: Jerri and Travis Magill on duty for Pilot City Trust at the Napier Court, when Koro Pat was in hospital.

A big presence in our lives 247

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