semillas la vida en cápsulas de tiempo - Clh.es

semillas la vida en cápsulas de tiempo - Clh.es

semillas la vida en cápsulas de tiempo - Clh.es


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<strong>de</strong>velop three or more cotyledons, while other speci<strong>es</strong> regu<strong>la</strong>rly produce three (e.g. Deg<strong>en</strong>eria viti<strong>en</strong>sis,Deg<strong>en</strong>eriaceae) or up to eight cotyledons (Persoonia spp., Proteaceae). There are also some Dicotyledons in whichthe two cotyledons are unequal in size (anisocotyly). In extreme cas<strong>es</strong>, such as sowbread (Cyc<strong>la</strong>m<strong>en</strong> europaeum,Primu<strong>la</strong>ceae) and <strong>la</strong>rkspur (Corydalis spp., Ranuncu<strong>la</strong>ceae), the embryo <strong>de</strong>velops only one cotyledon, while th<strong>es</strong>econd one is suppr<strong>es</strong>sed. In Streptocarpus w<strong>en</strong>d<strong>la</strong>ndii (G<strong>es</strong>neriaceae) anisocotyly is not expr<strong>es</strong>sed until aftergermination. In the seed the cotyledons are morphologically id<strong>en</strong>tical, but soon after germination one cotyledondi<strong>es</strong> while the other remains the only leaf the p<strong>la</strong>nt will ever <strong>de</strong>velop, ev<strong>en</strong>tually becoming as long as 70cm ormore. In other Dicots the two cotyledons are fused into one in the mature embryo. Such “pseudomonocotyledonous”Dicotyledons are found in the carrot family (Apiaceae) and the buttercup family (Ranuncu<strong>la</strong>ceae).To complete the selection of exceptions, members of the mono-cotyledonous yam family (Dioscoreaceae)sometim<strong>es</strong> have two (unequal) cotyledons. The Dicotyledons are the <strong>la</strong>rger group. It is <strong>es</strong>timated that theycomprise some 261,000 speci<strong>es</strong> distributed over more than 443 famili<strong>es</strong>, compared with 53,000 speci<strong>es</strong> in 91famili<strong>es</strong> for Monocotyledons. However, in view of the <strong>la</strong>t<strong>es</strong>t <strong>es</strong>timate of a total of 422,000 speci<strong>es</strong> of angiospermsworldwi<strong>de</strong> th<strong>es</strong>e figur<strong>es</strong> are likely to be a gross un<strong>de</strong>rstatem<strong>en</strong>t.Monocots and Dicots, as botanists abbreviate them affectionately, are g<strong>en</strong>erally easy to distinguish, ev<strong>en</strong>without counting the leav<strong>es</strong> of their embryos. Monocots are mostly herbaceous p<strong>la</strong>nts with simple leav<strong>es</strong> that<strong>la</strong>ck a division into a stalk and b<strong>la</strong><strong>de</strong> and show parallel v<strong>en</strong>ation. All the grass<strong>es</strong>, bananas, bamboos, lili<strong>es</strong>, orchidsand palms, for example, are Monocots. Rec<strong>en</strong>t r<strong>es</strong>earch has shown that during the evolution of the angiosperms,Monocots branched off as a lineage from within the primitive Dicots. Somewhere on the way they must havelost one of their cotyledons.Embryo diversityIn many primitive angiosperms, the embryo is very small in re<strong>la</strong>tion to the amount of <strong>en</strong>dosperm at the timethe seed is released from the mother p<strong>la</strong>nt. This is true of members of the annona family (Annonaceae), hollyfamily (Aquifoliaceae), barberry family (Berberi-daceae), magnolia family (Magnoliaceae), poppy family(Papaveraceae), buttercup family (Ranuncu<strong>la</strong>ceae), and Winter’s bark family (Winteraceae). Trying to find theembryo in a seed of a magnolia, custard apple (Annona cherimo<strong>la</strong>), poppy, buttercup, Winter’s bark tree (Drimyswinteri), or the twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphyl<strong>la</strong>) can be very difficult and seem more like occupational therapy. Theembryos in th<strong>es</strong>e seeds are microscopically small with hardly discernible cotyledons and the amount of<strong>en</strong>dosperm is huge in re<strong>la</strong>tion to the embryo.A whole range of embryos of differ<strong>en</strong>t