05.11.2012 Aufrufe

Klinische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Abheilung von ...

Klinische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Abheilung von ...

Klinische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Abheilung von ...


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74 Literatur<br />

40) Madden MR, Nolan E, Finkelstein JL, Yurt RW, Smeland J, Cleon W,<br />

Goodwin CW, Hefton J, Staiano-Coico L (1989)<br />

Comparison of an Occlusive and a Semi-occlusive Dressing and the Effect<br />

of the Wo<strong>und</strong> Exudate upon Keratinocyte Proliferation<br />

J Trauma 7: 924-31<br />

41) Marvin JA (1995)<br />

Pain Assesment Versus Measurement<br />

J Burn Care Rehabil 16, 3: 348-357<br />

42) Marvin JA (1995)<br />

Pain assessment versus measurement<br />

J Burn Care Rehabil 16:348-357<br />

43) McDonald WS, Deitch EA (1987)<br />

Hypertrophic skin grafts in burned patients: A prospective analysis of<br />

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J Trauma 27, 2: 147-150<br />

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Use of honey as an Adjunct in the Healing of Split-Thickness Skin Graft<br />

Donor Site<br />

Dermatol Surg 29: 2: 168-172<br />

45) Mohr VD, Spelter H, Schmidt J, Zirngibl (1999)<br />

W<strong>und</strong>auflagen bei chronischen W<strong>und</strong>en<br />

Zentralbl Chir Suppl I: 56-64<br />

46) Montesano R, Pepper M, Orci L (1990)<br />

Angiogenesis in vitro: morphogenetic and invasive properties of endothelial<br />

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47) Nanney LB, King LE (1996)<br />

Epidermal Growth Factor and Transforming Growth Factor-α<br />

Aus The Molecular and Cellular Biology of Wo<strong>und</strong> Repair: 171<br />

Second edition<br />

Edited by Richard A.F. Clark<br />

Plenum Press – New York and London<br />

48) Nedelec B, Shankowsky AH, Tredget EE (2000)<br />

Rating the resolving hypertrophic scar: Comparison of the Vancouver Scar<br />

Scale and the scar volume<br />

J Burn Care Rehabil 21: 205-212

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