semillas la vida en cápsulas de tiempo - Clh.es

semillas la vida en cápsulas de tiempo - Clh.es

semillas la vida en cápsulas de tiempo - Clh.es


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discovery: he <strong>de</strong>monstrated that the alternation of g<strong>en</strong>erations in seed p<strong>la</strong>nts follows the same principle as in moss<strong>es</strong>and ferns and thus proved their evolu-tionary link. To grasp the significance of Hofmeister’s ing<strong>en</strong>ious discoveryand to un<strong>de</strong>r-stand how seeds evolved, it is nec<strong>es</strong>sary to take a closer look at the private life of seed p<strong>la</strong>nts.It’s all about sexJust as human life starts with the union of a sperm from the father and an egg cell from the mother, with eachpar<strong>en</strong>t contributing one set of chromosom<strong>es</strong>, a new p<strong>la</strong>nt is created wh<strong>en</strong> a male sperm and a female egg cellmeet. In all living beings, the chromosom<strong>es</strong> contain the g<strong>en</strong><strong>es</strong> that <strong>de</strong>termine all the characteristics of theorganism. By mixing the chromosom<strong>es</strong> – and thus the g<strong>en</strong>etic traits – of two differ<strong>en</strong>t individuals, a neworganism with a differ<strong>en</strong>t and perhaps better combination of characteristics is created. It is sex that provi<strong>de</strong>s the“raw material” for evolution.Meiosis and the leg<strong>en</strong>d of the rice grain on the King’s ch<strong>es</strong>sboardThe key to sexual reproduction is a sophisticated way of cell division called reduction division or meiosis. Meiosisis a universal proc<strong>es</strong>s in all sexually reproducing organisms, both p<strong>la</strong>nts and animals. It reduc<strong>es</strong> the number ofchromosom<strong>es</strong> in the gamet<strong>es</strong> (sperm and egg cells) to half, either directly (in animals) or indirectly (in p<strong>la</strong>nts viathe gametophyt<strong>es</strong>). Without it, the number of chromosom<strong>es</strong> would double in each new g<strong>en</strong>eration, like the ricegrain in the famous mathematical folktale from India: a long time ago, a wise man performed a service for theKing of Deccan. The King insisted on rewarding him and, after some h<strong>es</strong>itation, the humble man asked for asingle grain of rice for the first square on the King’s ch<strong>es</strong>sboard, two for the second square on the second day,four for the third square on the third day, and so on. The number of rice grains would be doubled every day untilevery square of the ch<strong>es</strong>sboard was filled. The king, who had never heard of expon<strong>en</strong>tial growth, agreed, foolishlyas he would soon discover. He owed the man 18 million billion rice grains, or, more precisely, 18 446 744 073709 551 616 (2 to the 64th power) – more rice than could be grown on the <strong>en</strong>tire surface of the Earth includingthe sev<strong>en</strong> seas.The same would happ<strong>en</strong> to the number of chromosom<strong>es</strong> in subsequ<strong>en</strong>t g<strong>en</strong>erations if meiosis did notprece<strong>de</strong> each act of sexual reproduction: for sexual reproduction to function, gamet<strong>es</strong> (egg cells and sperm cells)must be haploid (contain only one set of par<strong>en</strong>tal chromosom<strong>es</strong>) so that they produce a new diploid organism,which contains no more than two sets of chromosom<strong>es</strong>.Alternating g<strong>en</strong>erationsSome p<strong>la</strong>nts are capable of vegetative propagation (by producing suckers, like strawberri<strong>es</strong>, for example), whichdo<strong>es</strong> not create a new kind of individual but simply clon<strong>es</strong> of the mother p<strong>la</strong>nt, but most p<strong>la</strong>nts reproduc<strong>es</strong>exually. Just like in