KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

KAZI SONUÇLARI TOPLANTISI 1. CİLT - kulturvarliklari.gov.tr

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(contexts 24, 31 and 35) and soil deposits containing large amounts of potteryfrom the Roman period were created.During this phase, the removal of the wall mentioned above may have also ledto the des<strong>tr</strong>uction of the southern ends of two earlier walls (contexts 37 and 39),both of which may have originally joined with the wall that appears to have beenremoved. Unfortunately, the removal of this wall, and the digging that appearsto have occurred through the cen<strong>tr</strong>e of the <strong>tr</strong>ench at this time, has des<strong>tr</strong>oyedany s<strong>tr</strong>atigraphic connection that may have existed between the southern andnorthern parts of the <strong>tr</strong>ench. It is not known if remains of these walls may continueat a deeper level; disturbed soils overlying the projected lines of these walls wereexcavated as contexts 44 (south of wall 37) and 43 (south of wall 39).Possibly associated with this disturbance, in the northern part of the<strong>tr</strong>ench, were the remains of what may have been a surface in the NW cornerof the <strong>tr</strong>ench (context 30), cons<strong>tr</strong>ucted using large, flat stones and cementmortar, and a late addition to an earlier wall in the NE corner (context 13).One of the stones used in context 13 has a smooth, circular depression and ashallow channel cut into it and has clearly been reused in this context. Thesestones have been placed on top of the line of wall context 37 and have beenunderpinned by small stones and pieces of broken tile and brick. Two beatenearth surfaces (contexts 19 and 20) were associated with the stones of context13. Ceramics found in these indicate a date in the Early Byzantine period.Early Byzantine Occupation (7th Century)The earliest phase of occupation that was identified consisted of a series offloor levels associated with two parallel walls (contexts 37 and 39), that form anarrow corridor approximately 0.9m wide. The remnants of two beaten earthand lime surfaces (contexts 41 and 42) were excavated here, cut to the northby a pit (context 35, associated with the earlier phase of disturbance), to thewest by robbing of stones from wall context 39 (robber pit context 38) and tothe south by ground disturbance caused by the presumed removal of the wall,107

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