Arhitektura, Raziskave Architecture, Research - Fakulteta za ...

Arhitektura, Raziskave Architecture, Research - Fakulteta za ...

Arhitektura, Raziskave Architecture, Research - Fakulteta za ...

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AR 2009 / 12009 / 1 ARAR 2009/1Matevž Juvančič, Tadeja ZupančičTOWARDS EFFECTIVE INTERFACES FORGENERAL ARCHITECTURAL LEARNING:ECO-SPATIAL EDUCATIONAL INTERFACE FORPUPILS26 th conference on Education and <strong>Research</strong> in ComputerAided Architectural Design in Europe,eCAADe in univer<strong>za</strong> Arthesis v Antwerpnu,Antwerpen, Belgija,17.-19. september 2008,http://www.ecaade08.be/Tradicionalna evropska konferenca o CAD raziskovanju inizobraževanju se je v letu 2008 posvetila praksi, metodam intehnikam raziskovanja in izobraževanja na področju virtualnegaoblikovanja prostora.AbstractThe persistence of difficulties related to communication of theparticipants in the design process is mainly due to the diversityof interests and the abilities of visual communication. Theresearch presented has been focused especially on the first issue -professional vs. general public relations. It builds on the idea thatgeneral public should be approached with both: adaptation to itsabilities and with additional teaching to improve these abilities.The initial questions lead to the isolation of (i) elements and (ii)characteristics that could possibly define architectural educationalinterfaces for general public. The experiment puts the prototypicaleco-spatial interface to the test in primary schools and observesthe effect the level of interactivity has on learning outcomes. Theresults show possible ways of enhancing the efficiency of GUI-sand help developers and designers evaluate and fine-tune suchtools for the process of general architectural learning.JUVANČIČ, Matevž, ZUPANČIČ-STROJAN, Tadeja. Towardseffective interfaces for general architectural learning : ecospatialeducational interface for pupils. V: MUYLLE, Marc (ur.).<strong>Architecture</strong> "in computro" : integrating methods and techniques: proceedings of the 26th Conference on Education and <strong>Research</strong>in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe.Lara Slivnik, Jože KušarEXPO 2008 Zarago<strong>za</strong>30. zborovanje gradbenih konstruktorjev Slovenije,Društvo gradbenih konstruktorjev Slovenije,Bled, hotel Golf,9.-10. oktober 2008,http://www.sdgk.siV dveh dneh smo poslušali 30 predavanj, od tega tri vabljenapredavanja: dr. Michel Virlogeux je predstavil <strong>za</strong>dnje izvedenedosežkih betonskih konstrukcij, dr. Jiri Strasky razvoj mostnihkonstrukcij z uporabo visokovrednih betonov in dr. BratislavStipanić realiziran projekt mostu preko reke Visle v Plocku.IzvlečekOstala predavanja so bila tudi letos razdeljena na štiri podskupine,ki so obravnavale okvirne teme: prva mostove, podporne in opornezidove, druga konstrukcije, tretja potresno inženirstvo ter <strong>za</strong>dnjagradbene materiale in eksperimentalne preiskave. Fakulteto <strong>za</strong>arhitekturo je <strong>za</strong>stopalo kar šest avtorjev ali soavtorjev. LaraSlivnik in Jože Kušar sva sodelovala s prispevkom EXPO 2008Zarago<strong>za</strong>.V prispevku so predstavljeni pomembnejši konstrukcijski inarhitekturni dosežki na letošnji svetovni razstavi EXPO 2008.Opisana je lokacija razstave in prika<strong>za</strong>na sta dva infrastrukturnaobjekta: železniška postaja in avtocestni most. Podrobno sopredstavljeni most, ki je hkrati tudi paviljon, nov kongresni center,76-metrski vodni stolp in največji sladkovodni akvarij v Evropi.Arhitekturno <strong>za</strong>nimiva sta tudi španski in aragonski paviljon.Vzpostavljena je primerjava med dvema najodmevnejšimaletošnjima arhitekturnima dogodkoma: med olimpijskimi igramiv Pekingu in svetovno razstavo v Zaragozi.Predavanje je kot članek objavljeno: SLIVNIK, Lara, KUŠAR,Jože. EXPO 2008 Zarago<strong>za</strong>. V: LOPATIČ, Jože (ur.), MARKELJ,Viktor (ur.), SAJE, Franc (ur.). Zbornik 30. zborovanja gradbenihkonstruktorjev, Bled, 9. in 10. oktober 2008. Ljubljana: Slovenskodruštvo gradbenih konstruktorjev, 2008, str. 179-186, ilustr.[COBISS.SI-ID 2226564]Tomaž Slak, Vojko KilarSIMPLIFIED RANKING SYSTEM FORRECOGNITION AND EVALUATION OFEARTHQUAKE ARCHITECTUREThe 14 th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering(14WCEE),Chinese Association of Earthquake Engineering:International Association for Earthquake Engineering,Beijing, China,12.-17 oktober 2008http://www.14wcee.com/AbstractFrom the definition of the term “earthquake architecture” in thepaper is developed a simplified evaluation method to determinelevel of the earthquake logic from the structural as well as from thearchitectural point of view for buildings located in seismic areas.The paper also purposes some evaluating criteria based on simplestructural and architectural parameter ranking system to betteridentify earthquake architecture which might be considered as theintersection of design principles in architecture and earthquakeengineering. The intensity of relations between the two fields isfurther divided into different levels.The waste diversity of parameters and difficulties to make anobjective and unified quantitative judgment, present the complexity96

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