humans and most animals, a sperm has to fertilise an egg cell to produce the next g<strong>en</strong>eration.For gre<strong>en</strong> algae – one group of which was the anc<strong>es</strong>tor of our <strong>la</strong>nd p<strong>la</strong>nts – fertilization was never a greatproblem. Their aquatic lif<strong>es</strong>tyle allowed them to release their sperm cells into the water, where they could swimfreely to find an egg cell; a simple and effective, albeit hugely wasteful method of fertilization.Wh<strong>en</strong> p<strong>la</strong>nts left the water and began to conquer the <strong>la</strong>nd, most probably at the <strong>en</strong>d of the Ordovician orat the beginning of the Silurian (about 445 million years ago), they had to adapt to the drier conditions of lifein the op<strong>en</strong> air. Having mobile sperm that require water to swim across to an egg cell to be fertilized was a realdisadvantage wh<strong>en</strong> living on <strong>la</strong>nd. Today’s spore-producing <strong>la</strong>nd p<strong>la</strong>nts, such as moss<strong>es</strong>, clubmoss<strong>es</strong>, horsetails andferns, have yet to solve this problem. Their distribution is limited by the requirem<strong>en</strong>ts of the egg- and spermproducingphase of their life cycle. This is why they are usually found growing in humid <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>ts or in areaswhere wet periods are common in otherwise dry con-ditions (e.g. xeric ferns like Chei<strong>la</strong>nth<strong>es</strong>).D<strong>es</strong>pite this handicap, th<strong>es</strong>e spore-producing p<strong>la</strong>nts poss<strong>es</strong>s an effective method of sexual reproductioninvolving a cycle called alternation of g<strong>en</strong>erations, 2 something not found in animals. Alternation of g<strong>en</strong>erationsmeans that their life cycle involv<strong>es</strong> two g<strong>en</strong>erations, a diploid g<strong>en</strong>eration (with two sets of chromosom<strong>es</strong>, one setfrom each par<strong>en</strong>t) and a haploid g<strong>en</strong>eration (with only half the number of chromosom<strong>es</strong>), each of which canonly give rise to the other. And this is where the differ<strong>en</strong>ce betwe<strong>en</strong> seeds and spor<strong>es</strong> becom<strong>es</strong> obvious. Seedsgerminate to produce a new diploid g<strong>en</strong>eration, whereas spor<strong>es</strong> produce a haploid g<strong>en</strong>eration. This may soundcomplicated but a comparison of the life cycl<strong>es</strong> of the differ<strong>en</strong>t typ<strong>es</strong> of <strong>la</strong>nd p<strong>la</strong>nts will c<strong>la</strong>rify this fundam<strong>en</strong>taldiffer<strong>en</strong>ce betwe<strong>en</strong> seeds and spor<strong>es</strong> starting with the most primitive <strong>la</strong>nd p<strong>la</strong>nts, which are moss<strong>es</strong>.The life cycle of moss<strong>es</strong>Moss spor<strong>es</strong> give rise to the haploid g<strong>en</strong>eration, the small familiar moss p<strong>la</strong>nts. Wh<strong>en</strong> they reach maturity, theyproduce both male organs (antheridia) that release mobile sperm, and female organs (archegonia) containing eggcells. Sperm and egg cells are g<strong>en</strong>erally called gamet<strong>es</strong>, which is why the small moss p<strong>la</strong>nt that produc<strong>es</strong> them isalso referred to as the gametophytic g<strong>en</strong>eration or gametophyte (literally gamete p<strong>la</strong>nt).A romantic swimIn the pr<strong>es</strong><strong>en</strong>ce of water (rain, <strong>de</strong>w, spray from a river or waterfall), the sperm cells are released from theantheridia and swim across to the egg cells waiting for them in the archegonia of either the same or aneighbouring p<strong>la</strong>nt. Like the gametophyt<strong>es</strong> which produced them, the sperm