I Fiance Apicultural

I Fiance Apicultural

I Fiance Apicultural


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1,t<br />

4 Finances are required to confier ownership rights to former tenaults<br />

under land reform (Agricultural Finance Corporation 1988;<br />

APRACA 1983; Bauier 1952; Belshaw 1959; Thailand, Cooperatives<br />

Promotion l)eparrient 1979; B. M. DEsai 1989; Donald 1976; Firtl<br />

and Yamcy 1964t; FAO 1973, 1974a, 197,b, 1975, 1976; Meats 1974;<br />

Murray 1961; Reservc Bank of India I9,t5, 1992).<br />

* Because resources of informal lenders are inadequate and illsuited<br />

for tuodernization, they are unable to lend for long enough<br />

periods for farmers to acquire [productive assets and market-purchased<br />

modern yielcl-intioreasing inputs. Ifletce, the growth of'<br />

informal lenders has been inelastic (Batier 1952; Bclshaw 1959;<br />

Lele 17; Meats 191,; Mellor 1976; Rosegra t and Sitminwalla<br />

1988; Rosen 1975).<br />

* Informal eletes have not bci ablh to mobilize finan cial deposits<br />

)ecause their deposit filcilities ate itnadeqtatc, ttsaflc, tInlrIustworthy,<br />

or less remterative (1. M. l)esai 1989; Donald 1976; Von<br />

Pisclike, Adams, and )otald 1983).<br />

" The iniorimal credit nlrkt is fiagimnieitd, iilcirfect, atin isolated<br />

(Bater 1952; elWshaw 1959; B. M. l)esai 1976; Filth and Yatiy<br />

196,1; Nisbet 1969; Reserve Bank of India 19,15, 1951).<br />

The extiil to which each of these tcasolis holds or (lifferent<br />

countries varics, bill thre (.(-iclios aIr(. cl'at. First, the. teasotis are<br />

essentially itiiversal. Seolid, te have titrelged frolll Ile thre basic<br />

policy goals of RIlIs, tiwtiev, rural growiIh with equitv, iitegrallioll of"<br />

rural fiancial iarkets, an(l econiomics of scale and scope. And third,<br />

the(x)ericllce of a secular increase i thilte relative rol, of itstitittional<br />

credit and tlie CotnSequent declinte iti inollisltlitutiotial loanis has occurred<br />

in a wide varicty of coiiitis iti both dcvelopit tg aid daveloped rcgiotis<br />

(Figures I and 2).<br />

Based on tite-seties data or nine ,majorAsian counitries, Figure 1<br />

shows, fitst, that the shame of instituiionial loans initIhe total aimount of<br />

loans to farni households inceaseCd over linic in highlncolmle countries<br />

(HICs), niiddle-iicotle Coniitics (M1(]s), and low-imcoiie Countries<br />

(LICs) in Asia. Second(l, cotsidctiiig th ese ilitie Asian counltries at a<br />

cotiiparal Sage of d(Clhiltimit, tliealverge share of iislitutonal<br />

loans in ilt li presetnt I Is (Japall, laiwati, tie Republic of' Korea) was<br />

geierally hiigiet ii Ihe 'arly 1950s imd 1960s (lit average of about 31<br />

)et'ceit) Ihltaitn the l)rtselil lCs (Ihe- remiainiiig six cotlittis) illihle<br />

early 1970s (ahouti 19 peteiilt). Third, lthe ill(i;se ilt ile pelceitage of'<br />

institutional loatis ov(er tivi was iitch Iiiglier ill Asiall MICs (except<br />

Taiwain) aild Asiani 1,ICs tianl inJapaii or 'aiwai. This is becaisc lhe<br />

Asian MICs had ; iniiich lowcr shame of istitiluliotial loans to )egin with.<br />

Moreover, betlweeiiJapalil and 'laiwai, the ilictielse ititheinstititiontal<br />

share was siharlper iii laiwan. Both thcese facts sitgg(,sl that initial coiditions<br />

related to R"Is wcrc nithillio1"e favorable in Japat Ilati iiltihe<br />

LICs. This is also iitle for I'aiwant, followed b), the Rcpublic of Korea,<br />

and thl Philippiines.<br />

Ctoss-iialiotial shacs of, iistilitiotmal oaiis inthe imid- Io latc-1970s<br />

rCitI'oitce the above coiclutsions (Figutc 2). ''hw shame of' institutiomial

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