shap<strong>es</strong> and siz<strong>es</strong> can be found in seed p<strong>la</strong>nts from microscopicallysmall on<strong>es</strong> to those filling the <strong>en</strong>tire seed. In 1946, Alexan<strong>de</strong>r C. Martin published a paper <strong>en</strong>titled “Thecomparative internal morphology of seeds” based on an inv<strong>es</strong>tigation of the seeds of 1,287 p<strong>la</strong>nt g<strong>en</strong>era, includingboth gymnosperms and angiosperms. What Martin found was that the internal structure of seeds vari<strong>es</strong>trem<strong>en</strong>dously with r<strong>es</strong>pect to the re<strong>la</strong>tive size, shape and position of the embryo. His c<strong>la</strong>ssification system, whichis still wi<strong>de</strong>ly used today, distinguish<strong>es</strong> t<strong>en</strong> differ<strong>en</strong>t embryo typ<strong>es</strong> and two typ<strong>es</strong> of extremely small seeds. Th<strong>es</strong>etwelve typ<strong>es</strong> are divi<strong>de</strong>d into two divisions. Embryos of the peripheral division are r<strong>es</strong>tricted to the lower half ofthe seed or ext<strong>en</strong>d along its periphery. They predominantly belong to the Monocots. Because of the loss of onecotyledon, their asymmetrical embryos can have the most unusual shap<strong>es</strong> such as f<strong>la</strong>t discs (“broad type”) orhead-like structur<strong>es</strong> (“capitate type”). Tiny, <strong>la</strong>rgely undiffer<strong>en</strong>tiated disc-shaped embryos are found in re<strong>la</strong>tiv<strong>es</strong> ofthe grass family (Poaceae) such as the pipewort family (Eriocau<strong>la</strong>ceae), the rush family (Juncaceae), the r<strong>es</strong>tiofamily (R<strong>es</strong>tionaceae) and the yellow-eyed grass family (Xyridaceae). The rarer capitate embryos are found onlyin a few famili<strong>es</strong>, such as the sedge family (Cyperaceae), the yam family (Dioscoreaceae) and the spi<strong>de</strong>rwortfamily (Commelinaceae). “Lateral type” embryos, which are in the shape of a wedge tightly pr<strong>es</strong>sed against th<strong>es</strong>i<strong>de</strong> of the <strong>en</strong>dosperm, are unique to the grass family. The fourth and <strong>la</strong>st embryo type of the “peripheraldivision” is (somewhat redundantly) called “peripheral type”. It is found in only one or<strong>de</strong>r (a taxonomic rankabove the family level) of the Dicotyledons, the Caryophyl<strong>la</strong>l<strong>es</strong>, which inclu<strong>de</strong> the cactus family (Cactaceae), pinkfamily (Caryophyl<strong>la</strong>ceae), pokeweed family (Phyto<strong>la</strong>ccaceae), four o’clock family (Nyctaginaceae), stone p<strong>la</strong>ntfamily (Aizoaceae), purs<strong>la</strong>ne family (Portu<strong>la</strong>ccaceae), amaranth family (Amaranthaceae), and knotweed family(Polygonaceae). Here, the embryo occupi<strong>es</strong> a unique position in that it ext<strong>en</strong>ds along the periphery of the seedrather than following its longitudinal axis through the c<strong>en</strong>tre. The reason for the marginal position of the embryoli<strong>es</strong> in the peculiar nature of the seed storage tissue of the Caryophyl<strong>la</strong>l<strong>es</strong>. Rather than repr<strong>es</strong><strong>en</strong>ting triploid<strong>en</strong>dosperm, the c<strong>en</strong>tral starch-<strong>la</strong>d<strong>en</strong> tissue around which the embryo curv<strong>es</strong>, originat<strong>es</strong> from the diploid nucellus.Although rare, such a storage nucellus or perisperm is found elsewhere in the angiosperms. Most of what is insi<strong>de</strong>an ordinary peppercorn (Piper nigrum, Piperaceae) or the seed of a waterlily (Nymphaea spp., Nymphaeaceae)consists of perisperm. In the complicated seeds of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), the storage tissue consistsof a significant amount of both <strong>en</strong>dosperm and perisperm.In seeds belonging to Martin’s “axial division” (originally called “axile” by Martin), the embryo follows thelongitudinal axis of the seed through its