02.11.2012 Aufrufe

Mittsommer - HahnAirport Magazin

Mittsommer - HahnAirport Magazin

Mittsommer - HahnAirport Magazin


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match. But suddenly the ball hits the net. Each marked goal means<br />

change of ends for the two teams. Slowly the players start to get<br />

tired. More often now they reach for their water bottles. The match<br />

becomes a question of honour, disputed between two districts. As if<br />

the winner would go to paradise and the other one to hell.<br />

The crowd goes crazy. One more time the fans scream to encourage<br />

their teams. Than, all of a sudden a goal, a scream from a thousand<br />

throats roars across the arena. A tie, extra time is possible.<br />

Whoever scores the next goal is the winner. And finally Red wins, the<br />

Greens can’t believe it. Policemen stop the two teams from continuing<br />

the confrontation and calm the crowd in the rows. The captains<br />

of each team have much to do know, cheer up the disappointed<br />

or calm down the over-excited. Calcio is also pure emotion. For<br />

the winners and the losers and for the many Italians following the<br />

match in front of their TV sets.<br />

Details<br />

The qualifications confronting four teams take place middle of june,<br />

the final on 24th of June. Traditionally the final begins with a historic<br />

parade. Get your tickets early as the stand seats are usually sold out<br />

very quickly.<br />

How to get there<br />

Ryanair has a daily flight to Pisa. From there you get to Florence by<br />

train. The main station is close to the airport.<br />

<strong>HahnAirport</strong> <strong>Magazin</strong> · Frühjahr/Sommer 2007<br />

© odd.de | image: aboutpixel<br />

Einmal selbst fliegen – mit modernster Avionik<br />

Experience flying by yourself – with state-of-the-art avionics<br />

Als Passagier einer Linienmaschine haben<br />

Sie sich öfters gefragt: „Wie fühlt es sich<br />

an, ein Flugzeug selbst zu steuern und die<br />

Bewegungsfreiheit in der Luft zu erleben?“<br />

In Begleitung eines Fluglehrers und<br />

unter seiner Anleitung können Sie sich<br />

diese Frage bei einem Schnupperflug*<br />

selbst beantworten – es wird ein unvergessliches<br />

Erlebnis bleiben oder Sie entscheiden<br />

sich gleich fliegen zu lernen.<br />

AviatorX ® ist eine zugelassene Flugschule<br />

am Flugplatz Bitburg mit einer Cessna<br />

und einer Piper und bietet Ausbildungen<br />

zum Erwerb von Lizenzen, Berechtigungen<br />

und Qualifikationen nach JAR-FCL und<br />

darüber hinausgehende Leistungen an:<br />

As a passenger in an airliner you might<br />

have wondered: “How would it feel like to<br />

control and fly an airplane by yourself, and<br />

to experience the freedom of flight just<br />

like a bird?” Accompanied by a flight<br />

instructor and under his guidance you can<br />

find out for yourself during an introductory<br />

flight* – and it will remain an unforgettable<br />

experience or you will decide to<br />

learn flying.<br />

AviatorX ® is an approved flight school at<br />

Bitburg Airport providing flight services<br />

and trainings in a Cessna C-150 and a<br />

Piper PA 28-181 in accordance with the<br />

European JAR-FCL for Flight Crew Licenses,<br />

Ratings and Qualifications:<br />

PPL(A), PPL-N, Class Rating SEP, CVFR, NVFR, VFR & IFR Radiotelephony<br />

Communication BZF I, BZF II, AZF, mandatory biennial training flight with a FI(A) in<br />

accordance with JAR-FCL 1.245, differences & familiarization training, trainings for<br />

proficiency checks and rating renewals / revalidations, validation & recognition assistance<br />

of foreign non-JAA PPL, refresher and pinch hitter courses, aircraft charter,<br />

safety pilot services, introductory flights.<br />

Flugschule AviatorX ® · Flight School AviatorX ®<br />

am Flugplatz Bitburg · at Bitburg Airport<br />

FLY@AviatorX.com · +49-170-584-0014 · www.AviatorX.com

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