23.12.2012 Aufrufe

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Plenarvorträge - DPG-Tagungen

Plenarvorträge - DPG-Tagungen


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Plasmaphysik Mittwoch<br />

dann in einer Messkammer für Anwendungen zur Verfügung. Ein besonderes<br />

Problem bei Festkörperplasmen ist der Schutz optischer Komponenten<br />

vor Debris. Es werden verschiedene Verfahren zur Debrisreduzierung,<br />

u.a. die Anwendung von Kapillarfiltern und -optiken erprobt und<br />

die Eigenschaften der Plasmaquelle beschrieben.<br />

[1] BMWA-Verbundprojekt SpeXUV, Förderkennzeichen 16IN0211<br />

P 17.23 Mi 17:45 Foyer<br />

Electrical Resistivity of High Energy Density Matter Generated<br />

by Intense Heavy Ion Beams — •Serban Udrea 1 , Naeem<br />

Tahir 2 , Dmitry Varentsov 1 , Carmen Constantin 3 , Eduard<br />

Dewald 3 , Joachim Jacoby 4 , and Dieter H.H. Hoffmann 1,2 —<br />

1 Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr.<br />

9, 64289 Darmstadt — 2 Gesellschft für Schwerionenforschung,<br />

Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt — 3 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,<br />

7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550-9234, USA — 4 Institut<br />

für Angewandte Physik, Universität Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 2-4,<br />

60325 Frankfurt am Main<br />

Intense heavy ion beams are an excellent tool to produce large volumes<br />

of high energy density (HED) matter. The thermodynamic and transport<br />

properties of such systems are of interest for fundamental as well as for<br />

applied research. In this work we present measurements of the electrical<br />

resistivity of metallic wires heated by intense heavy ion beams. The<br />

targets (10 mm long, 0.25 mm diameter) were made of lead, copper and<br />

silver. Oxygen and argon 1 µs long ion beam pulses with intensities up<br />

to 6 ·10 10 particles and energies of 200 and 300AMeV, respectivelly have<br />

been used as drivers. The high energy densities deposited in the targets<br />

(up to 1 kJ/g) have been achieved by focussing the ion beams with a<br />

high current plasma lens down to a diameter of 0.7 − 1.0 mm FWHM.<br />

The measurements are compared with results obtained by 2D simulations<br />

of the hydrodynamic response of the target material and the electrical<br />

current flow calculations.<br />

P 17.24 Mi 17:45 Foyer<br />

Experimental Results on the Energy Loss of Carbon Ions in<br />

Dense, Laser-Produced Plasmas — •Muhammad Youssef 1 ,<br />

Abel Blazevic 1 , Erik Brambrink 1 , Pascal Pirzadeh 1 , Gabriel<br />

Schaumann 1 , Matthias Geißel 1 , Markus Roth 1 , and Dieter<br />

H.H. Hoffmann 1,2 — 1 Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität<br />

Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 9, 64289 Darmstadt — 2 Gesellschft für<br />

Schwerionenforschung, Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt<br />

One of the main research interests of the plasma physics group at<br />

the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt is the investigation<br />

of the energy loss of swift heavy ions in dense plasmas. In this work<br />

we present experimental results on the energy loss of 12 C +6 ions with a<br />

4.8MeV/u initial energy in dense, laser-produced plasmas. These plasmas<br />

were generated using the nhelix laser system (120 J, 15 ns, λ = 1064 nm)<br />

by irradiating teflon foils of 2.70−4.05µm. The energy loss of the carbon<br />

projectiles was measured using the time-of-flight method.<br />

P 17.25 Mi 17:45 Foyer<br />

Space Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy in Long Pulsed Laser Plasmas<br />

— •G. Rodríguez Prieto 1 , M.S. Schollmeier 1 , F.B. Rosmej<br />

2 , A. Azima 3 , A. Blazevic 1 , E. Brambrink 1 , P. Pirzadeh 1 ,<br />

O.N. Rosmej 1 , G. Schaumann 1 , and D.H.H. Hoffmann 1 — 1 GSI<br />

Planckstrasse 1, 64291 Darmstadt — 2 PILMA, Université de Provence<br />

et CNRS, Marseille, France — 3 Universität Heidelberg, Germany<br />

In this work we present our preliminary results of spectroscopic investigations<br />

of plasmas produced by the NHELIX laser facility (140 Joules<br />

in 14 ns, λ = 1.064 nm.) at GSI, Darmstadt. The measurements have<br />

employed two mica spectrometers with a resolution λ/∆λ of 3000 at<br />

wavelengths less than 2 nm. Spectrographic data were used to achieve<br />

space resolved information about the ion velocity distribution, electron<br />

density and electron temperature inside the plasma.<br />

P 17.26 Mi 17:45 Foyer<br />

Design and extension of a Nd-YAG/glass lasersystem —<br />

•Armin Azima 1 , A. Blaszevic 2 , E. Brambrink 2 , P. Neumayer<br />

2 , P. Pirzadeh 2 , G. Schaumann 2 , M. Schollmeier 2 , G.<br />

Rodríguez 2 , J. Kluge 1 , M. Roth 2 , and D.H.H. Hoffmann 2 —<br />

1 Universitát Heidelberg — 2 GSI Darmstadt Plasmaphysik<br />

The propose of this work is to link the beam of a Nd-YAG oscillator<br />

into the NHELIX amplifier chain, which consists of several Nd-Glass amplifier<br />

