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Evaluación de prácticas de adaptación y reducción del riesgode desastres asociados a la variabilidad y al cambio climáticoTompkins. E. Y Adger. W. (2005). “Defining response capacity to“Defining response capacity toenhance climate change policy”. In: Environmental SciencesPolicy 8(6):562–571 pp.United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.(UNFCCC). (1992). “United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change”. In: United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat. 24 pp.United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.(UNFCCC). (2007). Synthesis of information and views onadaptation planning and practices submitted by Parties andrelevant organizations. Note by the secretariat. FCCC/SBSTA/2007/9.United Nations International Strategy For Disaster Reduction.(UNISDR) (2008). Climate Change and Disaster RiskReduction. Briefing Note 01. Disponible en: http://www.preventionweb.net/files/4146_ClimateChangeDRR.pdf.Citado el 15 mayo de 2009.United Nations International Strategy For Disaster Reduction(UNISDR). (2007). “Hyogo framework for action 2005-2015: Building resilience of nations and communities todisasters”. In: United Nations International Strategy ForDisaster Reduction (Ed.). Geneva.Venton, P. y <strong>La</strong> Trobe, S. (2008). Linking climate change adaptationand disaster risk reduction. Tearfund, Teddington, UK.Vincent, K. (2007). “Uncertainty in adaptive capacity and theimportance of scale”. In: Global Environmental Change. 17,12–24 pp.K 176 k

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