c<strong>en</strong>tre. “Linear type” embryos are cylindrical with the cotyledon(s) notsignificantly wi<strong>de</strong>r than the embryo axis. This rather unspecific embryo shape is found in both gymnosperms(conifers, cycads, Ginkgo) and angiosperms (both Mono- and Dicots). R<strong>es</strong>tricted to dicotyledonous angiospermsare embryos with broad and f<strong>la</strong>t (“spatu<strong>la</strong>te type”) or fol<strong>de</strong>d (“fol<strong>de</strong>d type”) cotyledons. The seeds of the castoroil p<strong>la</strong>nt (Ricinus communis, Euphorbiaceae) are a good example of the former, and the seeds of cotton (Gossypiumherbaceum, Malvaceae) of the <strong>la</strong>tter type. Two other typ<strong>es</strong> are limited to Dicots: spatu<strong>la</strong>te embryos b<strong>en</strong>t like a jackknife(“b<strong>en</strong>t type”), and straight spatu<strong>la</strong>te embryos in which the thick cotyledons over<strong>la</strong>p and <strong>en</strong>case the shortembryo axis (“inv<strong>es</strong>ting type”). Exampl<strong>es</strong> of both typ<strong>es</strong> can be found in the legume family (Fabaceae), where thepapilionoid subfamily (Papilionoi<strong>de</strong>ae) is characterised by the “b<strong>en</strong>t type” and the mimosoid and ca<strong>es</strong>alpinioidsubfamili<strong>es</strong> (Mimosoi<strong>de</strong>ae and Ca<strong>es</strong>alpinioi<strong>de</strong>ae) typically have “inv<strong>es</strong>ting type” embryos.Peripheral, b<strong>en</strong>t and sometim<strong>es</strong> fol<strong>de</strong>d embryos are the r<strong>es</strong>ult of a curvature of the longi-tudinal axis of th<strong>es</strong>eed. Seeds with a curved longitudinal axis, where micropyle and cha<strong>la</strong>za are not opposite each other, are calledcampylotropous. The advantage of campylotropous seeds is that they allow the embryo to become much longerthan the actual seed and thus give rise to a taller seedling with improved chanc<strong>es</strong> wh<strong>en</strong> competing with otherseedlings for light.For very small seeds Martin created two categori<strong>es</strong> based solely on size: seeds that are 0.3 to 2mm longbelong to the “dwarf type”; seeds l<strong>es</strong>s than 0.2mm long are the “micro type”. Martin’s measurem<strong>en</strong>ts exclu<strong>de</strong> th<strong>es</strong>eed coat. Such minute seeds contain tiny, un<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>veloped embryos with either poorly <strong>de</strong>veloped cotyledons orno cotyledons at all. They are usually wind-dispersed and found in a variety of angiosperm famili<strong>es</strong>, mostfamously in orchids (Orchidaceae) but also in the broomrape family (Orobanchaceae), sun<strong>de</strong>w family(Droseraceae), bellflower family (Campanu<strong>la</strong>ceae) and g<strong>en</strong>tian family (G<strong>en</strong>tianaceae). Medium or <strong>la</strong>rger seedswith tiny embryos, such as those of the annona family (Annonaceae), magnolia family (Magnoliaceae), buttercupfamily (Ranuncu<strong>la</strong>ceae) and Winter’s bark family (Winteraceae), repr<strong>es</strong><strong>en</strong>t Martin’s “rudim<strong>en</strong>tary type”.Size do<strong>es</strong> matterThe size of the embryo in the seed is an important factor in the life of a p<strong>la</strong>nt. Seeds with very small embryosoft<strong>en</strong> need some lead time before they can germinate. During this lead time, which can <strong>la</strong>st for months, th<strong>en</strong>utri<strong>en</strong>ts stored in the <strong>en</strong>dosperm are first mobilised, th<strong>en</strong> absorbed by the embryo. Once the seeds of the ash(Fraxinus excelsior, Oleaceae) or those of magnolias have be<strong>en</strong> dispersed, the embryo has to mature and grow<strong>la</strong>rger before it is strong <strong>en</strong>ough to leave the shelter of the seed coat. If seeds with small embryos germinate faster,like those of some palms such as the Mexican fan palm (Washingtonia robusta) or the Brazilian needle-palm(Trithrinax brasili<strong>en</strong>sis), the seed remains attached to the seedling until all the <strong>en</strong>dosperm has be<strong>en</strong> r<strong>es</strong>orbed, whichtak<strong>es</strong> a long time. The handicap of seeds that are not capable of germinating quickly is that they are unable toreact rapidly to small windows of opportunity, such as a sudd<strong>en</strong> downpour in an area of low rainfall (for example,<strong>de</strong>serts and semi-<strong>de</strong>serts). The compelling advantag<strong>es</strong> of fast-germinating seeds were therefore a driving forcetowards the evolution of seeds with <strong>la</strong>rger and more <strong>de</strong>velop-ed embryos. In the most extreme case, the embryous<strong>es</strong> up all avai<strong>la</strong>ble <strong>en</strong>dosperm before the seed is mature. The nutri<strong>en</strong>ts provi<strong>de</strong>d by the mother p<strong>la</strong>nt are th<strong>en</strong>stored directly in the embryo’s own tissue, usually its leav<strong>es</strong>. Such storage embryos <strong>de</strong>velop thick and fl<strong>es</strong>hy orthin and fol<strong>de</strong>d cotyledons, filling the <strong>en</strong>tire cavity of the seed. With all the nutri<strong>en</strong>ts of the <strong>en</strong>dosperm alreadyabsorbed before germination, storage embryos are “ready to go” and thus able to take immediate advantage offavourable chang<strong>es</strong> in their <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t.A member of the legume family holds the world record among storage embryos. The <strong>en</strong>dosperml<strong>es</strong>s seedsof Mora megistosperma (syn. Mora oleifera), a <strong>la</strong>rge tree from tropical America, can be up to 18cm long and 8cmwi<strong>de</strong> and weigh up to a kilogram, which mak<strong>es</strong> them the <strong>la</strong>rg<strong>es</strong>t dicot seeds on earth. The bulk of the seedconsists of the two thick<strong>en</strong>ed cotyledons as do the seeds of more familiar legum<strong>es</strong> such as beans, peas and l<strong>en</strong>tils.The only differ<strong>en</strong>ce is that the seeds of Mora megistosperma have an air-filled cavity betwe<strong>en</strong> the cotyledons, whichaffords the seeds buoyancy in seawater, an adaptation to their tidal marsh<strong>la</strong>nd habitat. Other pa<strong>la</strong>table storageembryos with <strong>la</strong>rge cotyledons inclu<strong>de</strong> sunflower kernels, cashew nuts, peanuts and walnuts. That th<strong>es</strong>e popu<strong>la</strong>r“nuts” are storage embryos exp<strong>la</strong>ins why they split so easily into two halv<strong>es</strong>, the cotyledons.The opposite extreme are the dust-like “micro type” seeds of orchids. All they contain insi<strong>de</strong> the wafer-thinloose seed coat is a spherical, un<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>veloped embryo without any <strong>en</strong>dosperm. With no significant food r<strong>es</strong>ervefor the embryo, orchids have to <strong>en</strong>ter into a symbiotic re<strong>la</strong>tionship with compatible mycorrhizal fungi as soon asthey germinate. The fungus provi<strong>de</strong>s the germinating embryo with precious carbohydrat<strong>es</strong> and minerals. For a few,<strong>es</strong>pecially the terr<strong>es</strong>trial orchids of the temperate zone, the re<strong>la</strong>tionship with their specific fungus remains vital forthe r<strong>es</strong>t of their liv<strong>es</strong>. Little is known about how specific orchids are in choosing their fungal partners. Someorchids at least are known to be able to <strong>es</strong>tablish a mycorrhizal re<strong>la</strong>tionship with several differ<strong>en</strong>t speci<strong>es</strong> of fungi.It tak<strong>es</strong> three g<strong>en</strong>erations to create one seedSeeds are composed of the tissu<strong>es</strong> of three differ<strong>en</strong>t g<strong>en</strong>erations; this is true of both gymno-sperms andangiosperms. G<strong>en</strong>eration one is the tough protective seed coat. It <strong>de</strong>velops from the integum<strong>en</strong>t, which itself isEnglish texts 273

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