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Plenarvorträge - DPG-Tagungen

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Extraterrestrische Physik Montag<br />

from shifted Max wellians are developing in the heliospheric interface<br />

region both for protons and H-atoms. For the interpretation of innerheliospheric<br />

measurements this has to be taken into account.<br />

EP 8.5 Mo 17:45 Foyer<br />

Constraints on the Heliospheric Magnetic Field Variation during<br />

the Maunder Minimum from Cosmic Ray Modulation Modelling<br />

— •Klaus Scherer 1 and Horst Fichtner 2 — 1 Institut für<br />

Astrophysik und Extraterrestrische Forschung der Universität Bonn, Auf<br />

dem Hügel 71, 53121 Bonn — 2 Institut für Theoretische Physik IV:<br />

Weltraum- und Astrophysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum<br />

Using a dynamic multifluid model of the global heliosphere (Bonn<br />

model) we found, that the variation of the heliospheric interface and<br />

the corresponding cosmic ray modulation can not be made responsible<br />

for the increase of the mean cosmic ray flux during the Maunder Minimum.<br />

This is because the diffusion coefficients of cosmic rays required<br />

to simulate their flux increase need an “intrinsic” time variation, i.e. one<br />

that can be attributed to the solar or heliospheric magnetic field, thus, to<br />

the solar dynamo. Our study of the diffusion coefficients constrains the<br />

decrease in the strength of the solar magnetic field during the Maunder<br />

Minimum to about a factor of 4.<br />

EP 8.6 Mo 17:45 Foyer<br />

Ulysses COSPIN/KET observations of Jovian electrons in<br />

the 3-dimensional heliosphere — •H. Kunow 1 , B. Heber 2 ,<br />

R. Müller-Mellin 1 , G. Wibberenz 1 , H. Fichtner 3 , S. E. S.<br />

Ferreira 4 , and M. S. Potgieter 4 — 1 IEAP CAU Kiel, 24118<br />

Kiel, Germany — 2 FB Physik, Universität Osnabrück, Germany —<br />

3 TP4, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany — 4 Unit for Space<br />

Physics, Potchefstroom University, Potchefstroom, South Africa<br />

One of the fundamental problems in modern astrophysics is the propagation<br />

of cosmic rays in turbulent magnetic fields, which can be studied<br />

by way of in-situ measurements of energetic particles in the heliosphere.<br />

Measurements of 3-20 MeV electrons from 1990 to 2004 have been made<br />

in the inner three-dimensional heliosphere by the Kiel Electron Telescope<br />

(KET) onboard the Ulysses spacecraft. The Ulysses trajectory provides a<br />

unique opportunity to study the propagation of these electrons in a wide<br />

range of heliographic latitudes and during varying conditions. In order<br />

to interpret these measurements, it is necessary to know their origin and<br />

investigate their propagation, by using sophisticated particle propagation<br />

models. Between 1 and 10 AU Jovian, solar and galactic particles contribute<br />

to the few-MeV electron intensities. In this presentation we will<br />

emphasize on the recent Ulysses KET results. At solar maximum Jovian<br />

electrons could unambiguously be identified from heliographic latitudes<br />

beyond 40 ◦ N and ∼10 AU from the planet, implying an efficient (latitude)<br />

transport of these particles.<br />

EP 8.7 Mo 17:45 Foyer<br />

Properties of high heliolatitude solar energetic particle events:<br />

Ulysses observations — •B. Heber 1 , A. Struminsky 2 , M.-B.<br />

Kallenrode 1 , R. Müller-Mellin 3 , A. Klassen 3 , H. Kunow 3 ,<br />

and A. Posner 4 — 1 FB Physik, Universität Osnabrück, Germany —<br />

2 IZMIRAN, 142190 Troitsk, Moscow region, Russia — 3 IEAP CAU Kiel,<br />

24118 Kiel, Germany — 4 SWRI, San Antonio, TX, USA<br />

We analyze 10 large solar energetic particle events detected by the<br />

Ulysses spacecraft at high heliolatitudes during the recent solar maximum<br />

polar passes. The time intensity profiles from the Ulysses KET<br />

instrument are compared with those measured by SOHO/COSTEP and<br />

GOES near Earth. Surprisingly, the intensity of 50 ◦ , while the corresponding<br />

intensity at Earth varies by several orders of magnitude. We find no correlation<br />

of the Ulysses peak intensities and fluences with respect to the<br />

flare location for the first two days. This implies: 1) nearly isotropic injection<br />

to high heliolatitudes, and 2) similar propagation mechanismen<br />

during the first two days of the event. We find that cross-field particle<br />

transport but not the presence of a shock establishes near equal intensities<br />

at Ulysses and in the ecliptic during the decay phase.<br />

EP 8.8 Mo 17:45 Foyer<br />

Evolution of the galactic cosmic ray electron to proton ratio:<br />

Ulysses COSPIN/KET observations. — •R. Müller-Mellin 1 ,<br />

B. Heber 2 , H. Kunow 1 , G. Wibberenz 1 , S. E. S. Ferreira 3 , and<br />

M. S. Potgieter 3 for the KETPOTCH collaboration — 1 IEAP CAU<br />

Kiel, 24118 Kiel, Germany — 2 FB Physik, Universität Osnabrück, Germany<br />

— 3 Unit for Space Physics, Potchefstroom University, Potchefstroom,<br />

South Africa<br />

The on-going Ulysses mission provides a unique opportunity to study<br />

the propagation and modulation of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) in detail<br />

