KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

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year), and the group of fourth/third centuries B.C. tombs located on the ridgeof the western port.S. Angiolillo, following the intervention on the frescoes of the House ofthe Mosaics presented in one of the days of the international conference onRoman painting held in Ephesus (XI. Internationales Kolloquium. AntikeMalerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil?), documented, with our colleaguesGiuman and Pilo, some of the mosaic pavements of the city and the materialsfound in the course of the most recent excavations in the House of the Mosaics.G. Maddoli, M. Nafissi, R. Fabiani, and E. Maurizi worked on and madecasts of some of a group of inscriptions, notably (and subsequently oncleaning and consolidation) of the important Hellenistic text found in 2009which speaks of the sale of the priesthood Magna Mater.The architects D. Peirano and E. Garberoglio were involved at Iasosbecause of a project that had previously taken them to Hierapolis. The projectconcerns the study of the liturgical furnishings of the Christian basilicas, therecons<strong>tr</strong>uction of religious practices and ritual spaces. At Iasos, they examinedthe basilicas in the agora and on the acropolis and surveyed what remains ofthe interior furnishings, for some of which (for example, the pulpits) theyformulated new hypotheses of recons<strong>tr</strong>uction.M. Manara made a graphic recons<strong>tr</strong>uction of the western stoa of the agoraand a series of plates referring specifically to the part of the dipylon and theapsed building located in the cen<strong>tr</strong>e of the passage.The architects Masturzo and Vittori started the survey of the thea<strong>tr</strong>e (dating,as is known, to the fourth century B.C.). N. Masturzo also updated the generalplan of the agora and, as specifically requested by the doctoral program atthe University of Perugia, department of Ancient History, surveyed a groupof Hellenistic inscribed blocks belonging to buildings in the agora and itsimmediate vicinity.Michela Bartolotti worked on the restoration of a part of the marble slabsfound in 2008 in room B2 of the agora: the fragments, mostly rectangular,227

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