Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...


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.<strong>Manual</strong> práctico <strong>para</strong> <strong>el</strong> <strong>manejo</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>vertebrados</strong> <strong>invasores</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>islas</strong> <strong>de</strong> España y PortugalProyecto LIFE2002NAT/CP/E/000014Refer<strong>en</strong>ciasPleguezu<strong>el</strong>os, J.M., R. Márquez & M. Linaza (eds.). 2002. Atlas y libro rojo <strong>de</strong> los anfibiosy reptiles <strong>de</strong> España. DGCN- AHE.Pochop, P. A., J. L. Cummings, C. A. Yo<strong>de</strong>r, and J. E. Steuber. 1998. Comparison of whitemineral oil and corn oil to reduce hatchability in ring-billed gull eggs. Pages 411-413 in Barker, R.O. and Crabb, A. C., Editors. Eighte<strong>en</strong>th Vertebrate Pest Confer<strong>en</strong>ce (March 2-5, 1998, Costa Mesa,California). University of California at Davis, Davis, CA.www.aphis.usda.gov/ws/nwrc/is/98pubs/98-78.pdfPochop, P. A., J. L. Cummings, J.E. Steuber & C. A. Yo<strong>de</strong>r. 1998. Effectiv<strong>en</strong>ess of severaloils to reduce hatchability of chick<strong>en</strong> eggs. Journal of Wildlife Managem<strong>en</strong>t 62(1): 395-398.www.aphis.usda.gov/ws/nwrc/is/98pubs/98-77.pdfPochop, P.A., J.L. Cummings & R.M. Engeman. 2001. Fi<strong>el</strong>d evaluation of a visual barrier todiscourage gull nesting. Pacific Conservation Biology 7: 143-145.www.aphis.usda.gov/ws/nwrc/is/01pubs/01-64.pdfPontier, D., L. Say, F. Debias, J. Bried, J. Thioulouse, T. Micol & E. Natoli. 2002. The dietof feral cats ( F<strong>el</strong>is catusL.) at five sites on the Gran<strong>de</strong> Terre, Kergu<strong>el</strong><strong>en</strong> archip<strong>el</strong>ago. Polar Biology25: 833 –837 pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/ADE-4/ref/DPetal2002.pdfPridd<strong>el</strong>, D., N. Carlile & R. Whe<strong>el</strong>er. 2000. Eradication of European rabbits (Oryctolaguscuniculus) from Cabbage Tree Island, NSW, Australia, to protect the breeding habitat of Gould'spetr<strong>el</strong> (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera). Biological Conservation, 94(1):115-125.Primus, T.M., D.J. Kohler, M.A. Goodall, C. Yo<strong>de</strong>r, D. Griffin, L. Miller & J. J. Johnston.2001. Determination of 4,4-dinitrocarbanili<strong>de</strong> (DNC), the active compon<strong>en</strong>t of the antifertility ag<strong>en</strong>tnicarbazin, in chick<strong>en</strong>, duck, and goose plasma. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49(8):3589-3593. www.aphis.usda.gov/ws/nwrc/is/01pubs/01-67.pdfPuigcerver, M., S. Gallego, J.D. Rodríguez-Teijeiro, S. D’Amico & E. Randi. 1999.Hybridization and introgression of Japanese quail mitochondrila DNA in common quail populations:a pr<strong>el</strong>iminary study. Hungarian Small Game Bulletin, 5: 129-136.QQueiroz, A.I. 2003. Invasive ali<strong>en</strong> species in Portugal. Pp. 28-29 in Cap<strong>de</strong>vila-Argü<strong>el</strong>les, L.,B. Zilletti & N. Pérez Hidalgo (Coords.). Contribuciones al conocimi<strong>en</strong>to <strong>de</strong> las Especies ExóticasInvasoras <strong>en</strong> España. Grupo Especies Invasoras. G.E.I. Serie Técnica 1.RRainbolt, R. E. & B.E. Cobl<strong>en</strong>tz. 1999. Restoration of insular ecosystems: control of feralgoats on Aldabra Atoll, Republic of Seych<strong>el</strong>les. Biological Invasions, 1(4): 363-375.Raloff, J. 2002. Slugging it out with caffeine. Sci<strong>en</strong>ce News Online.www.sci<strong>en</strong>c<strong>en</strong>ews.org/20020629/food.asp.Raloff, J. 2003. Hawaii's hated frogs. Sci<strong>en</strong>ce News, 163 (1).233

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