rods and to focus the amplified light on a target, for analyzing<br />

plasmas with the so called ” backlighter“ imaging method. The special<br />

feature of the system will be the use of two laserpulses simultaneosly<br />

in the same amplifier chain. One beam from a new oscillator and the<br />

other one from an already in use oscillator, which are having different<br />

pulse length (15ns and 500ps FWHM). Although they are propagating<br />

parallel and simultaneosly along the same amplifier rods, they will be<br />

spatially divided after amplification. This is realized due to controlling<br />

the polarization and using some polarizers as kind of a light duplexer.<br />

The estimated light intensity of the two beams in the focus point will be<br />

10 1 3 W/(cm 2 ) and 10 1 4 W/(cm 2 ).<br />

The beam propagation was simulated with the MIRO-Code, too.<br />

P 17.27 Mi 17:45 Foyer<br />

Energy and emission distributions of ions in laser ablated plasmas<br />

from binary TiAl targets — •S. N. Srivastava and K. P.<br />

Rohr — Fachbereich Physik, Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany<br />

The present work for the first time compares spectra of ion energy distributions<br />

in laser produced particle beams from pure metals with a series<br />

of its composite materials. Targets are Al and Ti and Ti25Al75, Ti34Al66,<br />

Ti50Al50 and Ti75Al25, respectively. The measurements are resolved for<br />

the different ion groups. The plasma was produced by obliquely incident<br />

Q-switched laser pulses (EL = 130 mJ, t = 5 ns and l = 1.06 mm) focused<br />

to an ablation area of about 0.3 mm2. Most apparent findings are:<br />

1. The averaged particle energies increase with the charge and the atomic<br />

mass of the ions. This holds for all emission angles and for both pure and<br />

binary targets. 2. As a function of the ionic charge the angular emission<br />

cone steepens and moves towards the direction of the incoming laser<br />

beam. 3. The absolute values of the averaged energies of corresponding<br />

species in the monoatomic and complex beam are essentially equal.<br />

P 17.28 Mi 17:45 Foyer<br />

Segregation of neutrals and ions in laser ablated plasmas from<br />

binary TiAl targets — •S. N. Srivastava and K. P. Rohr — Fachbereich<br />

Physik, Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany<br />

Till now, systematic and differential experiments of laser ablated particle<br />

pulses exists only for mono-atomic target systems.The present experiment<br />

for the first time compares in detail angular emission characteristics<br />

of laser produced plasma pulses ablated from binary material of variable<br />

stoichiometry with each other and with those of its pure components.<br />

As an example system we have chosen Titanium-Aluminium compounds<br />

(TiAl). The plasma was produced by obliquely incident Q-switched laser<br />

pulses (EL = 130 mJ, t = 5 ns and l = 1.06 mm) focused to an ablation<br />

area of 0.3 mm2. The most remarkable results are: 1. All emission<br />

distributions can be well fitted by Gauß-function. 2. The widths of the<br />

emission cones of both, ions and total number of particles, steepens as<br />

a function of the average atomic mass A and can be well approximated<br />

by G = k/A + c. Hereby k systematically depends on the size of the<br />

focal area. 3. The width is decreasing with increasing charge state. 4.<br />

The direction of the emission turns towards the direction of the incoming<br />

laser beam as a function of the particles charge state. The results are<br />

of practical interest and give useful datasets for theoretical simulations.<br />

P 17.29 Mi 17:45 Foyer<br />

Design and extension of a Nd-YAG/glass lasersystem —<br />

•Armin Azima 1 , A. Blaszevic 2 , E. Brambrink 2 , P. Neumayer<br />

2 , P. Pirzadeh 2 , G. Schaumann 2 , M. Schollmeier 2 , G.<br />

Rodríguez 2 , J. Kluge 1 , M. Roth 2 , and D.H.H. Hoffmann 2 —<br />

1 Universitát Heidelberg — 2 GSI Darmstadt Plasmaphysik<br />

The propose of this work is to link the beam of a Nd-YAG oscillator<br />

into the NHELIX amplifier chain, which consists of several Nd-Glass amplifier<br />

rods and to focus the amplified light on a target, for analyzing<br />

plasmas with the so called ” backlighter“ imaging method. The special<br />

feature of the system will be the use of two laserpulses simultaneosly<br />

in the same amplifier chain. One beam from a new oscillator and the<br />

other one from an already in use oscillator, which are having different<br />

pulse length (15ns and 500ps FWHM). Although they are propagating<br />

parallel and simultaneosly along the same amplifier rods, they will be<br />

spatially divided after amplification. This is realized due to controlling<br />

the polarization and using some polarizers as kind of a light duplexer.<br />

The estimated light intensity of the two beams in the focus point will be<br />

10 1 3 W/(cm 2 ) and 10 1 4 W/(cm 2 ).<br />

The beam propagation was simulated with the MIRO-Code, too.

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