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<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

Abstracts 1586 - 1588<br />


"Wbigs of Cuyaboga! you bave taken issue with your opponents upon<br />

your respective principles, and your continually increasing majorities<br />

is but the verdict of condemnation to theirs, and of approval to yours.<br />

They know it, and their bopes of success now depend solely upon division<br />

in our ranks. 'Divide and conquer' is now tbe motto inscribed upon their<br />

banner. - The spirit of Union must pervade your ranks; private pique and<br />

personal preferences must be sacrificed; and once more into the breach,<br />

in Solid Column, and a victory will be ours, creditable to us, and useful<br />

even to our opponents." (27)<br />

1586 - H&G Sept. 26; ed:2/2 - In less than two weeks tbe great battle<br />

at the ballot boxes has to be fought in Ohio.<br />

"Whigs of the Reserve! Are you ready? The whole state looks to you<br />

as the grand pbalanx that with a giant's bead will crush Loco Focoism<br />

to the earth in Obio. Prove yourselves worthy of former victories -<br />

worthy of the proud title of Whigs of the Reserve Heal divisions - forget<br />

differences - make measures, not men, your leading star - turn out in<br />

your strength, and your Representation will be free from a Sub-Treasury<br />

spot - and your patriotic Farmer Governor will leave the glorious Reserve<br />

with an overwhelming majority of Ten Thousand!" (6)<br />

1587 - H&G Sept. 26; ed:2/3 - In a letter to Elisha Whittlesey, the<br />

Central Committee of the Whig oarty says: In consideration of your long,<br />

arduous, faitbful, and meritorious services as a Representative in Congress,<br />

and at the solicitation of many of your numerous Whig friends in this<br />

county, we tender to you an invi tation to meet your Whig friends of said<br />

county at such time as may best suit your convenience.<br />

Those Whig friends are anxious in times like these to hear the views<br />

and sentiments of a man on wbose private and pol itical integrity they<br />

can rely with the utmost confidence.<br />

In reply, Elisha Whittlesey says: I wish it were otherwise, but such<br />

are my engagements that I cannot at present designate any time when I<br />

could spend a day at Cleveland. Our opponents wage a war against the<br />

institutions of the country, to keep in office the present incumbents,<br />

and to secure a continuation of the present dynasty.<br />

I hope all divisions with you and elsewhere, may be healed and that<br />

tbe watchword may be "Union and Victory."<br />

(H&G) "In such a crisis, the advice and counsel of Elisha Whittlesey,<br />

a man honored and respected by all as the faithful, devoted, and unswerving<br />

Representative of the people must bave weigbt and influence with<br />

reflecting, candid, and sensible men. - Weigh it - act upon it." (15)<br />

1588 - H&G Sept. 26; ed: 2/5 - B. Andrews refuses to publ i sh the reply of<br />

Lloyd to the Abol itionist, but distorts and misrepresents his answer<br />

for tbe purpose of assailing and branding him as an Abolitionist! It is<br />

in character with the wbole course of the disorganizer. "When wiJI his<br />

'independent candidate' shake cff 'expediency' and his keepers, so far as<br />

to publicly answer the query?" (1)

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