CAD/CAM/CAE : electronic design automation, 1992 - Archive Server

CAD/CAM/CAE : electronic design automation, 1992 - Archive Server

CAD/CAM/CAE : electronic design automation, 1992 - Archive Server


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10 <strong>CAD</strong>/<strong>CAM</strong>/CAB^-Electronic Design Automation Applications<br />

Finally, please note that despite the care taken agencies, and trade associations may use<br />

in gathering and analyzing the available data slightly different definitions of product<br />

and in attempting to categorize those data in a categories and regional groupings, or they may<br />

meaningful way, careful attention must be paid include different companies in their summaries.<br />

to the definitions and assumptions used herein These differences should be kept in mind<br />

when interpreting the estimates presented in when making comparisons between these data<br />

this document. Various comparues, government and those provided by others.<br />

&I992 Dataquest Incorporated September—Reproduction Prohibited

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