Om Gud vill får jag stanna - Tema asyl & integration

Om Gud vill får jag stanna - Tema asyl & integration

Om Gud vill får jag stanna - Tema asyl & integration


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Intervjuguide (bilaga 1)<br />

* For how long have you been in Sweden/ Malmö?<br />

* Where/ how do you live right now? (How does that work?)<br />

* Have you received any information besides the one you´ve been given during the<br />

introduction week? If yes, from hwo?<br />

* In what way were you informed about the introduction week?<br />

* Are you satisfied with what you´ve learned during the introduction week?<br />

* One of the translaters informed about her professional secrecy, while others didn´t. Did that<br />

influence you in any way?<br />

* Do you think that it could have been more or less of any of the given information during the<br />

introduction?<br />

* Did you understand everything that was said during the introduction?<br />

* Are you satisfied with the level of the information during the introduction week?<br />

* Do you feel that the people responsible for the introduction have listened to you and paid<br />

attention to your thoughts and opinions?<br />

* What do you think is most important for refugees´ <strong>integration</strong> into society?<br />

* Do you feel that swedish authorities and others responsible have respected you this past<br />

month?<br />

* Do you know what is going to happen next?<br />


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