I Fiance Apicultural

I Fiance Apicultural

I Fiance Apicultural


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2<br />

rural financial system is a net contribution to or a drain oil public<br />

resourccs? And, (6) what policy conchisions can he drawn from this<br />

analysis? In analyzing these questions, two types of nonprice factois are<br />

considered: those that relate to the various organizational iiieails for<br />

promoting RFIs (for example, th1w deisity of coverage of RFIs), and<br />

those that relate to the external eiiviroilinleiit of agriculttuie and its<br />

econouiic ullit, such as technology.<br />

Tiese six issues are pursued )ecaise of the liimited analysis on the<br />

first two (11lest iolls, inal)propriatC study of the third question, and<br />

inadequtate research on tvh last two qucstions iil ie literature reviewed.<br />

Errors of omission and colnlinissioll have led to questiona)le reoiilliielldations<br />

and formulation of underlying pir-inises Fbr those no ICnIiations.<br />

These includc an understated treed for public policy to focus oil<br />

institutional ieans of fostering growlh of RFIs and iitcgrated rural<br />

capital markets; premature Cmphasis oii Jrivalizatioil of' these instituitions;<br />

oveI-siat (-iliCIH of the level of arid iii(,reasCs ini train0ction Costs,<br />

with a consequent, uiwarrutd conchtsioii that RFI-s are not viable; aiid<br />

assumption of an excessively inclastic 'sCl)olsc of rural loan demand to<br />

IC id-Slierest iatC aid a positive and highly elastic I't-Sp01 s1 of supply<br />

of riral savings and deposits to i.2al iltaetcst ratcs, with a colisr,(Jilit<br />

oveem phasis on incrCasc i1 intercst raIts as a policy instumCnt foi RFIs.<br />

Niich of the ahove RAhlows fromi a "liiail-folhowiuig instead of a<br />

"SUl)~ly-healinig ap~proach to rural filiiaice policy. Bascd on thc li-c-Iise<br />

that this distinction between deiiaiid-following and slipply-lcading filiance<br />

is artificial and ilicorlect, in this study particular attntion is given<br />

to thc simultaneity of druatld for and supply of finance. Specifically,<br />

lie, technology aniid inicreasecd fiialle' aire Se 'i as coill[)lllntaiy.<br />

Tlis study shows that in Ihot I developed and developilg couitri.s<br />

formal rural lenders anid integrated rural financial iarkets emerge<br />

through a dclil)elaic uiblic policy iather than unguided maket forces.<br />

This is i suilstaiiiial part becluisc die fiiaicial market transactions,<br />

which d,-al ill fllurC cveilts, ar- iniately imirf-ct. Oii CoISe(iiCIICC of<br />

public policy is tl secular decline ill the relative importalick! of private<br />

informal lndcls ini the process of ecoinoiluic 1ev)developent. hi ottl triCs<br />

like Jap:,t, dic Republic of lKorea, Taiwan, and the United States (referred<br />

to thoughioit tis analysis as 1mniris successful ii dcvdlop)lllt<br />

of RFIs), publicly supported RFIs have successfully developed, and such<br />

institutions are elierging il an inreasing number of developing coulltries,<br />

such as Iangladesh, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Syria, and Thailand.<br />

Althiough often protpted by financial crises, finailcial restructuring has<br />

in recent. years taken forlis that have led to lower savings rates, higher<br />

inflation rates, lower ecoi c growth, and laikruiptcy of tle finmncial<br />

institutions. EXamples are drawin Froiii Argentiia, Brazil, Chile, Turkey,<br />

and U1ruiguiay. Thie utfvorable te'suits arose from tIhe decline ill loanable<br />

funds, perhaps (ule to elimination of pul)lic iiistitutions, with inade( 1 Itatc<br />

attention to the alheative s availahle, reduced substitiuon of fitancial<br />

dleposits ",I- unproductive fbrms of saving, high substitutahb)ility of fitllncial<br />

deposits for productive capital formation, and high interest rates that<br />

Cncourage inliscrininatC lending. Thus, restructuring RFIs proves to be<br />

a complex question requiring carefid aialysis aild circuminspect decisions.

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