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<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

Abstracts 1907 - 1914<br />

POLITICS & GOVERNMENT - United States (Cont'd)<br />

no proofs of his capacity or efficiency to establish any claims to the<br />

Whigs of Massachusetts as a candidate for their suffrage." (21)<br />

1907 - H&G Nov. 10; ed:2/3 - Shinplasters. - Mr. Woodbury has given notice<br />

that on Nov. I, 1838, the amount !Jf outstanding Treasury notes was<br />

only $8,009,760.0l! "Tbis is tbe 12tb year of tbe 'Golden Humbug! tt, (1)<br />

1908 - H&G Nov, 17; ed: 2/3 - The Buffalo COMMERCIAL, OHIO STAR, and<br />

Painesville TELEGRAPH have come out in favor of Gen. Harrison for the<br />

Presidency. Each of these papers support Gen. H. as the "available"<br />

candidate, and not as their first or even second choice.<br />

"Availibi lity has heretofore proved a bad ship for Whigs to sail in,<br />

but we make no objections to our friends trying it again, provided<br />

always, they stand ready to be piped aboard and do duty on any other a<br />

National Convention may choose as the flag ship. " (2)<br />

1909 - H&G. Nov. 17; ed:2/4 - The rage for Military rulers has become<br />

almost a mania since the success of Gen. Jackson. No man without an<br />

heroic handle to his name obtains any favor with hurrah politicians.<br />

"With all deference to the claims of other heroes for the station,<br />

we must be permi Ued to add another to the 1 ist of Presidential candidat.es,<br />

viz: Com. Bi 11 Johnson. the Hero of two wars, if not the third!<br />

Are not his claims already sufficiently emblazoned?" (2)<br />

1910 - H&G Nov. 20; ed:2/3 - The Anti-Masonic Nominations maje at Philadelphia<br />

appear so much like a cart before the horse business, that trouble<br />

at the starting post in 1840 may be anticipated, let alone winning the<br />

race. (1)<br />

1911 - H&G Nov. 24; ed:2/4 - It is expected by the Whigs that the 26th<br />

Congress will stand 140 Whigs to 102 Locos - Whig majority, 38.<br />

"It is counting chickens before they hatch, and we should not be disappointed<br />

if some of the eggs should prove to be addled." (2)<br />

1912 - H&G Nov. 28; ed: 2/1 - We place the name of Henry Clay, our choice<br />

for the Presidency, at the head of our columns today, there to remain<br />

through the coming contest, unless the wisdom of a Whig National Conven:'<br />

tion shall designate an older, we cannot say better, soldier to lead the<br />

Whig army of the Union to Victory in 1840. "The banner is therefore<br />

unfurled. " (5)<br />

1913 - H&G Nov. 28; ed:2/2 - "Read the Proclamation of the President.<br />

It is all 'gall and wormwood' to the 'patriots' of all political parties<br />

in this quarter." (1)<br />

1914.- H&G Dec. 10; ed:3/3 - Our readers have the President's message.<br />

"It seems to us to be able, and at the same time, in its tone, moderate<br />

and conciliatory.<br />


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