KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

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Two other previously studied cemeteries fall into the northern category.A portion of North Cemetery 2 – on the north side of the modern Turkishcemetery – was excavated in 1990 as part of sector J, yielding some LateHellenistic/Early Roman graves. 5 North Cemetery 3 was partially unearthedin 1969-70 during the course of excavations in sectors D and E on the westbank of the river bed, yielding some stone sarcophagi of possible EarlyByzantine date. 6Some 400m west of North Cemetery 4 is a hill previously called the‘Western Necropolis’; we suggest calling it West Cemetery <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>1.</s<strong>tr</strong>ong> One grave stelehere that bears a wreath motif carved in high relief (F117), has been publishedand is dated AD 175-200 by Devreker. 7In the southern reaches of Pessinus is a substantial hill that is consistentlylabelled as the ‘Southern Necropolis’ on previous published plans. No graveswere detected here, but there were fallen stones at the southern end, perhapsa fortification (F173), and coarse pottery, tile, and a fragment of red paintedplaster (F160). The categorisation of this hilltop as a cemetery is doubtful.At the lowest slopes on the NW edge of this south hill, facing the modernroad, is a previously unpublished cemetery (South Cemetery 1). 8On a ridge to the eastern side of the south hill, east of Sector R, is morefunerary evidence – finely worked marble blocks, looting pits, tile, and fragmentsof terracotta sarcophagus with moulded relief lines and bosses (F164) that appearto have eroded out of the hillside. This ridge is named as South Cemetery 2.Turning to the eastern zone, on the edge of the plateau, about 200m fromthe ancient thea<strong>tr</strong>e/Sector B is the old <strong>tr</strong>ench (A II) excavated by Lambrechtsin 1967 (F057) which unearthed tombs from the Late Hellenistic to the LateRoman period. There has been recent disturbance here from the installation oftelegraph poles and perhaps also recent looting. This whole area constitutesEast Cemetery <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>1.</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>5 Devreker, Thoen and Vermeulen 1991, 350–5<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>1.</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>6 Devreker and Waelkens 1984, 98.7 Devreker 1991, 198–99.8 Possibly represented in the plan in Devreker and Vermeulen 1995.117

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