and the egg cell are both haploidand contain only one set of chromosom<strong>es</strong>. After fertilization the egg cell contains two sets of chromosom<strong>es</strong> (i.e.,it becom<strong>es</strong> diploid) and is called a zygote. The zygote stays on the mother p<strong>la</strong>nt, which provi<strong>de</strong>s it with waterand nutri<strong>en</strong>ts, and as it <strong>de</strong>velops it will produce a tiny moss embryo. This embryo grows into the familiar mosscapsule that repr<strong>es</strong><strong>en</strong>ts the diploid g<strong>en</strong>eration of the moss life cycle. Since new haploid spor<strong>es</strong> are produced insi<strong>de</strong>the moss capsule, it is also called the sporophytic g<strong>en</strong>eration or simply sporophyte (literally spore p<strong>la</strong>nt). Wh<strong>en</strong> thecapsule is ripe, it op<strong>en</strong>s at the top and releas<strong>es</strong> the spor<strong>es</strong> to be blown away by the wind or washed away by water.In a suitable location, the spor<strong>es</strong> grow into a new moss p<strong>la</strong>nt (gametophyte) and the reproductive cycle startsanew.The life cycle of fernsIn principle at least, ferns have the same sex life as moss<strong>es</strong>. In the right p<strong>la</strong>ce and with <strong>en</strong>ough moisture, a fern sporewill produce the gametophytic g<strong>en</strong>eration. However, the gametophyte of a fern do<strong>es</strong> not look like a fern at all. Itis a small, gre<strong>en</strong>, f<strong>la</strong>t lobe very simi<strong>la</strong>r to the gametophyte of some liverwort. This haploid p<strong>la</strong>ntlet, also called aprothallus or prothallium (literally pre-shoot), usually produc<strong>es</strong> its sex organs (antheridia and archegonia) on itsun<strong>de</strong>rsi<strong>de</strong> to prev<strong>en</strong>t them from drying out. Although fertilization in ferns follows the same pattern as in moss<strong>es</strong>,what happ<strong>en</strong>s afterwards puts every moss to shame: the zygote of a fern do<strong>es</strong> not just produce a simple small capsuleon a stalk that needs the support of the mother p<strong>la</strong>nt. Instead, it <strong>de</strong>velops into a totally in<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t, impr<strong>es</strong>sive andoft<strong>en</strong> very beautiful p<strong>la</strong>nt that can grow for many years, sometim<strong>es</strong> becoming the size of a tree. This means that inthe life cycle of ferns, the gametophytic g<strong>en</strong>eration remains re<strong>la</strong>tively poorly <strong>de</strong>veloped whereas the sporophyticg<strong>en</strong>eration is strongly <strong>en</strong>hanced. 3 H<strong>en</strong>ce, every fern p<strong>la</strong>nt we see is a sporophyte. There are oft<strong>en</strong> regu<strong>la</strong>r rows ofsmall, slightly raised, brown spots on the un<strong>de</strong>rsi<strong>de</strong> of fern fronds. Th<strong>es</strong>e brown spots, called sori (singu<strong>la</strong>r sorus), aregroups of spore containers (sporangia; singu<strong>la</strong>r sporangium) covered by a protective umbrel<strong>la</strong>, the indusium. Like mossspor<strong>es</strong>, fern spor<strong>es</strong> are minute and float easily in the air, sometim<strong>es</strong> travelling for mil<strong>es</strong> on a light breeze.What do<strong>es</strong> the sporophyte have that the gametophyte do<strong>es</strong> not?A life cycle favouring the sporophyte has a clear evolutionary advantage that li<strong>es</strong> in the g<strong>en</strong>etics of the p<strong>la</strong>nt: th<strong>es</strong>porophyte is diploid and thus has two copi<strong>es</strong> of each g<strong>en</strong>e. This means that if one g<strong>en</strong>e malfunctions owing toa mutation, the p<strong>la</strong>nt has a second copy of the same g<strong>en</strong>e, which acts as a back-up and