Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...


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.<strong>Manual</strong> práctico <strong>para</strong> <strong>el</strong> <strong>manejo</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>vertebrados</strong> <strong>invasores</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>islas</strong> <strong>de</strong> España y PortugalProyecto LIFE2002NAT/CP/E/000014Refer<strong>en</strong>ciasUrioste Rodríguez J. A. <strong>de</strong> & M. J. Beth<strong>en</strong>court Linares. 2001. Rana toro y sapo marino: laam<strong>en</strong>aza que vi<strong>en</strong>e. Medio Ambi<strong>en</strong>te CANARIAS, 21.www.gobcan.es/medioambi<strong>en</strong>te/revista/2001/21/269/in<strong>de</strong>x.htmlUSFWS. 1999. Lower Keys Rabbit. Multi-Species Recovery Plan for South Florida. USFish and Wildlife Service – Southeast Region, Atlanta. Pp: 151-171.USGS. 2000. Sea lamprey—A Great Lakes inva<strong>de</strong>r. Great Lakes Sci<strong>en</strong>ce C<strong>en</strong>ter. UnitedStates Geological Survey. Fact Sheet 2000-8.Vvan Aar<strong>de</strong>, R. 1984. Population biology and the control of feral cats on Marion Island. ActaZoologica F<strong>en</strong>nica, 172: 107-110.van R<strong>en</strong>sburg, P.J.J., J.D. Skinner & R.J. van Aar<strong>de</strong>. 1987. Effects of f<strong>el</strong>ine panleuconemiaon the population characteristics of feral cats on Marion Island. Journal of Applied Ecology, 24: 63-73.van Riper, C., III, S. G. van Riper, M. L. Goff & M. Laird. 1986. The epizootiology an<strong>de</strong>cological significance of malaria in Hawaiian land birds. Ecological Monographs 56: 327-344.Varnham, K.J., S.S. Roy, A.S. Seymour, S. Harris, J. Mauremootoo & C.G. Jones. 2002Eradicating Indian Musk Shrews (Suncus murinus) from offshore islands. Pp: 342-349 In C.R.Veitch & M.N. Clout (eds.) Turning the ti<strong>de</strong>: the eradication of invasives species. IUCN SSCInvasive Species Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.Veitch, C.R. 1985. Methods of eradicating feral cats from offshore islands in New Zealand.En: Moors, P.J. (Ed.) Conservation of islands Birds. ICBP Technical Publication, 3: 125-141.Veitch, R. 1994. The impact of domestic animals on urban wildlife - eradication or damagecontrol. Urban animal managem<strong>en</strong>t confer<strong>en</strong>ce proceedings – Camberra. Australia.www.ava.com.au/cont<strong>en</strong>t/confer/uam/proc94/veitch.htmV<strong>el</strong>asco, J.M., M. Yanes & F. Suárez. 1995. El efecto barrera <strong>en</strong> <strong>vertebrados</strong>. Medidascorrectoras <strong>en</strong> las vías <strong>de</strong> comunicación. CEDEX, Madrid.V<strong>el</strong>tman C.J. & J. Parkes. 2002. The pot<strong>en</strong>tial of poisoned foliage as bait for controllingferal goats (Capra hircus). Sci<strong>en</strong>ce for conservation 204. Departm<strong>en</strong>t of Conservation, W<strong>el</strong>lingtonNZ. 21pp.Vercauter<strong>en</strong>, K.C., M.J. Pipas & K.L. Tope. 2001. Evaluations of nicarbazin-treated p<strong>el</strong>letsfor reducing the laying and viability of Canada goose eggs. Pages 337-346 in M C. Brittingham, J.Kays and R. McPeake editors, Proceedings of the Ninth Wildlife Damage Managem<strong>en</strong>t Confer<strong>en</strong>ce.P<strong>en</strong>nsylvania State University, University Park, USA. www.aphis.usda.gov/ws/nwrc/is/01pubs/01-80.pdf7-8.Vic<strong>en</strong>s, M. 2002. Plan <strong>de</strong> recuperación <strong>para</strong> un <strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>mismo balear. Conservación Vegetal, 7:Victorian Pest Managem<strong>en</strong>t. 2002. Wild Dog managem<strong>en</strong>t strategy. A framework for action.Departm<strong>en</strong>t of Natural Resources and Environm<strong>en</strong>t. The State of Victoria.www.nre.vic.gov.au/WEB/ROOT/DOMINO/CM_DA/NRECPA.NSF/0/038a3d1c93643e3bca256bd000166fa7/$FILE/VPMF+WDogs1.pdf245

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