04.04.2014 Aufrufe

christliche werte in wirtschaft und gesellschaft - Professorenforum

christliche werte in wirtschaft und gesellschaft - Professorenforum

christliche werte in wirtschaft und gesellschaft - Professorenforum


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77<br />

I am persuaded by two truths. First, the physical world - which displays a level of complexity and beauty that we<br />

can only beg<strong>in</strong> to fathom (much less duplicate) - bears the unmistakable signature of a superior <strong>in</strong>tellect. Second,<br />

Christianity provides a rational explanation for life on this planet as it really is, not as we would wish it to be. In<br />

light of these truths, I accept the testimony of the apostle Peter, who states emphatically that "when we made<br />

known to you the power and com<strong>in</strong>g of our Lord Jesus Christ, we were not follow<strong>in</strong>g cleverly devised fables.<br />

On the contrary, we were eye witnesses of His majesty" (2 Peter 1:16 New Berkeley Version) (S. 79).<br />

6. Walkup, J.F., Electrical Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g, Texas Tech University:<br />

A majority of faculty and students reject the existence of absolute truth. This spirit of moral relativism is<br />

<strong>und</strong>erm<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g society on every front. As a Christian, I stand firmly aga<strong>in</strong>st that relativism and for the eternal<br />

truths fo<strong>und</strong> <strong>in</strong> God's word. Students yearn for mean<strong>in</strong>g and significance <strong>in</strong> their lives and, like all people, need<br />

to hear that this can be fo<strong>und</strong> <strong>in</strong> the truths Jesus Christ articulated. Many do not know that Jesus is "the way, and<br />

the truth, and the life" (John 14:6 NASB), the only means of reconciliation between God and humanity (Romans<br />

5:11; 1 Timothy 2:5) (S. 85).<br />

7. Keener, J.P., Mathematics, University of Utah:<br />

I f<strong>in</strong>d it impossible to believe that there is no creator. In all of my experience, <strong>in</strong> all of science, I have never<br />

heard of an effect that had no cause. I have never seen a design that had no designer, a law that had no lawgiver,<br />

an order that had not been ordered, <strong>in</strong>formation that had no <strong>in</strong>former. Chance produces noth<strong>in</strong>g. Say<strong>in</strong>g that<br />

someth<strong>in</strong>g happened by chance merely begs the question of the causes that produced the effect. "It just<br />

happened" is simply not an acceptable answer. It is an open admission of ignorance (S. 91).<br />

8. Elz<strong>in</strong>ga, K.G., Economics, University of Virg<strong>in</strong>ia:<br />

My mother died when I was young and my father proceeded to make a mess of his life. While I was <strong>in</strong> graduate<br />

school, adher<strong>in</strong>g to the S<strong>und</strong>ay worship practice my mother had <strong>in</strong>stilled <strong>in</strong> me, I fo<strong>und</strong> two churches <strong>in</strong> which<br />

people talked about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The expression a personal relationship with Christ<br />

caught my attention.... (S. 106).<br />

At a church missions conference one Saturday even<strong>in</strong>g, I asked Jesus Christ to come <strong>in</strong>to my life so that I too<br />

might have a personal relationship with him. I reckon I was born aga<strong>in</strong> this even<strong>in</strong>g. I became a follower of Jesus<br />

of Nazareth. Years later, as I look back on circumstances that would have me attend<strong>in</strong>g a missions conference on<br />

a Saturday nicht, I have to reckon as well that the Holy Spirit had me <strong>in</strong> his net of grace (S. 107).<br />

9. Anderson, R.D., Education, University of Colorado:<br />

God is search<strong>in</strong>g for us. He <strong>in</strong>serted his Messiah <strong>in</strong>to human history as a part of his reach<strong>in</strong>g out to us and thus<br />

dramatically changed the nature of the search. The historical Jesus was not simply another human searcher, even<br />

though our secular culture confidently asserts he was. He is a key part of God's search for us. As a result, we can<br />

pray with simplicity and confidence, as people have prayed down through the centuries, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son<br />

of God, have mercy on me, a s<strong>in</strong>ner". This prayer succ<strong>in</strong>ctly captures what God has done, what we can expect<br />

from him and the posture we assume before him.... (S. 113).<br />

We have enormous value <strong>in</strong> God's eyes. We are not simply blobs of protoplasm, as so many <strong>in</strong> our scienceoriented<br />

culture proclaim. Although the human potential movement has some important <strong>in</strong>sights to offer, it has<br />

shallow fo<strong>und</strong>ations, is based on an <strong>in</strong>adequate conception of spirituality, and has substituted human personality<br />

for a relationship with the liv<strong>in</strong>g God. F<strong>und</strong>amentally, we have potential because we are "created <strong>in</strong> the image of<br />

God" and can be transformed as a result of a liv<strong>in</strong>g relationship with God (S. 117-118).

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