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Abstracts 428 - 438<br />

<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

DRY GOODS (Cont'd)<br />

428 - H&G Jan. 1; adv: 1/3 - W. G. Lewis, Dealer in Staple and Fancy<br />

Dry Goods: No. 11, Superior st. (1)<br />

429 - H&G Jan. 1; adv: 1/5 - Removal. The subscriber has removed his<br />

store to the new 4 story brick building, 6 doors east of the Commercial<br />

Bank of Lake Erie. Prentis Dow. ' (1)<br />

430 - H&G Ja.n. 1; adv: 1/5 - New Fall & Winter Goods. J. & W. Day are<br />

receiving and opening an extensive assortment of Fall & Winter Goods.<br />

431 - H&G Jan. 1; adv: 1/5 - New Goods, Jas. H. Kelley has this day received<br />

his fall supply of Dry Goods,' consisting of as great a variety<br />

as can be found at any store in this city; all of which will be sold<br />

extremely low for cash, and cash only, at 44 Superior st. opposite the<br />

Post Office. (1)<br />

432· H&G Jan. 1; adv:I/5 - To Milliners and Dress Makers. - 200 lbs<br />

Whalecloth for Stays just received and for sale by J. S. Lane, 20 Superior<br />

st. (1)<br />

433 • H&G Jan. 1; adv: 1/6 - Cotton Batting, 125 Bales just received on<br />

commission, and for sale low by C. Bradburn & Co., 88 Superior st.<br />

434 - H&G Jan. 1; adv: 1/6 - New Fall and Winter Goods .• Leonard &<br />

White, No. 65, Superior st., Commercial Buildings, are now receiving direct<br />

from the cities of New York and Boston, their supply of Fall and.<br />

Winter Goods, to which they respectfully invite the attention of their<br />

friends and the public generally. (1)<br />

435 - H&G Jan. 1; adv: 1/6 - 5 Cases Kentucky Jeans - Just received and<br />

for sale, wholesale or retail, at the manufacturers prices, by Jas. H.<br />

Kelley. (1)<br />

436 • H&G Jan. 1; adv:2/6 - Dry Goods at Auction. D. Cutter, will offer<br />

at auction on Tuesday. the 3d of January next, a great variety of Dry<br />

Goods. Most kinds of Michigan money, of chartered Banks, received. (1)<br />

437 - H&G Jan. 1; adv:2/6 - New Fall and Winter Goods. George Palmer,<br />

93, Superior st. has just received from New York his supply of Goods,<br />

which are offered as low for cash or short approved paper. as can be got<br />

this side of New York, wholesale or retail. (1)<br />

438 • H&G Jan. 1; adv:3/1 - Cash Wanted. Not at 5 per cent per month<br />

but on good debts. All persons indebted to the late firms of Catber &<br />

Kelley, King & Cather, or to the subscriber by note or book, and who do<br />

not cancel the same by the first day of January next, will have to pay<br />

costs with the debt. Robert Cather, Dec. 29. (1)<br />

89<br />

(1)<br />


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