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by liz remmerswaal

I met dear Pat about 25 years ago when I was involved in

the Restorative Justice network.

He is such a treasured friend and has been a constant

supporter of me, my husband Ton and my work in peace

and the environment.

The loveliest thing about Pat is his encouragement

and positivity, seeing the best in people as well as calling

things out when they are wrong. Pat’s ‘personalism’

is a big part of his beautiful way of being, which compels

him to always respond to my emails, telling me where he

is in his travels, and asking for help for those who need

it. He is loved by so many and has helped countless people,

new friends and old.

Pat’s big mission in life has been facilitating long overdue

education about Te Tiriti o Waitangi, assisted by

the Napier Pilot City Trust and Kerry Kitione. For many

years he organised Healing Our History workshops with

Robert Consedine from Christchurch and invited local

politicians and others to come along and learn about

Aotearoa in order to “fix it.” His friendship with former

New Plymouth Mayor Andrew Judd has been inspirational

and Andrew often speaks at Quaker gatherings.

Since then, Pat’s other kaupapa has been the Te Araroa

Trail, which he dubbed ‘The Poor Man’s Outward

Bound’, and taking groups of at risk youth along on hikoi

to experience its healing wairua and Pat is the living embodiment

of this. His love of walking and benefits of it

for mental as well as physical health has stood him in

good stead. He has remained fit and active for over nine

decades and is sharp as a tack besides.

It was great when Pat decided to come along to our

local Quaker group, inspired I think by the wonderful Canadian

Ruth Morris, who he spoke about often.

Founded in 1652 in England, Quakers is about humanity;

about going forward and contributing to the social

landscape and it has evolved over the years. In some

ways, compared to its dramatic origins when Quakers

were regularly thrown into jail for not doffing their hats

“Peace requires something

far more difficult than

revenge. It requires

empathising with the fears

and unmet needs that provide

the impetus for people to

attack each other.”

marshall rosenberg

at the ‘toffs’ (part of their belief that everyone is equal), it

has become a little mainstream, less activist, more into

planting vegies and choosing not to fly in a bid to reduce

carbon emissions, that kind of thing; although penal reform

has long been a very important strand of the Society

of Friends, as Quakers call themselves.

I think the founder of Quakers, George Fox, would

totally endorse Pat’s modus operandi and I think Pat is

intrinsically a Quaker. He lives and breathes the principles,

but he has his own way of operating, which some

struggle with at times.

He can be a little impulsive; do things first and then

ask questions or apply for funding later! But back to

his wonderfulness — with his talk of “foot soldiers” and

“shipmates” he always spurs us into action.

Pat has been such a great support and encourager.

One of the most important things that he has taught

me is to focus on one thing, and not spread oneself too

thinly, an important lesson. There have been challenges,

and times when just a word of encouragement and understanding

makes all the difference. It’s very precious

to have someone like Pat in your corner.

Whose god? Pat on religion & spirituality 273

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