Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...


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.<strong>Manual</strong> práctico <strong>para</strong> <strong>el</strong> <strong>manejo</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>vertebrados</strong> <strong>invasores</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>islas</strong> <strong>de</strong> España y PortugalProyecto LIFE2002NAT/CP/E/000014Refer<strong>en</strong>ciasKeegan, D.R. B.E. Cobl<strong>en</strong>tz & C.S. Winch<strong>el</strong>l. 1994. Feral goat eradication on San Clem<strong>en</strong>teIsland, California. Wildlife Society Bulletin 22(1): 56-61.Keith, J. O. & R. L. Bruggers. 1998. Review of hazards to raptors from pest control inSah<strong>el</strong>ian Africa. Journal of Raptor Research 32(2): 151-158.www.aphis.usda.gov/ws/nwrc/is/98pubs/98-55.pdfK<strong>el</strong>t, D. A., and D. H. van Vur<strong>en</strong>. 2001. The ecology and macroecology of mammalianhome range area. American Naturalist 157: 637-645.K<strong>en</strong>ward, R.E. 1989. Bark-stripping by grey squirr<strong>el</strong>s in Britain and North America: whydoes the damage differ? In: Putman, R.J. (Ed.). Mammals as pests, pp. 144-154. Chapman and Hall.London.Kessler, C.C. 2002. Eradication of feral goats and pigs and consequ<strong>en</strong>ces for other biota onSarigan Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pp. 132-140 in Veitch, C.R. &Clout, M.N. (eds.) Turning the ti<strong>de</strong>: the eradication of invasives species. IUCN SSC InvasiveSpecies Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.Kil<strong>de</strong>moes, A. 1985. The impact of introduced stoats (Must<strong>el</strong>a erminea) on an islandpopulation of the water vole, Arvicola terrestris. Acta Zoologica F<strong>en</strong>nica, 173: 193-195.King, C.M. 1989. The Natural History of weas<strong>el</strong>s and stoats. Comstock PublicationAssociation. Corn<strong>el</strong>l University Press. Ithaca, New York. 272 pp.King, C.M. 1990. Stoat. Pp. 288-312 in King, C. M. (Ed.) The handbook of New ZealandMammals. Oxford University Press. Auckland.King, D.R. & S.H. Whe<strong>el</strong>er. 1985. The European rabbit in South-Western Australia I. Studysites and population dynamics. Australian Wildlife Research, 12: 183-196.King, D.R., S.H. Whe<strong>el</strong>er & G.L. Schmidt. 1983. Population fluctuations and thereproduction of rabbits in a pastoral area on the coast North of Carnavon, Western Australia.Australian Wildlife Research, 10: 97-104.Kingdon, J. 1997. The Kingdon fi<strong>el</strong>d gui<strong>de</strong> to African mammals. Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press. London.Kirkpatrick, F.J. & A.T. Rutberg. 2001. Fertility control in animals. In D.J. Salem and A.N.Rowan, The State of the Animals 2001. Humane Society Press, Washington: 183-198.files.hsus.org/web-files/PDF/MARK_State_of_Animals_Ch_12.pdfKo<strong>en</strong>ig, W.D. 2003. European starlings and their effect on native cavity-nesting birds.Conservation Biology 17 (4), 1134-1140.Korine, C., I. Izhaki & Z. Arad 1999. Is the Egyptian fruit-bat Rousettus aegyptiacus a pestin Isra<strong>el</strong>? An analysis of the bat's diet and implications for its conservation. Biological Conservation88: 301-306Kowalski, K. & B. Rzebik-Kowalska. 1991. Mammals of Algeria. Polish Aca<strong>de</strong>my ofSci<strong>en</strong>ces. Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animales. Wroclaw.Kraus, F., E.W. Campb<strong>el</strong>l, A. Allison & T. Pratt. 1999. Eleutherodactylus frog introductionsto Hawaii. Herpetological Review 30(1): 21-25Krysko, K. L., F. W. King, K. M. Enge, and A. T. Reppas. 2003. Distribution of theintroduced black spiny-tailed iguana (Ct<strong>en</strong>osaura similis) on the southwestern coast of Florida.Florida Sci<strong>en</strong>tist 66: 141-146.Kupferberg, S. J. 1997. Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) invasion of a California river: the roleof larval competition. Ecology. 78: 1736-1751.220

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