Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5


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This species is the marine fungus most frequently found at Grønhøj.<br />

It is common on driftwood on the upper beach, at the base of<br />

the dunes and in the gullies. Fruit bodies, often gregarious, are clearly<br />

seen with the naked eye from a distance of 2 metres (Fig. 13).<br />

The closely related species, C. cristata, is characterized according<br />

to KOHLMEYER (1960) by having 3 septa and shorter spores than C.<br />

comata. A collection with these characters was found by the present<br />

author at Grønhøj on 30.3.70. The triseptate spores measured 28-32 X<br />

8-11;li and were thus significantly shorter and smaller than the<br />

5-sept at e C. comata spores. Ho wever, these spores appear to be toa<br />

narrow in comp arison with the illust rat ions of the type material of<br />

C. cristata. The lateral slime appendages were 16-20 ;li in length. The<br />

perithecia grew in close association with perithecia of the typical<br />

C. comata and were partly free on the wood surface, partly immersed.<br />

KOHLME YER (1963) mentioned a find with similar characteristics<br />

which he referred to C. cristata. Whether C. cristata is a true species<br />

or simply a retarded developmental stage of the extremely variable<br />

C. comata can perhaps be determined by growth trials.<br />

Substrate.<br />

Abies) Lariæ, Picea, Pinus and other conifers. Only one find on hardwood.<br />

Collections.<br />

Jutland, Svinkløv 18.9.65 (1) ; Grønhøj 6.11.66 (1) ; Fjaltring ved Bovbjerg<br />

30 .12.66 (1); Grønhøj 20.-28.8.67 (11); Rømø 1.10.67 (1); Grønhøj<br />

19.10.67 (13) ; 7.12.68 (6); 5.4.69 (25); 26.8.69 (4); Husby Klitplantage<br />

12.10.69 (1 ); Grønhøj 30.3.70 (1 ); 25.8.71 (1).<br />

8. Corollospora Iacera (LINDER) KOHLM.<br />

Halosphae riaceae<br />

Lit.: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 75: 125-127, 1962.<br />

Syn.: Peritrichospora lacera LINDER. Farlowia 1: 415, 1944.<br />

Perithecia almost 0.5 mm in diameter, globose with short beak,<br />

black. On sand grains attached to the wood, on the surface of the<br />

wood or partly immersed. Asci 8-spored, clavate, pointed, unitunicate,<br />

112-150 X 18-28 ;li. Ascospores normally 6-celled, hyaline, with slime<br />

spines around the median septum and with terminal beak with veil,<br />

80-108 X 10-12 /-l (including beak) (Fig. 3h).

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