comp<strong>en</strong>sat<strong>es</strong> for thedamage. G<strong>en</strong>etic mutations are therefore l<strong>es</strong>s likely to have a negative impact on the vitality of a sporophyte thanon the vitality of a gametophyte. Moreover, two slightly differ<strong>en</strong>t copi<strong>es</strong> of the same g<strong>en</strong>e allow the sporophyteto r<strong>es</strong>pond more flexibly to chang<strong>es</strong> in the <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t r<strong>es</strong>ulting in better fitn<strong>es</strong>s than in the gametophyte.Wh<strong>en</strong> mal<strong>es</strong> are micro and femal<strong>es</strong> are megaWhile most moss<strong>es</strong> are monoecious, meaning they bear antheridia and archegonia on the same gametophyte, someare dioecious, meaning they produce sperm and egg cells on differ<strong>en</strong>t individuals. Most ferns prefer the former.Only a very small group of ferns, the water-ferns to which the water clover (Marsilea, Regnellidium), the pillwort(Pilu<strong>la</strong>ria), the duckweed fern (Azol<strong>la</strong>) and the floating fern (Salvinia) belong, produce separate male and femalegametophyt<strong>es</strong>. The sporophyte of th<strong>es</strong>e ferns must therefore produce two kinds of spor<strong>es</strong>: male and female. Apartfrom their g<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>r, male and female spor<strong>es</strong> also differ in size, a condition called heterospory. Because of thisdiffer<strong>en</strong>ce in size, the male spor<strong>es</strong> are called microspor<strong>es</strong> and the female spor<strong>es</strong> megaspor<strong>es</strong>. Microspor<strong>es</strong> give rise tomale microgametophyt<strong>es</strong> and megaspor<strong>es</strong> to female megagametophyt<strong>es</strong>. The containers in which th<strong>es</strong>e two typ<strong>es</strong> ofspore are produced on the sporophyte are microsporangia and megasporangia. The leav<strong>es</strong> of the sporophyte whichbear th<strong>es</strong>e micro- and megasporangia are called micro- and mega-sporophylls, r<strong>es</strong>pectively. This ava<strong>la</strong>nche oftechnical terms may be daunting but it mak<strong>es</strong> comparisons of the differ<strong>en</strong>t life cycl<strong>es</strong> of p<strong>la</strong>nts much easier. Fornow, it is <strong>en</strong>ough to remember that micro means male and mega means female.In pr<strong>es</strong><strong>en</strong>t-day water-ferns, heterospory almost certainly repr<strong>es</strong><strong>en</strong>ts an adaptation to the aquatic lif<strong>es</strong>tyle towhich they reverted. Neverthel<strong>es</strong>s, it was the preferred condition among the anc<strong>es</strong>tors of our seed p<strong>la</strong>nts. In fact,as will soon become clear, heterospory p<strong>la</strong>yed an important role in the evolution of seeds.How seeds evolvedThe first seed p<strong>la</strong>nts or spermatophyt<strong>es</strong> appeared some 360 million years ago, towards the <strong>en</strong>d of the Devonian.Th<strong>es</strong>e early seed p<strong>la</strong>nts combined seeds with fern-like foliage and were thought to be intermediate betwe<strong>en</strong> fernsand mo<strong>de</strong>rn seed p<strong>la</strong>nts, h<strong>en</strong>ce the name seed ferns or pteridosperms. However, it is now known that fernsthemselv<strong>es</strong> were not the direct anc<strong>es</strong>tors of seed p<strong>la</strong>nts. This role falls to an extinct, rather obscure si<strong>de</strong> branch ofhetero-sporous fern-like p<strong>la</strong>nts. The exact ev<strong>en</strong>ts and transitional stag<strong>es</strong> that led from heterosporous fern-like266 Semil<strong>la</strong>s – La <strong>vida</strong> <strong>en</strong> cápsu<strong>la</strong>s <strong>de</strong> <strong>tiempo</strong>

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