I Fiance Apicultural

I Fiance Apicultural

I Fiance Apicultural


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Acknowledgments<br />

IWc arc particularly gratefil fbr the generous help of )ale W.<br />

Adams, without which tins study would not have 1)ccn possil.c, lIle<br />

facilitated our access to te valuable library collectioil at Ohio State<br />

University, guided us to ilh(ivol iiillols literature gencrated by the<br />

programi with which li ias loing 1ccit associa!rd, cotrusiIIctively coi 1iliented<br />

ol- the ilnitial resc;uch 1 rposal aod notws, ald arguedolong and<br />

hard with us ol points of disaglt'enculctt. So c suttch disagi'ceiiclit Coilfillies,<br />

evel though ititittcd ;is a rcs'Il oF oll. discussions, mid riovides a<br />

basis [ot- fil tlier rescalch. We alc also gratchil to Carlos F. (uevas,<br />

Douglas II. (iah:i, antd Richid L. Meyer, also)of Ohio State LJnivrcsity,<br />

for shariing theil pioneier ing work anld foi ecourlagilg discussion.<br />

We arc equally giatwfil to th Iiclle l aiodw associated athers with<br />

the Reserve Bank of India's Agricudiurah Cldit (;onmllitt e, oi which<br />

.1oire Mellor scrved, aod jsauticulaily to tile c'ltaii'ita, Ali Kl tsio; tle<br />

nciller secretal,, C. V. Nair; all th llw govcnlor of the Reserve<br />

Bank oflildia, R. N. ialholtra. Nihli that is iolecled il this report arises<br />

froll the insighls folll that itajiol ilVl le)tli au lv'sis ;111(1 Itoli illt crtioll<br />

with ihe va'ious Illill)v'ls amlo asso iat(,s of, the ('OIlilllit(('.<br />

We ait tlaikl'ul to Raisuddixi Ahlncd, I laold Aldcriail, Maik<br />

Roscgrlt, and Stcphc \'osti ofd" IPRI, who c-ommeldted oil Ilhc initial<br />

lroposal anl notcs. li the coutise of this stld' .c rccci'ove valuable<br />

COMlinlits Iltiot Raisliddil .\hlcd, Jolclhiim \.oil ISrin, M. I.. Dallwala,<br />

(himvlt l)'.sai, I Iiman ljzckicl, N'uiil Islam, Solmil Malik, Michael I lptoui,<br />

: Jay Oza, Mark lRose'grlt, anld Vi!jay S. \'\yas. \V, also, llol+-llynlnOls<br />

reviewers Fi' their colllllettS. \';isall '(,maidhi, Ncvillc Fliirisiigic,<br />

Dayanthatlml~Nabil Khlldi, Sllubhi I nimu, Bnlucc Sitolit, anod Sidhir'<br />

Waninali made slpccific conlotilutiolis at pils ill the i'usc of the stldy<br />

for which we owe special tIanks. We ;lso wish to thaink Mlai'k lPhilipps ad<br />

Ellen Tipper, whose assistance ill liticaitui iceiew and daa collatioI and<br />

processing w;Is intvalualle, and Suiltitt', Boca, RaIul Pa.,:dva-lorch, and<br />

Suinan Ruslagi FOi their l ittl lv ltol 'Ot 1 llip tc lt :tssistait'.<br />

We also ha illte bchielits of (coilicits of tilel, itadin)iits of Ow<br />

scitilla Ot toilchlology pouic\ held ill vaculv July 1990 at Illc I laPue, wlCic<br />

a brief petlr on this stit(l w;is picscit's dl. WVc would Cspecially thank<br />

BiaiOc -loleilo for his cOlliill(ilt oil thait )aier.<br />

Finally, we arce gratefitl to the Initi lnsiisutc of Manageient, Ahincdalbad,<br />

hidi a, for Ii i' role ill Facilitat iig lhis rescalrch ail allowing<br />

Bhi)at Desai to take tle exi Cd IGleave wiilhui wichiis study could<br />

not have I)dli coilil)]cltd.<br />

x<br />

Bliipat M. Desai<br />

Johnil W. Mellor

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