KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

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PESSINUS 2010Gocha TSETSKHLADZE*William ANDERSONAlexandru AVRAMSuzana AVRAMVincent CLARKKristal FLEMMINGEser KORTANOğLUDamjan KRSMANOVICMichelle NEGUS CLEARYArmin SCHMIDT2010 was the second field season of the Melbourne team at Pessinus. Themain aim was to acquire as much new information as possible about thesite and surrounding territories through surveys, geophysical work, a <strong>tr</strong>ial<strong>tr</strong>ench, etc. 1*Gocha TSETSKHLADZE, Classics and Archaeology, School of Historical and PhilosophicalStudies, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010/AUSTRALIA .1 The 2010 team comprised: G. Tsetskhladze (Director, University of Melbourne), E. Kortanoğlu(Assistant Director, Anadolu University), A. Avram (Le Mans University, France), V.A.Clark (Melbourne), A. Schmidt (Bradford University, UK), A. Parkyn (Bradford University,UK), S.S. Avram (Le Mans, France), M. Negus Cleary (Sydney/Melbourne), D.S. Kantarelli(Ankara), H.N. van het Hof (Ankara), W. Anderson (Melbourne), K. Flemming (Melbourne),D. Krsmanovic (Melbourne), G. Payen (University of Rouen, France), R. Weiland (Universityof Leipzig, Germany). The Turkish <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>gov</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ernment representative was Mr Erdal Yiğit, Museumof Anatolian Civilisations, Ankara. The principal finance was provided by the Aus<strong>tr</strong>alianResearch Council. For logistical reasons the Pessinus team was in the field only from July 1stto August 4th, 2010.I would like to express my sincere thanks to the T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, KültürVarhkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü; the Turkish Consulate in Melbourne; the Aus<strong>tr</strong>alianEmbassy in Ankara; the Director and staff of the Eskişehir Archaeological Museum;Melbourne University; Anadolu University; Sivrihisar İlçe Kaymakam Vekili; Sivrihisarİlçe Belediye Başkanı; Sivrihisar İlçe Jandarma Karakol Komutanı; Eskişehir Vali Vekili,Vali Yardımcısı; Eskişehir İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürü; and the villagers of Ballıhisar. Iwould also like to thank Prof. T. Sivas and Dr H. Sivas, Anadolu University; Prof. S. Atasoy,Karabük University; Dr Ş. Dönmez, İstanbul University; Mr M. Dervis, Tachda Tours; Mr Z.Kiliç, Eksenel, Eskişehir; and PM Prestu Engineering, İstanbul.103

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