Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...


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.<strong>Manual</strong> práctico <strong>para</strong> <strong>el</strong> <strong>manejo</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>vertebrados</strong> <strong>invasores</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>islas</strong> <strong>de</strong> España y PortugalProyecto LIFE2002NAT/CP/E/000014Refer<strong>en</strong>ciasNug<strong>en</strong>t, G. 1988. Successful control of fallow <strong>de</strong>er by recreational hunters in the BlueMountains, Otago. New Zealand Journal of. Forestry Sci<strong>en</strong>ce, 18: 239-252.Nutter, F.B., J.F. Levine & M.K. Stoskopf. 1999. Pr<strong>el</strong>iminary report on adult and kitt<strong>en</strong>survival time of feral cats in managed colonies in Randolph county, North Carolina. WildlifeDisease Confer<strong>en</strong>ce 1999 Georgia.OO’Bri<strong>en</strong>, P. & T. Korn. 1991. 1080-for pest control in New South Wales. Agfact A9.0.18.NSW Agriculture & Fisheries. 4 ppO’Connor, C.E. & C.T. Eason. 2000. Ro<strong>de</strong>nt baits and d<strong>el</strong>ivery systems for islandprotection. Sci<strong>en</strong>ce for Conservation 150. Departm<strong>en</strong>t of Conservation, New Zealand.O'Connor, C.E. 2002. Evaluation of new toxins for must<strong>el</strong>id control. DOC Sci<strong>en</strong>ce InternalSeries, 56. 14 p.Od<strong>el</strong>l, E.A. & R.L. Knight. 2001. Songbird and medium-sized mammal communitiesassociated with exurban <strong>de</strong>v<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t in Pitkin County, Colorado. Conservation Biology 15 (4),1143-1150.ODNR. Trapper education manual. Ohio Departm<strong>en</strong>t of Natural Resources. Division ofWildlife. www.dnr.state.oh.us/wildlife/hunting/SmallGameAndTrapping/Trapping/trapedman.htmO'Farr<strong>el</strong>l, M.J., W.A. Clark, F.H. Emmerson, S.M. Juarez, F.R. Kay, T.M. O'Farr<strong>el</strong>l & T.Y.Goodlett. 1994. Use of mesh live traps for small mammals: are results from Sherman live traps<strong>de</strong>ceptive? Journal of Mammalogy, 75: 692-699.Ogan, C.V. & R.M. Jurek. 1997. Biology and ecology of feral, free-roaming, and stray cats.Pp. 87-91 in Harris, John E. & Chester V. Ogan. (Eds). Mesocarnivores of Northern California:Biology, Managem<strong>en</strong>t, and Survey Techniques, Workshop <strong>Manual</strong>. August 12-15, 1997, HumboldtState Univ., Arcata, CA. The Wildlife Society, California North Coast Chapter, Arcata, CA. 127 p.Ogutu-Ohwayo, R. 1993. The effects of predation by nile perch, Lates niloticus L., on thefish of Lake Nabugabo, with suggestions for conservation of <strong>en</strong>dangered <strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>mic cichlids.Conservation Biology, 7 (3): 701-711.Ogutu-Ohwayo, R. 2001. Efforts to incorporate biodiversity concerns in managem<strong>en</strong>t of thefisheries of Lake Victoria (East Africa) Blue mill<strong>en</strong>nium. Managing global fisheries for biodiversity.Victoria, B.C., Canada. 25– 27 June 2001.Ols<strong>en</strong>, G.H., R.G. Linscombe, V.L. Wright & R.A. Holmes. 1988. Reducing injuries toterrestrial furbearers by using pad<strong>de</strong>d foothold traps. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 16 (3): 303-307.Oliveira, P. 2000. Workshop on the control and eradication od non-native terrestrialvertebrates. Malta, 3-5 Junio 1999. Proceedings: 49. Council of EuropeOliveira, P. 2003. Recuperação dos habitates terrestres da S<strong>el</strong>vagem Gran<strong>de</strong>. Simposio sobreControl <strong>de</strong> Vertebrados Invasores <strong>en</strong> Islas <strong>de</strong> España y Portugal. Islas Canarias, febrero 2003.Resúm<strong>en</strong>es: 8.Oliveira, P. & B. Heredia. 1995. Action Plan for the Ma<strong>de</strong>ira Laur<strong>el</strong> pigeon (Columbatrocaz). Seminar for the pres<strong>en</strong>tation of Action Plans for European Globally Threat<strong>en</strong>ed Birds.Conv<strong>en</strong>tion for the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, Strasbourg, 19-21 June1995.229

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