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<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. I TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

Abstracts 1719 - 1726<br />

POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS & ELECTIONS - United States (Cont'd)<br />

1719 - H&G May I; ed:2/3 - We have not learned the result of the election<br />

for member of Congress held in Baltimore on Apr. 25.<br />

"Probably a Loco foco is elected, as the Locos were using the new<br />

registry law, which does not take effect until August, against the Whigs<br />

in the present convass. The law is calculated to keep illegal votes out<br />

of the ballot box, and is therefore obnoxious to the Locos, who in<br />

populous cities possess a magician's skill in manufacturing votes for an<br />

occasion." (2)<br />

1720 - H&G May 8; ed: 2/3 - "Election returns come in slowly to our Locofoco<br />

neighbor. He does not publish a word from Baltimore, Virginia, or<br />

the glorious 'democratic reaction' in Albany! 'Put master Silence to<br />

bed! '" (1)<br />

1721 - H&G May 22; ed:2/3 - Mr. Hamer of Ohio has formally declined being<br />

a candidate for Congress at the ensuing election.<br />

"The people of his district had made arrangements to lay him where he<br />

has laid his resolution - on the shelf; but the dodger has dodged them."<br />

(1)<br />

1722 - H&G May 22; ed:2/3 - "The whole Locofoco delegation from Georgia<br />

are to go into retirement, not so much from choice as necessity, the<br />

party having beld a convention and nominated a fresh set to fill their<br />

places in Congress • if elected." (I)<br />

1723 - H&G May 23; ed:3/1 - The N.Y. TIMES, a conservative paper lately<br />

establ ished, has come out in favor of Henry Clay for President and<br />

N. P. Tallmadge for Vice-President.<br />

"Tbe TIMES is edited with great ability; and will prove a powerful<br />

opponent to Mr. Van Buren's administration." (1)<br />

1724 - H&G June 1; ed: 2/3 - Senator Tipton of Indiana very wisely declines<br />

being a candidate for re-election.<br />

"The Hoosbiers are too warm friends of another sort of 'Old Tip,' to<br />

vote for Tipton again. He can read the signs of the times." (1)<br />

1725 - H&G July 30; ed:2/3 • Col. John McElvaine offers his name as a<br />

candidate for Congress in the Columbus district now represented to the<br />

satisfaction of the people by Joseph Ridgeway.<br />

"The principal qualifications he urges are, that the<br />

moccasion was familiar apparel with me and mine,' long<br />

probably be elected - to stay at home."<br />

281<br />

'buckskin and<br />

time ago. He will<br />

(1)<br />

1726 - H&G Aug. 4; ed: 2/3 - The congressional campaign is opening wi th<br />

vigor in different portions of the State.<br />

"We notice that county conventions have been called by both political<br />

parties in many of the counties, and that the contest is becoming spirited."<br />


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