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chapter nineteen

whose god? pat on

religion & spirituality

and I were both born into fear.

She the Catholic faith, to parents of a


mixed marriage; me in the Open Brethren,

with the threat hanging over my head as a young

boy of incarceration in hell if I wasn’t “saved”. I mentioned

earlier in the book that my bible class teacher

Mr Pearson told us there were no Catholics in heaven,

which confused me, and my father agreed with the

teacher. My father’s business was reliant on Catholics

shopping at his store during the Depression as

we were poor and Catholics buttered our bread.

This made me doubt, not believe, and ponder, “Who

does hold the truth?”

“There were contradictions everywhere. My father

gave most of his profit to poor Catholics living near the

shop around Carlyle Street because he cared, and because

of the hypocrisy that surrounded me, I had no fear

in marrying a lovely Catholic girl, who herself was told by

the nuns, ‘Do not stand next to ‘Proddys’ at funerals’. My

father didn’t attend our wedding in New Plymouth and

Catherine’s Catholic father Mago said he understood.

Because of religion, our fathers never met.

“Catherine’s father Mago had reneged on an agreement;

that Catherine’s Swedish mother Emma could

bring her children up in her Wesleyan faith. Mago was

“Religion isn’t a big deal

for me. I am moved by the

simplicity of Friends of the

Quaker faith. The Quakers

believe that goodness and love

is born in us all and this best

reflects my own beliefs”.

told by priests to, “Forget that promise”, and Mago then

demanded the children be brought up as Catholics. So

I was asked to sign a form stating that all our children

would be brought up as Catholics. As part of the deal,

I attended religious instruction with a priest and I was

required to read a book as well, which I dutifully did but

can’t recall the title.

“Apart from attending the children’s first communions,

I decided not to join the family at mass. I supported Catherine

in other ways when work was required around the

parish. Often on a Sunday after she had left for church

Opposite: The sun rises on all our faiths. Declan Summers. Ahuriri Estuary, image by Lee Pritchard.

Whose god? Pat on religion & spirituality 269

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