Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...

Manual práctico para el manejo de vertebrados invasores en islas ...


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.<strong>Manual</strong> práctico <strong>para</strong> <strong>el</strong> <strong>manejo</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>vertebrados</strong> <strong>invasores</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>islas</strong> <strong>de</strong> España y PortugalProyecto LIFE2002NAT/CP/E/000014Refer<strong>en</strong>ciasContribuciones al conocimi<strong>en</strong>to <strong>de</strong> las Especies Exóticas Invasoras <strong>en</strong> España. Grupo EspeciesInvasoras. G.E.I. Serie Técnica 1.Palazón, S. & J.C. Ceña. 2002. Must<strong>el</strong>a lutrola (Linnaeus, 1761) Visón europeo. Pp. 254-257 in Palomo L.J. & J. Gisbert (eds.). Atlas <strong>de</strong> los Mamíferos terrestres <strong>de</strong> España. DGCN-SECEM-SECEMU.Palazón, S., J.C. Ceña, J. Ruiz-Olmo, I. Moya, A. Ceña & J. Gosàlvez. 1997.Distribución ystatus d<strong>el</strong> visón europeo (Must<strong>el</strong>a lutreola) <strong>en</strong> la Rioja. III Jornadas Españolas <strong>de</strong> Conservación yEstudio <strong>de</strong> Mamíferos. Cast<strong>el</strong>ló d’Ampuries, Girona: 63Palomares, Á. 1999. El arruí <strong>en</strong> La Palma, breve reseña histórica, problemática yperspectivas. Medio Ambi<strong>en</strong>te CANARIAS, 14.Palomo L.J. & J. Gisbert (eds.). 2002. Atlas <strong>de</strong> los Mamíferos terrestres <strong>de</strong> España. DGCN-SECEM-SECEMU.Paltridge, R. D. Gibson & G. Edwards. 1997. Diet of the feral cat (F<strong>el</strong>is catus) in c<strong>en</strong>tralAustralia. Wildlife Research, 24: 67-76.Palumbo, G. & U.. GalloOrsi (comp.). 2002. Managem<strong>en</strong>t statem<strong>en</strong>t for the Italian GreyPartridge (Perdix perdix italica). Conv<strong>en</strong>tion on the Conservation of European Wildlife and NaturalHabitats, Strasburg. 5 pp.Pandion, 1996. Campanya <strong>de</strong> control <strong>de</strong> la població <strong>de</strong> gavina vulgar (Larus cachinnans) alsparcs <strong>de</strong> la CAIB. Pandion - Govern Balear, inédito. 22 pp.Parkes, J.P. 1983. Control of feral goats by poisoning with compound 1080 on naturalvegetation baits and by shooting. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Sci<strong>en</strong>ce, 13: 226-274.Parkes, J.P. 1984. Feral goats on Raoul Island, I. Effect of control methods on their <strong>de</strong>nsity,distribution and productivity. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 7: 85-94.Parkes, J.P. 1989a. A review of the control of feral goats (Capra hircus) in New Zealand.Forest Research Institute Report. Christchurch, 37 pp. Inédito.Parkes, J.P. 1989b. The use of aerially-sown toxic baits to control feral goats. A pr<strong>el</strong>iminaryinvestigation. Forest Research Institute Report. Christchurch, 5 pp. Inédito.348.Parkes, J.P. 1990a. Feral goat control in New Zealand. Biological Conservation, 54: 335-Parkes, J.P. 1990b. Eradication of feral goats on Islands and habitat islands. Journal of theRoyal Society of New Zealand, 20: 297-304.Parkes, J.P. 2001. Advances in New Zealand mammalogy 1990-2000: Feral livestock.Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 31:233-241.Parkes, J.P. 2002. Pot<strong>en</strong>tial use of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) as aBiocontrol Ag<strong>en</strong>t for European Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) on Clarion Island, Mexico.Landcare Research /Island Conservation and Ecology group, University of CaliforniaParkes, J.P., R. H<strong>en</strong>z<strong>el</strong>l & G. Pickles. 1996. Managing vertebrate pests: Feral goats.Australian Governm<strong>en</strong>t Publishing Service. Camberra.Parm<strong>en</strong>ter, S.C. & R.W. Fujimura. 1994. Application and regulation of potassiumpermanganate to <strong>de</strong>toxify rot<strong>en</strong>one in streams. Proceedings Of The Desert Fishes Council, 1994Symposium, XXVI: 62-67. www.<strong>de</strong>sertfishes.org/proceed/1994/vol26pt2.pdfParrish, K.M. 1999. Review: amphibian surveys in forests and woodlands. ContemporaryHerpetology, 1 www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/ch/ch/1999/1/231

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