in the three-dimensional heliosphere. The intensity of GCRs is modulated<br />

as they traverse the turbulent magnetic field embedded in the solar<br />

wind. These particles are scattered by irregularities in the interplanetary<br />

magnetic field and undergo convection and adiabatic deceleration<br />

in the expanding solar wind. The large-scale heliospheric magnetic field<br />

leads to drifts of GCRs in the interplanetary medium. The time history<br />

of electrons and protons is a suitable tool to investigate the importance<br />

of drifts in heliospheric modulation. In late 2000, the electron to proton<br />

ratio at rigidities of 1.2 GV and 2.5 GV was roughly the same as in the<br />

previous solar maximum, when the solar magnetic field reversed from an<br />

A < 0 to an A > 0-solar magnetic epoch, indicating that drifts are only<br />

of minor importance at solar maximum. After late 2001 the ratio began<br />

to increase again, leading to the conclusion that drifts are becoming increasingly<br />

important again. We will discuss the Ulysses observations and<br />

compare them with the IMP and ICE measurements in the 1980s, which<br />

reveals a similar time profile.<br />

EP 8.9 Mo 17:45 Foyer<br />

X17/4B solar flare on 28 October 2003 — •A. Klassen 1 , H.<br />

Kunow 1 , R. Müller-Mellin 1 , R. Wimmer-Schweingruber 1 ,<br />

and G. Mann 2 — 1 IEAP CAU Kiel, 24118 Kiel, Germany —<br />

2 Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, 14482 Potsdam, Germany<br />

The solar origin and release of near relativistic protons and electrons<br />

during the X17/4B flare measured by the COSTEP/EPHIN experiment<br />

on board the SOHO spacecraft is investigated. These measurements are<br />

combined with ground and space based spectral radio data obtained by<br />

the Tremsdorf spectrograph and the Waves/Wind instrument. Additionally<br />

we use observations of the Ground Level Event (GLE) measured by<br />

neutron monitors. We study the timing of the different phenomena occurring<br />

during the flare in the solar corona with respect to the proton<br />

and electron events measured near and on the Earth. Interpretation of<br />

these results is discussed.<br />

EP 8.10 Mo 17:45 Foyer<br />



MOON — •Roland Wagner 1 , James W. Head III 2 , Ursula<br />

Wolf 1 , and Gerhard Neukum 3 — 1 Institute of Planetary Research,<br />

German Aerospace Center (DLR), Rutherfordstrasse 2, D-12489 Berlin,<br />

Germany — 2 Dept. of Geol. Sciences, Brown Univ., Providence, RI,<br />

USA — 3 Institut für Geowissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin,<br />

Malteserstrasse 74, D-12249 Berlin, Germany<br />

The dominating volcanic process on the moon was the emplacement of<br />

basaltic lava which formed the dark mare regions on the nearside. A spatially<br />

less abundant volcanic process is associated with volcanic domes<br />

formed by lava materials of higher silica content and much higher viscosity,<br />

which are characterized by a high albedo, a strong absorption in the<br />

UV (red spots), and also by a wide range of morphologies. (1) Photogeologic<br />

mapping, (2) measuring crater frequencies on mapped units, and<br />

(3) the application of an impact chronology model was used to put constraints<br />

on the crustal evolution during lunar geologic history. Two areas<br />

displaying volcanic domes were selected for this study: regions Hansteen<br />

(≈ 11.5 o S, 50 o W), and Helmet ((≈ 16 o S, 30 o W). Photogeologic mapping<br />

and measurements of crater frequencies were carried out on Lunar<br />

Orbiter high-resolution frames. Results show that high-silica, highviscosity<br />

volcanism was active during a period of about 3.8-3.9 Gyr and<br />

was comparably short-lived while low-silica, low-viscosity mare basalts<br />

were emplaced during a much more extended period of time (several 100<br />

Myr).<br />

EP 8.11 Mo 17:45 Foyer<br />

Kaliumdichte und leuchtende Nachtwolken über Spitzbergen<br />

und Kühlungsborn — •J. Lautenbach, J. Höffner und C.<br />

Fricke-Begemann — IAP Kühlungsborn<br />

Täglich dringen ca. 110 Tonnen kosmischen Materials in die Erdatmosphäre<br />

ein. Diese extraterrestrischen Teilchen verglühen in der oberen<br />

Atmosphäre, wobei auch Metalle wie z.B. Kalium freigesetzt werden.<br />

Durch chemische Reaktionen in der Erdatmosphäre bilden sich permanente<br />

Metallschichten zwischen 80 und 105 km aus. Leuchtende Nachtwolken<br />

(NLCs) sind dünne Eiswolken die in ca. 84 km durch sehr kalte<br />

Temperaturen gebildet werden. Sie werden schon seit über 100 Jahren in<br />

polaren Breiten und ausschließlich im Sommer beobachtet.<br />

Mit bodengebundenen Lidar-Geräten (light detection and ranging)<br />

können vertikale Rückstreuprofile aufgenommen werden. Daraus lassen

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