I Fiance Apicultural

I Fiance Apicultural

I Fiance Apicultural


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10<br />

" Tratisaction costs of extcinding rural ciedit by RFIs arC high and<br />

rising. These costs eventually lead to losses, making them inefficient<br />

and iiviable. !hey also lack volintaiy mobilization of rural<br />

deposits and delIinquency rates are high.<br />

* Response of rural loan demand is highly inelastic to the real<br />

interest rate.<br />

* Response of supply of'iiiral financial deposits to the real interest<br />

rate is positive and highly elastic.<br />

" Response of supply oftral saving (p)h ysical and financial) to the<br />

real intercst rate is also positive and highly elastic.<br />

This study tests these premises by reviewing ilie-available literature<br />

and finther processiing olata wh~rTer fasible. It then proceeds to alternative<br />

causes of existing iroblCms of RFIs' viability and contribution to<br />

agricultnral development and suggests positive policy alternatives.<br />

Data Sources, Methodology, and Their<br />

Strengths and Weaknesses<br />

Theire is iio a tietnldouis wealth ofexperirce ill developing coulintries<br />

regarding develop nt of RFIs. A large"literatitc exists, including extensive<br />

description and massive amouits of qualtitative data. lDale Adams<br />

and his colleagues at )hio State I Ilversity have dolle iinch to develop,<br />

collect, and codify that vast literature. Tlhese stildies awr largely at tile<br />

cointi, or instituiional level. Tile issue.s are complex, and the variables<br />

are far larger than even the large imitibc ofstudies that ail be drawn on.<br />

Tis, a coiparative, cross-iation al analysis can rely only ill small part oil<br />

the rigor of' standard statistical tests. A more than nornal appeal to<br />

judgment is necessary. Nevertheless, the authors have tried to array tile<br />

evidence carefilly so that the readler can evaluate their judgnienits.<br />

'Ilet methodology of this study starts witih a large ituitliberof counttry<br />

and instituztiortal cases and then puisucs three elements. First is a critical<br />

review of tile )blis red and unltplblislcd literatire. Second is frthcr<br />

processing and analysis of tie data and information given ill this literatle.<br />

This is especially doloe in claptrls ehited to issues ott promotion of<br />

RFIs and tlre iml)act of real ilterest rates and itoirpricc flilors oil ritial<br />

loan demand and rural dleposit arod saving Suppilies. And third, 13 brief,<br />

case studies, iostly ol Asia, are prepared to covel tIre issues oi ll lllsaction<br />

costs, scale ecoltotijies, viability, and developiental effects of RFIs.<br />

A distinctive fleatme of' these case studies is that oblaiting econrolilies<br />

of scale and scope (that is, savings resulting firotit the volhiiiie and<br />

composition of Ixisittess) itt trailsacliort costs is considered ait alternative<br />

to raising interest rates ill orlder to imiptove ilt- viability of RFIs. This is<br />

important becalrse such eco nomics reflect it ore e ficicit ise of ma nagerial<br />

lesotirces tlan are cotmon to most activities of, RFIs. Also, tire case<br />

stuldies i ovide all oppoitt1lily to ohbsetve Irow RFIs use these ia nagerial<br />

iesoltrces to diversify tlrir lenrding and ioirlenling operations. Of<br />

tile large ritillrber of st ndies iin1( rdr \eiew, oi1lV two addlcssCd this issue<br />

directly (B. NI. l)csai 1986b; l)csai and Nainboodiri 1991).

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